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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. We're going in a few weeks. I hope it's not a disappointment! We're huge Disney fans so I'm sure Lego Land just isn't going to stack up.
  2. With everything you just said, I'd be outta there. I just had surgery on Thursday and I mentioned to the surgeon beforehand that I had felt itchy when I took hydrocodone a few weeks prior. He immediately told me never to take it again and even gave me an allergy bracelet to wear during the surgery and post op. Allergies or possible allergies should be taken seriously.
  3. I'm not too excited about it. Like Kohl's, you can always find what you want on sale at JCP. If it's not on sale that week, just wait till the next and it is sure to be. They mark up so they can have their "sales." I'm pretty sure this new JCP thing will just be them stopping the mark ups and now charging regular prices. I never buy full price from JCP or Kohls.
  4. If I thought my child may be interested in the field trip for younger children, I would inquire about it. I would NOT have gone about it the way that lady did though. I would have said something like "Hi, I know you said that the field trip was for younger kids, but I think that Little Johnny here would be interested in it. He's fascinated with grocery stores. Do you think it would be okay if we signed up too?"
  5. My blog (link in my signature) is called Just Another Day In Paradise. It's off of that song from Phil Vassar, which pretty much sums up our life LOL. Our blog names are all Disney related due to the fact that our family is a Disney loving family. :D
  6. OP here.... Wow, thanks for all the replies everyone! I've read through each and every one. As far as protein goes...we had just come from dinner. However, she hadn't had much protein with her meal at all. She had a dinner roll, a salad, and some macaroni and cheese. So no meat or beans or anything. So she very well may have needed some protein. Yes, she was still tantruming when we got home. She was sent straight to bed. I did go in and talk to her when she calmed down, but like usual, talking to her doesn't help. She shuts down. In her mind, she's never wrong. She kept saying that she didn't do anything wrong. I tried to explain that acting that way is wrong in itself. Her only focus was that she should have been the one to hold and look at the trash. She just can't or won't see past that. I feel like I can't get through to her because she can't see that she did anything wrong. Someone mentioned to NEVER let her get her way when she throws a tantrum. We do already do this. If there's a tantrum, it's an automatic no. That's my mantra to her at times. I tell her "tantrums will NEVER get you what you want." She will not be staying in bed all day tomorrow. However, we will stick with the fact that she's lost her American Girl doll, as well as her Skylanders game, because we already doled out those consequences. I don't feel it is in our best interest to go back on them. Someone mentioned an act of service to everyone who had to witness her tantrum. I like this. Hmm...wonder how I could incorporate it next time? Any ideas? What could she do for me? Her father? Her 4 year old sister? I've tried to figure out what calms DD down. Either nothing does or I have yet to find it. I've tried instructing her to take a deep breath, or pray. I've looked sternly at her and told her that she needs to calm down and get in control. Maybe I just need to try a little harder to figure it out. She's my child who will tantrum for hours. We arrived home at 7:30 and I sent her straight to bed. It's 10:30 and she's still awake in there. Still calling out at times. When I ignore her or tell her to go back to bed, another tantrum begins. I'm just refusing to engage. However, that backfires too because it causes tantrums as well. I definitely need to read the Explosive Child. She's most definitely explosive. But only with us. She's utterly shy around everyone else. I'm going to have to look into the 1-2-3 Magic thing. Thanks everyone!
  7. I hear ya. Actually, I just took a look at your blog and I think we'd get along great LOL. I never feel like I fit in either. I'm not a girly girl, so I never fit in when the women are chatting about clothing, fashion, etc. I, too, seem to parent differently than everyone. We've been attending our current Sunday School class for several years and I still don't really talk to anyone.
  8. DD7 has always had quite the temper. She's our stubborn, high maintenance, negative child (she has good qualities too LOL...just thought I should throw that in :D). Tonight, I was running into WalMart while DH sat in the car with all 3 girls. As I got out, there was some sort of disagreement about a piece of trash. :confused: It was the trash to DD4's new toy but DD7 wanted it. DH told DD7 to give it back to DD4. That's when it all broke loose. DD7 got angry because she picked up the trash (it was a piece of paper with Barbies on the back and she was looking at it). She didn't want to give it back to DD4. Regardless of who should be holding the trash, DD7 should not have proceeded as she did. She broke into the mother of all fits. She was totally and completely out of control. The side door to the van was open and people all over the parking lot could hear her and were staring at us. I'm sure they thought she was being kidnapped or something! :glare: She was thrashing around in her booster seat, kicking the seat in front of her, screaming at the top of her lungs, crying, etc. Infant DD's car seat is directly beside DD7's and whenever DD7 would thrash around, she would hit infant DD's seat, causing her to cry. Honestly, DH and I have no clue how to get through to her when she's like this. I ended up taking away her American Girl doll, not allowing her to play her Skylanders game tomorrow on the Wii, refusing to stop by her aunt's house on the way home (her aunt had a surprise to give her) and sending her to bed immediately upon getting home. Each one of these continued to escalate her fit. I went ahead and went into the store, as we needed a few things. DH informed me that her fit continued while I was gone. He ended up telling her she was to stay in bed all day tomorrow (except for attending church and eating meals). I told him that may be a bit harsh and he agreed that we can alter it if I saw fit. So I'm not sure. But we don't know what to do. What would you have done? What do you do with an out of control child? Nothing gets through to her. After her fits, she has no remorse for how she acted. She says she did nothing wrong. And just for the record, she has no sort of diagnosis. She's a typical child. She is sort of quirky with a few OCDish tendencies, but that's all. I have made it clear to her that it is NOT okay to act like this....ever. She does not get physically violent to people during these episodes. She told me that hitting her sister's car seat while thrashing around was an accident....and I do believe that it was. Any ideas or advice?
  9. I love introducing my kids to cartoons I watched as a child. So far they have seen Care Bears, My Little Pony, Pink Panther, Rescue Rangers, Tom and Jerry, Caspar, Smurfs, and Heathcliff. I did turn off Smurfs and Heathcliff due to all the name calling though.
  10. LOVE!! I'm a total Ikea fan...I just wish the closest one wasn't 3 hours away.
  11. I'm totally convinced that iTunes is of the devil LOL... Either that or created just to drive people insane. So insane that they want to throw their computer out the window...that way Apple hopes that people will buy a Mac.
  12. I'm usually a Britax fan, but for your price range I definitely recommend the Graco Nautilus. I've heard really good things about them.
  13. My older two are 7 and 4, so I feel your pain. Younger DD is only 3 months so I don't have to deal with a toddler interrupting school....yet. DD7 is always worried/interested about what DD4 is doing when I'm working with DD7. I hear "it's not fair that she gets to play!" I just remind her that at 4 years old, I didn't require much school of her either. But yes, DD7 is a grumbler and complainer as well. I try to make school fun, but ya know, sometimes things just have to get done and it's not so much fun. Thankfully, DD4 plays alone extremely well and does not tend to interrupt school with DD7. I do incorporate DD4 quite a bit. She sits in and does grammar with us (First Language Lessons), Bible, history, and science. Plus any extras we may do. The only thing she does not do with us is writing, reading, and math. I set aside about 20 minutes a day to do her own phonics and math with her.
  14. Nope...never. Part of why I homeschool is so that I can have an active role in my children's childhoods and spend time with them.
  15. Unschooling intrigues me. In my opinion, it takes a lot more work and planning than actual homeschooling. At least I would think that it does because you have to prepare and find so many hands on learning opportunities. My question is....how do you teach things like grammar? I would think that it would be difficult to learn about things like capitalization, punctuation, parts of a sentence, and stuff like that without actually being taught about it. I was just wondering what subjects like that look like with unschooling. I'd love to "test the waters" of unschooling. I don't think I'm organized enough to get into it full time, but I'm wondering what those subjects would look like.
  16. Have you looked into Celiacs or just gluten intolerance?
  17. I have an expired container of the non-stick cooking spray (canola oil). It says October of 2011. I need it and its the only one I have.....can I use it?
  18. My 7 year old daughter is currently into.... Skylanders My Little Pony craft sets Barbie DVD's Playmobil Squinkies scrapbooking American Girl
  19. If you want quick testing, the ER would be your best bet. I know that our clinics do not have any sort of testing for things like that and our ped would just refer us out.
  20. Yeah, the only ones who ever watch Netflix are the kids...and that's for cartoons. I might pull the occasional educational show to correspond with a lesson. It bugs me that they never have new movies and I always have to hit Redbox if I want one.
  21. DD7 has played soccer and may play again this season. She plays for the Y and they have an hour practice on a weekday, then an hour long game on either a Friday or Saturday. So basically about two hours per week.
  22. I keep hearing how people use essential oils. I read a blog today where the lady poked holes in the top of a canning jar, poured in some backing soda with a few drops of lavender essential oils. What exactly are they? Are they all natural? A more organic way of doing things? If so, I'm all for cutting out chemicals. What are some other ways to use them? Are they okay for kiddos to be around?
  23. No, my kids don't participate. It might be neat to let them narrate a post every once in a while....but I prefer to write my own blog.
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