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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. organic muffins yogurt bar (this is her absolute favorite) squirrel wedge graham sticks dipped in Nutella (another favorite) grilled cheese scrambled eggs fruit plate (usually bananas, grapes, watermelon)
  2. I'm afraid that hers was probably brought on by stress. She's a little dog and we're a busy household. We have two small children who love her to death. I carefully monitor them around her though. And for months she barked a lot so I was always sharply saying "Marley, no no!" So she may have been stressed out. She seems much happier now though. For a while, she did seem pretty skittish. Now she's always excited to see us and she's finally understanding that she cannot use the bathroom in the house, so she gets more "free" time, which seems to make her much happier. So hopefully she's getting less stressed....but the mange still seems to be getting worse. She will begin her dips on Monday. I have not contacted the breeder....I got her from a reputable pet store. I know the owner. Maybe I should tell him and he could tell the breeders?
  3. That is crazy!!! I can't believe they expected her to hold it for that long. I know that when I have ultrasounds done, I expect them to take me in nearly right away. Or else I may pee all over their floor. :glare:
  4. Our dog is beginning to thin in a lot of places so I can tell it's not going to be contained to one area of her skin....so I think she's going to need treatment. The vet my sister works for is great....she's not trying to get money from me. She said my sister could buy the bottle of dip at cost and bathe the dog at my house ever week so that I wouldn't have to pay the weekly $40 dipping fee at the vet. I asked my sister about Ivermectin because that sounded easier to me, and she asked her vet....and they don't usually use Ivermectin on puppies. She said that the dip usually works well on puppies and Ivermectin is such a strong drug that some dogs do not tolerate well. She said they usually use Ivermectin on older dogs, where as the dip does not work very well on them. I don't know anything about it LOL....that's just what they told me.
  5. [quote= (My mom gets so much enjoyment out of the dogs they've had since all of us kids left home. You have years of possible puppy parenting ahead of you.) I can see this being me. Our Jack Russell was my baby before we had kids. We still have him and take good care of him, of course, but our kids have moved to the forefront and he's no longer our "baby." Now we have our chihuahua/jack russell pup, which we love, but she's a ton of work. After the kids are grown and moved out, I can see us getting another dog and it becoming my "baby" again.
  6. Our little chihuahua puppy has the mange. UGH!! I noticed her hair beginning to thin in places so I called my sister to come over and look. She's a vet tech, been working for a vet for 10 years, and is on her way to becoming a veterinarian. One skin test later and the mange is confirmed. It's not the contagious kind....it's the kind that is genetic. My sister is going to bathe her in a special shampoo once a week for 6-8 weeks until a negative skin test is confirmed. UGH. Has anyone ever had their dog dipped in this? I'm concerned because my sister said it smells like roach spray. I'm sensitive to chemical smells....and I'm also concerned about petting the dog during this time. I don't want strong chemicals getting all over my children. But I'd feel bad not to have much contact with the dog for weeks and weeks....she's the sweetest little thing.
  7. We have a chihuahua/jack russell pup right now. Yes, puppies are a TON of work. Honestly, puppies are cute, but I really don't like them LOL. I can't wait till she's grown. Next time, I'll be getting an adult dog from a shelter or something.
  8. We bought a full sized bed and pushed it right up against our queen sized bed. Now DH and I are in the queen and both DD's sleep right next to us in the full. Every time I wake up at night I glance over at the kids sleeping. Somtimes I sleep in the full with the girls when they want me to snuggle with them. I was just thinking last night....what if I had to actually get up out of the bed to go check on the kids? I'd go nuts LOL!
  9. I exclusively breastfed my girls. My first DD immediately took to a pacifier (and had it till she was 5....yes, she REALLY took to it LOL). My second DD was much more difficult. I had a bunch of Nuks stocked up since that is what DD#1 loved and also what the hospital gives. Well, DD#2 wanted nothing to do with them. I tried for weeks. DD#2 threw up a lot....I finally figured out why. She wanted to nurse all the time, but only for comfort sucking. She didn't really want the milk because she was full. However, to nurse for comfort she'd, of course, get milk too. And she'd throw up all the time. I knew I had to get her to take a pacifier to stop the throwing up. I went out and bought all kinds of brands LOL. FINALLY, when she was several months old she finally tolerated the Soothie brand of pacifiers. She didn't love it, just tolerated it for comfort sucking. I took it from her at 11 months and she never even missed it.
  10. I'd sit down and have a heart to heart with her. And like someone else said, I'd indulge her just a bit. There's nothing bad about some aspects of punk clothing. However, there are lots of punk clothing that are very suggestive and trashy looking. I'd explaing that part of it to her. If she likes the pink/black, maybe the two of you can go to the store and pick out something that's appropriate yet still punk. I know that may be difficult to find, but I'm sure something has to be out there. This is the route I'd take with my daughters....we are conservative Christians and I don't allow anything "grown up" looking on my daughters or anything suggestive (not even halter tops and bikinis for little girls).
  11. You mean I'm supposed to have a system? LOL Sounds like you have a very organized system going on! Great job! :D
  12. I just found out about that blog earlier this week. It's so funny! I always wondered why they have such odd things in catalogs LOL.
  13. My iPhone, hands down. I have books downloaded to the Kindle app that I have on there....I read on there all the time. I have my photos on there. I have the internet and email. I can play games. I think it is glued to my hand LOL.
  14. We are a co-sleeping family as well. I'll be so sad when it is time for them to move on to their own rooms.
  15. Tough call. I have heard the same thing about bats....that you could be bitten and not know it. I'd call the ER ahead of time and find out if they have the vaccine available, explain the situation, and be sure that they will definitely give it to your children before you go there. If they wont, I'd call another ER and get another opinion.
  16. I really really want a Golden! I've never heard a bad thing about them. We just recently got a chihuahua/Jack russell pup. She's cute as can be, but I'll just say that I wish we'd gotten a golden instead. We have two dogs right now. Our other is an amazing jack russell we got when we were first married (he's nearly 11 years old now). When he passes away one day, I'll probably get a golden.
  17. So glad to hear a good update! Yes, get rid of that motorcycle...those things scare me! So little protection for such high rates of speed. It sounds like you have a wonderful support system near your home...what a blessing!
  18. And if you are thinking about it, even subconsciously, it will make it worse. Sometimes I go through periods of this. I'm a very anxious person so when I feel like I can't get a deep breath, I find myself trying to get one all the time. And that seems to make it worse. If I can just do something to get my mind off of it, then it usually makes it better. Not saying that yours is not worth looking into....you know yourself the best.
  19. I wouldn't worry about it. We're down here in Florida and have palmetto bugs all the time. They are horrendously icky creatures...the largest of cockroaches....and can fly. Lucky us LOL. We do have a monthly exterminator. But when we didn't (and my parents don't have one now and live right around the corner from us) we didn't have a problem with infestations. Has it been rainy a lot there lately? Usually when we get a cockroach indoors, it has been raining a lot and they are looking for a way out of the weather.
  20. No way....I really try to limit our "goodies." Once a week (usually on the weekend) we choose a treat and eat it.
  21. From what I've gathered, allergy testing is kind of unreliable. I had a RAST test done, as well as a skin prick test. I showed an allergy to bananas on the skin prick test. I've had an oral reaction to bananas so I know that was true. However, the skin prick test also showed that I have an allergy to things like soy, eggs, mustard seeds, sesame seeds....I've never shown a reaction to those things. I asked the allergist about it. Basically, he said that if you took a person who has shown absolutely no allergic reactions to anything and gave them the skin prick test, they would test positive for a reaction to 10 or 15 things....even though they do not show reactions to those things. I was like Huh?? I'm not sure of the point of allergy testing. I still don't know what I should steer clear of besides bananas LOL. I carry an epi pen.
  22. Yes, that's why we didn't buy one with the pull out dinette option. It does give more floor space, but it's quite a bit heavier, so our Quest would not pull it.
  23. Yes, it would definitely bother me. I'm of the mindset that married men/women should try and avoid those types of situations. No matter how strong a marriage is, spending that much time together with someone of the opposite sex could possibly lead anyone down the wrong road.
  24. This one is ours (its the Sun Valley): http://www.colemantrailers.com/theamericanaleseries We pull ours with our Nissan Quest mini van. We love pop up camping! I grew up camping....my parents had a travel trailer for a while, and they also had a pop up for a while. I wanted my kids to grow up camping like I did. We really love it.
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