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Everything posted by Mabelen

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. It looks like bcp can cause some pretty severe psychological symptoms. Those of you that experienced this, how long before you felt normal again?
  2. She has an appointment tomorrow. Her second cycle should have started yesterday but, of course she did not take it. I do hope she can get back to normal soon! It's exhausting for her!
  3. Yes, she is definitely going to do that. I am wondering if there is anything else she can do right now?
  4. This is the first time on the pill, but the symptoms are driving her crazy! They are interfering with her daily life right now.
  5. Has anyone experienced this or know anyone who has? What doctor do you go to first if they are interfering with daily life and you need help? Thank you!
  6. Hugs. Life is just not fair. I hope the meds work with no side effects.
  7. Some parts are auto graded. For essays, the student submits the work and the teacher grades the work. There are guidelines for the teacher as to what is expected for each essay or free response question.
  8. It's not ideal to have to wait for two weeks, mostly for your peace of mind. Try not to worry. I am sure, whatever it is, a couple of weeks will not make a huge difference. ETA I also like Catwoman's idea of being persistent and hope for a cancellation!
  9. I am so sorry for all the trouble. I am no expert on lady bits, so I don't know what to say. I personally would want to see my gynecologist to have all my questions answered properly.
  10. Mac don't run on Windows so they are good.
  11. Because people are people? And we do a lot of things that we know are bad for us and fail to do lots of things that we know are good?
  12. Massive ransomware attack hits 99 countries - CNN Money https://apple.news/AVXQ-q39YRsG4CTTutlV2-g Make sure your PCs have the latest updates. ETA: number of affected countries keeps rising.
  13. I don't have any experience. I just wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you. Do take care.
  14. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your son. I really hope his health issues resolve easily and that the impact on his college and military plans are minimal. What a trying time! All the best.
  15. I have an app subscription for BrainPop Spanish. My 13 year old starts the day watching a couple of lessons every morning at breakfast time. I would prefer to save the money, but I find it completely worth it.
  16. Still to do: Put clean dishes away Put one laundry load away and another one to dry Make rice salad for tomorrow's piano festival Add my school events to calendar Chat with older daughter re passports and study abroad plus summer Ironing
  17. I do believe there are parents like this. It works really well until it doesn't and then it is really bad.
  18. My best guess is that whoever sent that email did so by accident. It most probably was an in-joke that they never intended to mail. Alas, there it is now, in the sent mail box, whoops! It could also totally be that someone is that stupid and/or desperate!
  19. Clean pasta dish prep dishes for tonight's dinner Breakfast Drive and pick up dd to/from dance Take dog for walk Drive dd to robotics Start laundry Renew library books Lunch Start dishwasher Make rice salad for tomorrow's piano festival Add my school events to calendar Chat with older daughter re passport and study abroad plus summer Nap Pick up younger dd and robotics friends from "adventure walk" Vacuum Ironing
  20. I don't have any advice. I am all ears, we have some concerns about my daughter's growth.
  21. I asked my 13 old public schooled daughter if she had heard of it. She had, but said she had no intention of watching any of it. However, both my daughter and her best friend were horrified that a third friend was allowed to watch it while she was not allowed to watch any news or current events programs whatsoever. They were very critical of this girl's parents because this friend is completely ignorant of what is going on in the world and yet, she is allowed to watch this and The Big Bang Theory. It didn't help that the third friend reacted very inappropriately to the news of racist harassment in their neighborhood against Asians and South Asians (third friend is white, my daughter is mixed, best friend is South Asian). If my daughter wanted to read the book or watch the series, I would definitely want to do it with her. We have discussed suicide. We had a 21 year old neighbor kill himself last year although we didn't witness anything. I only heard about it well after the fact. We have discussed bullying extensively. We have discussed sexual harassment but only briefly. I try to keep an eye open for natural opportunities to discuss difficult issues.
  22. Wow, Lisa. That is quite an unexpected change of plans. I had my younger daughter go to a free heart screening by a non profit organization, the Erick Paredes Foundation. My mother in law had a congenital heart condition and my daughter had complained several times of heart pains. The pediatrician had attributed those to her asthma but I wanted to rule out any heart issues. She had the ecg and then the cardiologist sent her for the ekg. Thankfully, everything was normal. I hope you can receive the best news possible this summer.
  23. We have had it for the last 8 years. We all, including my college daughter, have been very happy with their road assistance services. It might depend where you are located. Here in Southern California they seem to be very good.
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