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Everything posted by Mabelen

  1. It's still too early here, but my daughter will love this!
  2. Isn't Maricopa county where at one time there were packs of Chihuahuas running around the streets?
  3. Beautiful dog! We have a chihuahua mix. She has thin, long legs, and is very chesty; we think she is part Italian Greyhound. She may also have pug as well, her tail is curly and she has some subtle brow marks too. Your dog could be a mix of several breeds too. Glad to hear your daughter's foot is healing well.
  4. I must have low standards for this! As long as it mostly follows Spanish norms, I am happy! I suppose it is relative. Compared to how familiar with Spanish names people in the UK and Maryland were when I lived there, California is a marked improvement, 😂
  5. I am in California, Spanish place names are everywhere. After all, the Spaniards were the first Europeans to settle here and Spanish was the first European language in the area. They are pronounced following Spanish language norms, albeit with an American accent.
  6. Yes, you can have several scenarios. My mind went straight to first generation immigrant like myself, born and bred outside the US. In this case, even if we realize and accept that our names will not be pronounced properly, it is nice and appreciated when someone bothers to try to do it right. Sometimes first generation immigrants will adopt a local or anglicized variant of their names for practical reasons. I didn't think that was the case here because the spelling is still in Spanish, but of course I am speculating, just like anybody else, lol. The further along you go the generations, the more likely it will be that the pronunciation will deviate from the original language.
  7. So, how did it go? Did you have to ask him? Inquiring minds want to know, 😆.
  8. Well, yes, I guess how it ends up pronounced once it is anglicized and distorted could be different, but I took that the OP was asking how it was pronounced in the original language, which is Spanish. In English, the equivalent form of the name would be Xavier. I have a Spanish name and, of course it usually does not get pronounced the same here as in Spain, but if someone asks, I will give them the proper way.
  9. Sorry, not "Jay....". The letter "j" does not sound the same as in English.
  10. "Hah bee air" would be the closest to true pronunciation. The stress is on the last syllable, specifically on the letter "e". The final r is pronounced. The standard Spanish pronunciation of the letter "v" is the same as that of the letter "b". Exceptions are some areas in Latin America due to interference of indigenous languages or in some regions in Spain due to interference of the Catalan language or one of its dialects (Valencian, Mallorquín).
  11. One of my favorite boy names. I had my first crush on a boy named José Javier. I have Saint Francis Xavier (San Francisco Javier) in my paternal family tree.
  12. I haven't but it looks interesting. I will try to watch it. Thanks.
  13. Here is the thing. Universal health care provides health services to all. We all contribute and we all benefit from their services. Yes, usually there are limits to what or how much of it because you also can't bleed the country to financial ruin to cover every single thing, everywhere, immediately. Universal access to care and preventive services limit higher costs down the line. Sometimes you will receive services but there will be a wait time. Other times there will be restrictions to how much of a service you can receive. These decisions are made with the entire nation's well being in mind. Just like you make decisions thinking on what is best for your entire family overall. Not everyone is going to be happy. There is no perfect system, obviously, but I would rather have a system that looks to the nation's well being when making those decisions than a system that looks to the insurance company's financial profits. I have lived for 34 years in two countries with different universal health care systems. I have now lived in the US for almost 20.
  14. I have a 13 year old in public school and this is the first thing I have heard about it. I have already touched on about suicide, bullying, sexual harassment etc. with my daughter. I will have to investigate. Thank you for bringing this book/movie up.
  15. I still don't get how people think that rationing only happens in universal health care systems. Any medical treatment your current insurance does not cover is already rationed! I am not talking about voluntary cosmetic surgery or anything of that sort. I have read the list of excluded services in my policy. Everyone should read theirs too. Besides, even treatments that are supposedly covered can be denied by the insurer, whose ultimate goal and reason of being is making money and a profit. How is that any better? In countries where there is universal health care, you can always also have separate private medical insurance or, you can always go to the private sector and pay out of pocket, just like you would do here for a treatment not covered by your current health insurance plan.
  16. Yes, we have one that goes from knowing everything and anything we say or do is offensive to feeling and behaving like a helpless little child from one minute to the next. Lovely phase indeed!
  17. Oh, my lord! I don't even know what to say other than you, poor woman! Obviously your medical case was mesmerizing enough for the ER doctor to forget to actually give you a proper diagnosis. I hope your infection clears quickly and there are no more fascinating medical twists!
  18. I did all mine! In addition, I also did quite a bit of ironing and exercised. I have tomorrow's tentative to do list ready. I am off to bed soon.
  19. So incredibly sad and frustrating what totalitarian regimes can do to a whole country.
  20. Mine: Breakfast Clean dishes soaking in sink from lasagna prep for tonight's dinner Pay bills online Help dd with math Put dry clothes away and washed clothes to dry Lunch with dd and dh Take dd out with friends Fit in older dd online chat somewhere when she gets up and messages me Free to go for a walk and read!
  21. I am glad to hear that the Continental style is acceptable here. I must say that the American style is not very efficient. I have tried at times to follow it but I just can't for the life of me get used to it!
  22. A lot of girls at my daughter's middle school love Starbucks. I saw a few who posted about buying one.
  23. The one thing that I remember saying is "Anunciamos tu muerte, proclamamos tu resurrección. ¡Ven, Señor Jesús!" but that is after the priest says the body and blood part, as a response to "This is the mystery of our faith". That is not what you heard, is it?
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