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Everything posted by Mabelen

  1. Yes, my nephew did a double major in economics and political science. My daughter considered a double major but did not pursue it. She was dithering too much. She received an accepted a merit scholarship at her campus. All UCs as far as I know have some merit scholarships. They are the Regents' and the Chancellors'. All of them offer certain privileges and some monetary prize (renewable all 4 years if gpa requirements are met). The monetary amounts depend on each campus. The higher ranking campuses tend to offer very little money unless there is demonstrated financial need. The lower ranking the campus, the higher the monetary incentive. Our FAFSA EFC is higher than the UC cost of attendance, so we have no financial need. For example, monetary awards for students with no financial need for Regents' are $2,500 per year at UC Berkeley, compared to $10,000 per year at UC Riverside. Tuition is over $13,000. UCSD has the Jacobs School Scholarship for engineering. Ten incoming freshmen get full tuition and living expenses every year. One of my daughter's classmates got one. We know the family and they have 0 financial need. There may be other merit scholarships that I know nothing about.
  2. I realized that you are in California. Both my nephew and daughter were at UCs. Different campuses will have more or less flexibility depending on major. My nephew was at UCLA, he is one of those kids that can ace anything without a sweat and still have plenty of time to have fun. After graduating, he went straight to law school at UC Berkeley. He passed the bar exam last summer and is working at a law firm in San Francisco. My daughter went in undeclared. She needed a lot of flexibility, so we opted for one of the lower ranked campuses, where she benefited from a merit scholarship and priority registration. Any of the major combinations that she considered would have been feasible if she had wanted.
  3. My nephew did a double major in economics and political science in four years. My daughter considered a double major in sociology and several other areas: linguistics, business, and cultural and media studies. She is graduating in June, and she is most likely adding a minor in education now that she is leaning towards a career in school counseling.
  4. We moved to the opposite coast when my oldest was 13, from a a small private Pre-k-8 school where I taught to a public middle school. She didn’t want to move. She was very happy here and had good friends. It was difficult. She survived, and everything was fine. I think one important point is that we had to move. She knew that we really had no other choice. If it had been a non essential move, she might have harbored some resentment.
  5. We looked at leasing a car for our daughter. We never did because when I checked how much it would cost to add it to our insurance policy, the cost was through the roof. We ended up buying a second hand car. Nextdoor is a good source in our area for cheap second hand cars.
  6. If you are in a state where the state university system only takes a certain percentage of the top of each class for certain campuses, you may want to take that into account when deciding your student's middle school placement.
  7. Think what the school is like academically. Does it have a good group of high achieving students? Do they offer advanced classes? Does it feed into a high school or that offers lots of AP classes or equivalent with good results? If so, your daughter will very likely do just fine with her age mates. My daughter is in 8th grade at a public middle school. She was placed in all advanced classes this year. She is doing great and feels challenged. I can see how fast and far if she is growing academically. When she gets to high school she can choose from many AP and Honor classes.
  8. When is too cold too cold? That is definitely subjective, depending on what is extreme for a particular region and how well prepared people are to deal with those weather conditions. In Maryland, our schools would have indoor recess when the temperature dipped below 20F including wind chill factor. In Southern California, we get indoor recess the minute it rains a tiny little bit, even if the temperature is always above 60! Why? Many kids here don't even own Wellington boots or a raincoat!
  9. I didn't know how common it is to be honest. My daughter is definitely prone to them. She did a belly button piercing after her nose piercing and she had to take it out for the same reason. She finally got the message through that piercing is out for her!
  10. I wrote an update in the original post. Some of you were asking about her sleep. She sleeps well, when left to her own devices she will sleep 9 hours, unless it has been a particularly busy exhausting day, then she will occasionally sleep up to 10, but in general she seems to need 9 hours. On school days she usually gets close to 9 but not the full 9 hours. I hear you, shinyhappypeople. We have been consulting with the pediatrician and the pediatric endocrinologist for over a year, and not once have they even mentioned her weight as something we had to do something about until I brought it up last week. They were asking about her diet and exercise levels and saying her height should eventually catch-up with her weight. Anyway, we finally got the kick in the pants we needed to work on it and have my daughter on board!
  11. My older daughter got her nose pierced. My husband is South Asian, and she looks very much like his side of the family, so for her I hope it would just look ethnic. Having said that, she did end up developing a granuloma on the piercing site. The dermatologist had to cauterize it and that was the end of it. She no longer has that piercing. Apparently some people are prone to these, and she is one of those people.
  12. I am trying to think how our district handles this. They have an alternative to school P.E., called OCIS P.E. (Off Campus Independent Study). The requirements are that the student participates for a weekly minimum of 15 hours, that they are training under a qualified trainer and that they are competing at the state, regional, national or international level. For dancers, they have requirements about rehearsal time and also solo dances etc. They require proof of all those requirements. As far as how it is presented in the transcript, I am not sure. I have seen a middle school transcript with the legend OCIS P.E. I don't believe they get grades.
  13. Thyroid levels are normal. She had extensive blood work recently due to our concerns regarding her growth.
  14. Regarding exercise. She does have 1 hour daily P.E. She has always had demanding teachers that keep them moving. However she is not an athlete. She likes dancing and swimming. We have some weights at home. I just don't know what to do with them! Any work outs that you guys recommend?
  15. I just want to say that I am reading all of your input. I am trying to digest the different possibilities and suggestions. She definitely loves her white carbs. That maybe the main culprit. She also loves her dessert, but we have already cut down on that, portion and frequency wise. She does not eat junk at school from other kids nor does she eat school meals. I get up early in the morning and make her lunch to take to school. Birthday parties I suspect she does not hold back. As far as timing, breakfast is usually between 6.45-7.10. Lunch is at school at 11.50. As far as dinner, we have started eating dinner early for about a month now. She comes home from school and eats dinner around 4.30pm. If she is hungry later, she can have a snack, but it is always a healthy low calorie snack and before 9.00pm. Today she had 1/4 cup of red kidney beans and 1 glass of 1% whipped milk topped with pumpkin spice. We aim for bed by 9.45 but it is usually 10.00. She gets up around 6.45 am.
  16. Can you have PCOS if you haven't started menstruation?
  17. By Mediterranean, I mean I come from Spain and I follow more or less how I used it eat there, what is typically known as a Mediterranean diet: Eating primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, legumes and nuts. Replacing butter with healthy fats such as olive oil. Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods. ... Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week. The area where I can improve is more whole grains, and reduce starch amounts. We don't drink sugary drinks, only water, non sugar green or herbal teas. The whole family would follow the diet, although I don't want to lose weight. I am 5 3" and weigh 112-114 lb. I am also menopausal so at risk from osteoporosis.
  18. My daughter started out very sad at having to make changes. She grieved and mourned for a bit but she is fully on board now. We have been busy looking at ways to improve our diet. We agreed to reduce portions a bit in general, and carbs and dessert in particular. Upping vegetable and fruit. Substituting high refined carb foods with healthier whole grain varieties. We used to eat sour dough bread, we tried 2 kinds of rye bread and we love them! We have tried some pasta varieties that will also work. My daughter has been adding extra exercise time. She is motivated to get better. I want this to become a habit that will stick for life. I am still trying to wade through all your posts and possibilities in detail. I really appreciate your help. Thank you so so much! OP We just came back from the pediatric endocrinologist. We have been concerned about my 13 yo dd's growth. Her height kept going down the percentiles. All tests have come back within normal range. It looks like she will end up being on the very low end of her expected height. Her weight is a concern, especially because it's all on her belly. The doctor saw possible signs of insulin resistance. This needs to improve. Not only for general health, but also specifically because of the effect it has on bone development and final growth. We want to help her lose weight. Our diet is good. I do a lot of cooking from scratch and follow a Mediterranean diet. However,it's not good enough for this particular child. I need to replace the refined carbs with substitutes that will not make her and us feel deprived. Ideas? Her exercise level should be sufficient, but obviously it is not. She has daily P.E. at school, plus 1 weekly dance class, weekly practice and many extra rehearsals. She starts her day by carrying a heavy bassoon (and backpack and lunch box) up a steep road up to her school. You would think she would be burning a bunch of calories just with that exercise alone! She needs more exercise. Any time and cost efficient suggestions? Thank you so much!
  19. Did it have to go through quarantine or did documentation prove sufficient?
  20. It is easier to get the job first. If the company hires your husband knowing his foreign status, they should sort all the immigration for you. You mentioned pets. The U.K. used to have extremely stringent policies regarding pets. Have they changed recently?
  21. Technically, no one has ever proposed to me! It's just not in my tradition. A previous boyfriend and I talked about marriage. He was very keen, while I was uncertain, which is why we ended up breaking up. I married the second man with whom I talked about marriage, but like I said, he didn't propose. It was something we discussed and decided on jointly.
  22. Yup. That would be me too. 53 and I already had my surprise baby at 40!
  23. Todo lo que hizo este artículo fue irritarme mucho.
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