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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Yes, I am SO done with summer. I'm in FL....all of our days have been in the high 90's with the heat index from 105 - 115. The kids have literally gone out to play maybe three times this summer. And even then, I make sure to have the sprinkler on for them. Mostly, we stay inside with the blinds closed and the lights off. We've done crafts, painted, etc. Our A/C went out last week. I thought I was going to die. And we have a pool....but during the daytime it feels like bath water.
  2. That was hilarious!! Glad to see you can turn your bad day into humor for others! :lol:
  3. I have to have something high in protein before bedtime or else I will awaken during the night feeling terrible. I usually eat either a sandwich on whole wheat bread with some sort of lunch meat and cheese. Or I'll eat half a whole wheat bagel with a little cream cheese. Or I'll eat two Jimmy Dean sausage links. Wow, I didn't realize there were so many people who ate popcorn before bedtime! I've heard of people having a bowl of ice cream at night but not the popcorn.
  4. This school year I want to begin a daily quiet time. My girls love spending their free moments together and I know that they will beg to have their quiet time together. I'm not sure if I should let them play quietly together in the playroom or if I should separate them and have them look at books or other quiet activities. What do your kids do? Do you separate them?
  5. The mall near us has a stand in the middle of the mall. However, if I were to buy something like this, I'd be purchasing one of these: http://www.zoobies.com/
  6. My 6 year old DD has gone through this....and still is to a certain degree, but she's MUCH better about it now.
  7. DD6 loves nature, animals, etc. I'm looking for a really neat science curriculum that includes those things. Any recommendations?
  8. Does this include food items as well? And items of clothing? If it includes food items, then I think it would be difficult. But according to that second link, it would not include food since that is shared.....or furniture. This is very interesting to me. I think I'll go through my house and make a list of the 100 things that I would keep. But it is obvious that those people do not have children. Children (especailly babies) seem to require more stuff.
  9. I don't think they look good side by side. If both pics have to be on that wall, then I'd put the larger picture on the left, up higher than what it is now.....then I'd put the smaller picture on the right, lower than the other and even with approx the middle (or lower) of the other photo.
  10. Down here in north FL.....we could get a VERY nice, large, home in a VERY nice neighborhood.
  11. You guys are absolutely no help LOL! :D Now I'm more undecided than ever. I hate making long term decisions about a house because this is something that we will not be replacing for decades. It took me forever to decide on paint colors when we painted the whole interior of the house last year. Although, it's much cheaper and easier to redo paint than flooring.
  12. We are redoing our flooring in the main part of our house. The bedrooms will remain carpet, but all other areas (kitchen, dining, living, florida room, hallway, foyer, laundry room) will be redone. We currently have cheap carpet and cheap linoleum in those parts of the house. I'm undecided between a brownish tile with dark grout and oak colored wood laminate (don't want real wood because we have kids and dogs....plus it is more expensive). Anyone happen to have both? Which do you prefer? I'm kind of leaning towards the wood laminate because I think it looks better than the tile. But then I think that the tile would be more durable for spills, dog accidents, etc.
  13. Wow, how do most of your DH's get that much time off of work?? DH might could get 2 weeks. I'd like for the kids to get a bit older so they would remember it because we may never do it again.
  14. DD6 enjoys CandyLand, Zingo, Uno, Shrek Matching, Trouble, Go Fish, War, Hi Ho Cherry Oh, Checkers.....and our newest family favorite....Flapdoodle. It is pure fun. My 6 and 3 year old absolutely love it and are laughing the whole game. Check it out. There's absolutely no learing about it LOL, but it sure is fun. And I despise Shoots and Ladders.
  15. Looks like this game will be going on my Christmas list!
  16. Oh my gosh, that poor man and his family. It is scary to think of innocent people sitting in prison, their lives being wasted and their families having to go on without them.
  17. I have heard so many good things about this game. Is it hard to learn? I took a look at it one day and it looked sort of confusing. And what about extension packs? Do you have to have those to play? Lastly, is DD6 too young? She's a non reader right now.
  18. What type of kitchen table do you have? My kids have destroyed our kitchen table. We use our dining room for other purposes so the kitchen is where we eat....all the time. And paint. And do crafts. We purchased a bar height set a few years ago. It is wood (well, we got it from Rooms To Go, so I guess it is not real wood), the seats are fabric covered, and it is a complete mess. There is paint that I cannot scrub off. There's some sort of sticky film that causes paper plates, papers, and such to stick to it. When you pull it up, it leave part of the paper stuck to the table....that I cannot scrub off. If I accidently leave a drip of applesauce on the table, it becomes stuck. I just want to be done with it, get a new one, and start fresh. I'm purchasing a drop cloth to put over it when painting. The kids will use placemats when eating. And for play doh and crafts, another drop cloth will be placed on the table. So what sort of kitchen table do you have? Wood finish? Glass? Marble? Is it easy to clean? Do you like it? Hate it? Are your chairs fabric? I think I'd actually prefer to have non-fabric chairs since our kids are still little. The fabric is stained horribly despite the fact that I cleaned it up as soon as I knew something was spilled. I'm not sure that I want to do bar height again. Both kids have taken a tumble, head first, and smacked their heads really hard on the kitchen floor. But I haven't ruled bar height out though. Links would be awesome if you have one! Oh, and I'm not one to spend thousands of dollars on furniture. We usually take care of it pretty well....our couches, entertainment system, and chairs are from Rooms To Go and we've never had any issue with them.
  19. That would be me. I just buy what I need. The cost varies each time.
  20. I swore I'd never be a mini van mom. I'd never drive one of those. I'd stick with an SUV and go that route. I was way too cool for a mini van. Well.....three years ago when we were expecting #2, I did it....I :::gulp::: purchased a mini van. :glare: I picked a Nissan Quest, one of the "sportier" looking ones, if there's such a thing in the mini van department. There is so much room in there! The trunk dips down so there is so much room, even with the third row seat up. There's plenty of room for adult sized people in the backseat, if we need it. Our humongous Britax Regents fit well in the two captains chairs. The only problem that I foresee is if we ever need to fit one of the Regents in the third row seat if we have another child.....I have tried to get them back there and they just won't fit. I need to try it again and see if I'm doing something wrong.
  21. I'd let her do what she really wants to do. It's no fun to drag a kid to an activity that they really do not want to participate in.
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