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Everything posted by Mabelen

  1. This is crazy! Our insurance needs to have a primary driver assigned to each car, and of course, the primary driver is whoever uses each car the most.
  2. Laura, were you born overseas too? My older daughter is British, she was born in England and my husband had naturalized by then. My American born daughter is entitled to the British passport because of my husband, but she will not be able to pass it on to her own children.
  3. I couldn't agree more with this assessment. I don't have anything against the discovery method. If done right, it can lead to solid mastery of concepts. However, I think, for most students, you definitely need a very good to excellent teacher leading the class, much more class time to allow for those discoveries and connections to be made, and a lot more class time again for practice that leads to long term retention. I have yet to find all of these elements present in my daughter's school math class. For this reason, I believe direct instruction would yield much better results in most public schools.
  4. I agree with the criticism that too much emphasis is placed on team work. It is sad, but I have stopped relying on the school for math instruction. We afterschool math at home with one on one tutoring twice a week now. If she gets a good math teacher, then great! If not, at least she is getting instruction at home.
  5. Just make sure that you can still fit in all the other graduation and college prep requirements.
  6. This is the textbook my daughter is using for Math 1:http://cpm.org/int1
  7. What are your objections to the integrated path as it has been done in your district? I don't object to an integrated path per se. It really is the way math is learned in most parts of the world and I how I learned it myself. When my oldest got to high school I found the traditional sequence a bit odd, to be honest. What I object to is incompetent math teachers regardless of path. I have come across a couple of these at my daughters' schools. They can wreck havoc with students' futures.
  8. My daughter is a rising college senior. She had plans for the summer that were put on the back burner to deal with health issues. She is doing better now although the issues are still ongoing, but under control right now. She could graduate in December but she is planning to take a reduced load and focus on her health and on bringing her gpa up with an eye to apply to grad school in a year. After graduation she is planning to work to save up for grad school, volunteer in an area that will strengthen her grad school application, and apply to the several programs in our area so she can attend while living at home. I am happy that she has found direction and delighted at the prospect of having her back home soon.
  9. All our high schools run either on the trimester or the quarter system. At our zoned high school, you can start with Math 1 in 9th grade and get to AP Calc or AP Stats by 12th grade if you take 3 trimesters of math every year. Right now my daughter is planning to take band all 4 years of high school. Band uses up 2 class periods trimester 1, and 1 class period trimester 2 and 3. She could still get to AP Calc or AP Stats by senior year taking 2 trimesters of math a year because she is getting 1 year of high school math credit this year in 8th grade.
  10. If you want to compare the traditional sequence to the integrated path, you can check out the following page: http://cpm.org/textbooks/ For the integrated sequence, pick CC Integrated 1, CC Integrated 2 and CC Integrated 3. For the traditional sequence, pick CC Algebra, CC Geometry and CC Algebra 2.
  11. No. Maybe if I lived somewhere deprived of food choices would It be worth it. Fortunately, I have always lived where there are many good choices, so no way would I drive that long just for a meal no matter how good it was.
  12. Our school district has chosen the integrated math path too. So for high school you have Math 1, Math 2 and Math 3 instead of the traditional sequence of Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2. In our area the number of district that chose either path are pretty evenly split. At the end of the three years, students in any of the districts will have covered the exact same content, regardless of path. My 8th grader is taking Math 1. At her school, because it is a middle school, Math 1 is a year long class, although it is structured in 2 semesters. If she had taken it at high school, it would have been a two trimester class, so the pace would have been faster. I honestly prefer skill subjects to be year long, it's better for long term retention. All those months in between math classes or foreign language classes can't be good.
  13. My older daughter use to have straight hair but it started getting wavy around puberty. I have always had straight fine hair, mostly light brown in color plus a little blonde, mixed in with a little coarse darker hair. I am now post menopausal and beginning to get gray hairs. I have noticed that most of the gray hairs are the coarser waiver type so they are more noticeable.
  14. Good luck. The friend thing is so hard. There are no guarantees for sure. I thought things were heading better this year for my 8th grader but it doesn't look like that's the case. She does not fit neatly in any of the 3-4 groups at school Last year was very difficult with her now ex best friend. We thought those issues were over even if they were no longer best friends, but it seems like the ex friend is dragging them on So, if it is any help, you can tell your daughter that my public schooled daughter just begged me to find her a friend.
  15. My vote goes to ugly. I would not wear them myself but I wouldn't judge others!
  16. Yeah. That would definitely freak me out. I would fear something dreadful had happened to o one of my dear ones. My husband is away on business trips often and I have a kid away at college, so my thoughts would go straight to them. The only time I have memory of something like that happening was to notify my neighbors of their young adult son's death to suicide.
  17. I am so sorry. You are right that often there is no pleasing these kids at this age. I have a 13 yo dd in 8th grade at public school. We still have to afterschool math because for some reason, they can't find teachers that know how to teach math well. To be honest, most of her other teachers have been really good, some even excellent. Academically speaking it's been positive and I can see that she is being challenged and growing. The girl drama though, especially last year, was intense and painful. We seem to have started off on a better note this year. I hope you end up with the best possible scenario for your daughter.
  18. San Bernardino (2.5K) and the Inland Empire in the South are affordable because they are farther inland and very hot, more like Arizona than what people think California. Many people there have long commutes to other areas like San Diego (-34.2 K) and Los Angeles. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/where-working-class-families-can-kiss-goodbye-to-the-american-dream-2017-08-31?utm_content=buffer8bb3f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer&mg=prod/accounts-mw Most make sense but I was surprised to see any green in California, and expected Seattle to be redder and Boise to be green instead of pink. Here is a link from the people who made the infographic: https://howmuch.net/articles/where-the-working-class-can-afford-to-live
  19. Sorry, we just had a power outage and the post went wonky!
  20. I got my blood type tested at school with the rest of my class. We even got the card with the drops of liquid and the blood reaction.
  21. This used to be me too. I always would have to lie down and see how others would come and go while I was still filling the bag.
  22. Yes. He is pretty picky, probably more so than myself. It might not be the perfect house but it would be a solid pick. His only problem might be not negotiating price enough if he fell for the house and didn't want to lose it. I am less emotional about buying a house.
  23. Is she drinking enough liquids for the weather and/or indoor temperature? Is she getting her normal amount of physical activity? Sometimes doing some specific yoga poses can help move things along.
  24. Me too. Even my older daughter is deemed unfit because she technically lived for 3 months in the U.K. within the mad cow disease epidemic time frame, even though they were the first 3 months of her life. She didn't eat any beef products for sure, although she was breast fed. I guess they are not taking any chances!
  25. We are living in bought house #3. I grew up in a rented apartment my whole life. Back in the early 20th century, the company my father worked for built a whole subdivision. Employees paid a low monthly rental fee and the lease was indefinite so long as the employee remained at the company, at a time when job security was high. The employee renters were responsible for maintaining the apartment and they were allowed to make home improvements. It was a great arrangement. Luckily enough for my parents, the company eventually agreed to sell the units to the employees for a really affordable price. My parents would never have been able to be home owners otherwise.
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