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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. I have the Math Sprints 1 but I'm not using it at all. Each page is a single concept, and I want(ed) more of a mixed review (like Daily Math review for ongoing practice during the year or whatever). I think it would be good if you wanted to further drill one particular concept at a time.
  2. We got a few logic games this year and I think it's a tradition we'll continue. The girls received: Camelot Jr., Castle Logix, Hide & Seek Safari. They loved them!
  3. This is what I was going to suggest. It's on our line up to do next year with a K and 2nd grader. :)
  4. My 6 yr old is the same. Loves (or at least enjoys) math, barely tolerates reading (with much groaning and gnashing of teeth...)
  5. I like the readers from Primary Phonics, but I doubt you'll ever find any reader that lines up perfectly w/ OPG...
  6. Wow, Disney & Depp are neck-in-neck! I showed the Disney version to my lil' girls and they liked it. (My youngest insists I address her as "Tweedle Dee.") Thanks for all the feedback.
  7. We're carrying on... but I'm adding LOE Cursive for oldest DD. And we're switching (temporarily? permanently?) to Math Mammoth from Singapore. Oh, and I'm adding on a NC state study vis lapbook + a few library books.
  8. Thanks for these recs. My 6 yo isn't reading independently yet, but these sound right up our interest-alley. Off to see if our library has them!
  9. I got my printed Math Mammoth books yesterday and I think I :001_wub: MM, too! :001_rolleyes: I think the MM 1A looks perfect for where we are NOW (nearly 2nd semester 1st grade) but I can't imagine using them at the very start of 1st! (Singapore seems to have a more gentle beginning, with such a solid foundation in number bonds and lots of hands-on practice with manipulatives and games). I'm definitely thinking I'll pick up MM after Christmas....but I'm also now VERY glad that we did 1A of Singapore first! (In fact, depending on how things go, I may use this same route for my youngest...just do parts of 1A in late kindergarten). Thanks again for all the feedback. :) I'm excited to get started with it!
  10. Alright, I have a new money-waste for this year: Hooked on Phonics. Hugely expensive for basically readers and word-family lists, with some workbooks thrown in. IDK, it's not terrible, but for the price I was expecting something a little....deeper.
  11. I did not feel my 1st grader was ready for Ancients -- and certainly not ready for SOTW or MOH or any of the others I looked at. We didn't do any history/geography/etc this first semester. After Christmas we'll be adding in a state study lapbook (state motto, bird, seal, brief history, etc). I think that's a good segue into American history next year for 2nd (going to do Elem, History w/ a K & 2nd), then a world geography year. Then we'll be all set to dive into ancients with a 4th and 2nd grader. *For me* that sounded much more reasonable and do-able... I have no suggestions how to make TOG work for you now, but good luck!
  12. Oooh, I like the look of those Math Minutes (we have Math Sprints but did just a page of it....I like the format of these better.) I think I might add the math and grammar books...
  13. We're currently listening to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland as an audiobook. I have fond memories of watching the 80s made-for-tv live-action movie, as well as the Disney version. But I'm wondering about some of the other versions I'm seeing out there..... Do you have a favorite AiW production? (Please pardon my lack of chronological order in the poll.... it's bugging me....)
  14. There are a couple of freebies online, that mix preschool/kindergarten programs with Christian content (character, Bible stories, etc): ABC Jesus Loves Me (free, with the option of purchasing it pre-printed) - combines preschool/K curriculum with Bible Hubbard's Cupboard - has curricula for PreK/K with a Christian focus *I've used neither, but have looked at them from time to time. My 4 yr old is using the R&S ABC books (well, just a few that I had leftover from older DD). When she finished in the spring, we'll probably move on to CLE's Kindergarten II program (which I'd purchased for K.)
  15. Thanks for all the feedback! I'm still debating about whether or not to switch whole-hog....but I did purchase the print version of the Grade 1 books. I'll probably let DD work through them a bit over Christmas to see if she likes the style. I have a feeling she will -- this is my "I don't need anyone (especially mommy) teaching me anything!" child. I think she'll like a workbook that's more addressed to her (instead of my explaining and teaching with SM.) We'll see. Again, thanks for all the thoughts!
  16. When I was younger and thinner (with long straight hair) I used to hear --often-- that I looked like Alanis Morrisette.
  17. Very cute! Thanks for mentioning the book -- my library has it and I've got in on request. :)
  18. Well, HSBC has such a great whole-set deal right now, LOL, I say get 'em all and start at the beginning! :D
  19. My 4 year old is getting the pirate ship toy from Jake & the Neverland Pirates. :D But other than that, we're deeply steeped in the world of My Little Pony (Friendship is Magic) at our house. Is there a particular show/character your niece likes? When mine was 3, she loved Curious George... Do you know what she's into? Baby dolls? playdough? pirates? ;)
  20. First, let me say: I :001_tt1: Singapore. I really do! But I'm looking for ways to make our school time simpler, and I'm drawn to the idea of an all-in-one teaching text/workbook. We're currently about 2/3 through SM 1A. Here are my options: 1. Go ahead and get MM 1A & 1B and start over from the beginning 2. Start after Christmas with MM 1B 3. Finish Grade 1 with Singapore, start with MM2 in the fall 4. Don't switch!!! You'll regret it! :p What would you do?
  21. I can't say we have a favorite, but we've just started Stick Figuring Through the Bible. We are using their "Birth of Jesus" mini-unit as an intro to the style, but plan on starting OT after Christmas. Anyway, I chose this b/c my kiddos love to draw, need something to keep themselves busy during a lesson, and I wanted more of a Bible survey, not devotional. For devotional, I have Long Story Short, but I haven't really been using it. :p We tried Bible Study Guide for all Ages, but I just couldn't get into it. I prefer a chronological study & BSGFAA jumps around... but I did like the supplements you use with it (time line cards, Bible books cards, cd songs, etc). And I liked that it works on Bible drill and memory verses with each lesson. It's pretty popular here, from what I gather.
  22. :iagree: I've decided I'm willing to pay more just to get my orders quickly and without any worries...
  23. My 1st grader starts a LOT of words from the bottom (f, l, t, h, n -- oh, too many to count!) despite my constant instruction. I finally gave up this week and we're switching to cursive, LOL. If you come up with something that helps, do share. :) Someone on here once said to have the child stand at an easel to practice writing the letter -- that it's much harder to write from the bottom-up at that setting... (I don't know, though, we never tried it.)
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