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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. DH does sometimes ask "when are you going to stop nursing her?" But he does not push it or anything. So he's pretty supportive.
  2. I love White Elephant gift exchanges (that's what we've always called them)! They are so much fun. Like someone else mentioned, we have a rule that something can only be "stolen" 3 times, or else the game could go on forever. But it is only fun if there are pretty good gifts. If someone re-gifts their bath lotion that they do not want, then it really isn't very fun because no one wants those. I try to put thought into my gift and get something that people will want to steal. I wish everyone else did too. Last year we went through the entire game with no steals! :001_huh: Everyone brought crappy stuff LOL.
  3. I chose "other" because I'm still currently nursing my 33 month old. I nursed my 5 year old DD until she was 27 months. She self weaned then....I think because I was pregnant and the taste of the milk changed, plus I don't think I was producing very much after I got pregnant.
  4. I'm not sure why peds are always so quick to blame breastfeeding. Your milk is the absolute best nutrition that your baby is receiving. I would look into giving her vitamins. If she won't eat a lot of food, will she drink a high calorie drink like pedia-sure? Or something of the like?
  5. DH is THE hardest person to buy for. He has no hobbies, doesn't like to read, doesn't really work in the yard or garage. All he really likes is football. He's already got season tickets to the local NFL team and has all the shirts/jerseys he needs. And we have cable for him to watch games. So, he is getting the following: Prison Break Season 1 a nice button up shirt with T-shirt to go underneath The Shining Sword book (he has mentioned several times in the ten years that we've been married that he read this book as a young teen and really enjoyed it. He mentioned he would like to read it again sometime. So I found it online and got it.) cologne an alarm clock that shines the time on the ceiling....DH says he cant read our alarm clock in the middle of the night without his glasses because it is across the room...so hopefully this will help. I feel like all my gifts are lame LOL. But he tells me that he doenst want/need anything. :confused:
  6. Things like that creep me out. As someone else mentioned, maybe you could call the man back yourself and speak with him? I'm not confrontational at all, so I'm not sure I could do that, but maybe you could? I'd definitely keep a close watch on things for a bit. And not let her walk to/from the bus stop alone.
  7. I would just accept the gift with a smile and then do whatever you want with it. After all, a gift is a gift.....not something we get to choose. She does think that your DH likes Star Wars, so it looks like she is trying to be thoughtful.
  8. LOL!! That is so funny!!! And yes, I would totally do that.
  9. Yep, I'd just shoot her an email and politely let her know when you'll be needing (wanting) them back.
  10. That is awesome!!! I just love when you can find THE GIFT....the one you can't just go to Wal Mart and pick up, but one that actually means something. I'm sure he will love it!!
  11. A little over a week ago I wrote a post about how absolutely horrendous bedtime was with our 5 year old DD. That post is here. We had tried everything. So I decided to try a combination of things. We wanted to keep her in our room, but in her own bed, like we've been trying to do. We also wanted her to go to bed at a decent time on the nights that we are home at that time (ideally around 8:30). And we wanted no screaming, yelling, crying, backtalking, calling me 100 times, etc! So here's what I decided to do....we had previously tried letting her sit in bed and look at books, color, or listen to an audiotape. But the thing was, she would NEVER lay down to go to sleep. And when she became bored with whatever she was doing, she would start calling, crying, etc. So I'm allowing her to sit IN HER BED for 30 minutes. I set a timer. She can bring whatever she wants to bring in there with the exception of the portable DVD player. She can look at books, play Leapster, play the DS, color, draw, whatever. When the timer beeps at 30 minutes, I told her that she must slide everything under her bed, cover herself up, lay down, and go to sleep. I also sit a quarter beside her bed. If she stays in bed that night without calling me or crying or anything, she gets to keep the quarter in the morning. Enough quarters and she can buy something. This is night six...........and every.single.night has been WONDERFUL. Happy, happy, joy, joy LOL!!! And the great thing is, this works on the nights when she gets in bed at 8 PM.....and it also works on the nights that we may not get her in bed till 11 PM. I will phase the quarter thing out eventually, but for now, .25 cents per night of peace is WELL worth it to me.
  12. Thanks for the reply! I'm not sure if we have a call line like that or not. We do have BCBS, so I'll have to check into it. The bump does not seem to cause any discomfort to her either. So I may just wait a few more days and see what happens.
  13. Yeah, it is hard when babies get such "big" gifts and the older one is thinking that they didn't get something quite as big. Can you label one of those gifts to both kids? Maybe the train table? I know that my 5 year old DD would still enjoy playing with a train table. Does your DD already have a scooter or somthing like that? My DD5 is not getting anything big (as in size wise) this year either. But then again, neither is DD2, since we already have a lot of the large childrens toys like a kitchen, train table, etc. Is your DD crafty? At Hobby Lobby I saw a big cardboard house that sets up and the child can play inside of it. But they also color it and decorate it themselves with markers and such. That has a "big" wow factor due to the size. I know that my DD5 would love something like that, but we do not really have anywhere to put it.
  14. Oh my gosh! That is a great story! And the way the guy reacted was priceless LOL!
  15. I noticed a bump on DD2 last week. It is right on her little nipple. Just wondering if I should be concerned about it or let a doctor look at it? Her other nipple does not have this and DD5 has never had anything like it. I hesitate to post a photo since this is an open forum and you never know if there are perverts lurking....so I will take this down this afternoon/evening. I don't want to take her to the doctor if it is only some sort of pimple in a strange place. I asked my mom and she wasn't sure what it was. It almost looks filled with liquid or something. Here's a pic I took of it: ***photo deleted*** Should I take her in? Should I just wait and see if it goes away? I noticed it about 5 days ago....not sure how long it has actually been there.
  16. I usually eat something every night before I go to bed because my blood sugar tends to get low. I usually eat one of the following: cracker sandwiches with cheese and pepperoni in the middle a bologna and cheese sandwich on a sandwich thin 3 microwaveable sausage links
  17. The Blind Side. It was an AWESOME movie. I'm not sure why it is rated PG-13....I thought it was very clean.
  18. Honestly, I don't think the video on either one of those is going to be that great. I have the regular Flip and the video quality is okay....pretty much YouTube quality. And I also have a camera that shoots video and it is about the same quality as the Flip. I do not have the HD Flip so I'm not sure how much of a difference it would make. I would think that it would still shoot it below the quality of a full sized video camera.
  19. Your kids sound just like my 5 year old DD. She is very much a rule follower and she would definitely think that if hoe is a "bad" word, then she should not say "ho, ho, ho" like Santa. I can honestly see her never saying the words "ho, ho, ho" again if it happened to her, despite my reassurance that it was fine to say it.
  20. This will be our last week of school before our "break." And this week is not a normal week, we are doing Christmas School this week. Next week we will not do school at all. The following week we will do some things....maybe some reading lessons, still learning memory verses for AWANA, maybe a few math lessons. But not too much stuff.
  21. Sorry, but I have to disagree. My oldest is five. She has no idea what a cuss word is. I work hard to keep her sheltered and innocent for as long as possible. Kids don't need to know those words. I would be absolutely livid if my child came from a friends house spewing that filth. We absolutely do not cuss in our household. None of the family members that we visit say cuss words. Yes, I would feel like my child had lost part of their innocence by learning words like that. According to the OP's post, her child began crying before she got upset about the words they had heard. But yes, you do need to speak with the mother. I am shy and I do not do well with things like that. But I think I would have to find some way to speak to her about it.
  22. Long story short, we adopted a kitten about 2.5 years ago for DD. The cutest little gray cat you ever did see. DD(then 3) named him Armadillo. Fastforward about 2 years and we had to get rid of him because I found out I was highly allergic to cats (never owned a cat before this one so I never knew). My parents decided to take him for us. They live right around the corner from us so DD got to see him often. Soon after, they found out he had lymphoma. This was about 6 months ago. Tonight he is doing poorly and he will be euthanized tomorrow. I got DD out of bed tonight to tell her. She immediatly started crying and wanted to go hug and kiss him one final time. So of course I brought her over there. She's been crying for 45 minutes now. I feel so bad because there is nothing I can do. :crying:
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