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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I guess I don't really get depressed....but I do ponder about all the work, all the thoughtful choosing of just the right gifts, all the crafts we do leading up to the big day, all the preparation and excitement....and then when this one day is over, it's just....over. A whole month getting excited about it and it's over within a mere 12 hours. I mean, I don't dwell on it or anything, but the thought does cross my mind a few times on Christmas Day.
  2. No...However, if your DS is young, doesn't care and you'd be making it in a boy print and he'd only be wearing it around the house.....then I wouldn't care and I'd go for it.
  3. I agree....I don't like badly behaved children running through my home either. But then again, I don't blame the kids, I blame the parents. If I bring my kids to someone's house, I check on them often to be sure they are behaving, etc. All parents should have the tact to do that.
  4. :svengo: Wow. Just wow! God was definitely watching over you! And what a miracle that the other car was in two accidents and the lady was still okay!
  5. Sometimes LOL. DD opened the game LCR in her stocking last weekend and I've been waiting to play that.
  6. Dollar Tree. I always let my kids go in and pick out whatever they want for each person. I never say no. It's always funny when everyone opens the gifts. They are only 6 and 3 so sometimes the gift doesnt really match the recipient. A few years ago, when my oldest DD was about 3 and DH took her to the Dollar Tree to shop for my birthday, she got me a book about grandparents LOL.
  7. I was 17 when we began dating and I was 19 when we got married. Gosh, I just re-read that and realized that I was just a baby!! We've been married for 10 years now.
  8. Yes, we watched her when she was won America's Got Talent....she's really good!
  9. It depends on what you want to be. Things like a hippie, rock star, cowgirl, etc are pretty easy....you can gather those things from home or on a visit to the thrift shop.
  10. Ever since I was born we go out to my grandparents house to do Christmas Eve. First we go to our church's Christmas Eve service (outdoors, candlelight, hot chocolate, cookies, snow in Florida). Then we head to my grandparents who live about 15 or 20 minutes away. We eat dinner there. My maternal grandparents, my parents, my two sisters, my family, my aunt, uncle, and cousins are all there. Then we all open the gifts that we have for each other.
  11. DH is impossible to buy for. His only real hobby is football and he already has season tickets to our town's NFL team. And he has shirts, hats, and other things with the logo on them. I got him a sleeping bag. He's 6 foot 4, we camp a lot, and we've had trouble finding a bag that he can fit in. So I did some searching and found him one. I also got him pens. Two whole boxes LOL. He'll have like 40 something pens. He always says his disappear off of his desk. Now he'll have plenty LOL. I got him 5 t-shirts from Aeropostale. He's in need of some casual t-shirts just to wear around the house and on errands around town. Other than that, I have nothing. He always tells me not to get him anything, but I can't do that.
  12. CalEl as in Superman?? Interesting LOL. I'm all for unusual names. I love running across a unique name among kids. I think it makes them stand out. There's a little boy at our church named Major. It's not my style but I like that his parents picked something different. I've never heard the name Valor before but I like it! I've heard of a little boy named Noble and I really like that too. I know that someone mentioned the names Reverence and Intimacy. Those are a little *too* different for me....especailly Intimacy. I could never name my daughter Intimacy. And Reverence just makes me think of Reverend. Maybe he'll grow up to be a pastor LOL. My daughers are named Paisley and Sailor. I'd never heard those names when I named them (they are 6 and 3) but now I've heard a few other kids with the same names.
  13. LOL, we were there at the same time as you. We wore sweatshirts, coats, mittens, hats, and scarves! I'm from Florida and that was definitely COLD fo us! That Sunday was sort of miserable with the rain and the wind. We left the park early.
  14. I've lived in north Florida my entire life....and honestly, our "winter" is very iffy. It could be 75 degrees or it could be 30. It just really varies. Today it is in the 70's. Last week the high was in the 40's.
  15. Definitely put them under the tree! I wrap gifts as soon as I get them and stick them under the tree so I can enjoy the sight for weeks. You only have a few days! I never had a problem with my little ones messing with the tree or the gifts.
  16. I would hope that he's kidding because if he isn't then he'd be met with one very angry wife when he got home. He'd be learning a thing or two about who's the boss and who's not.
  17. If I were asked to bring salad, I'd think I needed to bring the dressing too. I'd grab two different kids from the store (probably ranch and italian) and bring those.
  18. Choking freaks me out. I am paranoid about it. I still cut up my 3 year olds grapes and hotdogs into really small pieces. I know people think I'm crazy but I really don't care. My 6 year old seriously choked when she was 3 and I had to do the heimlich. It was on a piece of cereal....those puffs that are shaped like small balls. I've never let her eat those again. Both kids have choked numerous times where I've had to reach down their throats and dislodge something. My 3 year old choked on a bite of apple when she was two in the middle of Wal Mart. I was checking out and the lady behind me tapped me and told me my daughter was choking. You should have seen how quickly I moved! I was right there and I didn't even notice her choking. I chew my food very well. I don't blame you for being afraid to eat. Choking is something that scares me. I've never actually choked, but I've had a few episodes of something large slipping down my throat and there's that momentary panic. I don't like that feeling.
  19. Yes, I still love mine. I've probably had it for about 1.5 years now. It's great!
  20. Ummm....that is really strange LOL. I just had to google for the image LOL!
  21. This isn't one immediate family, but there are not any sons in our family for a while. My parents had three girls, my uncle/aunt had three girls, and I had two girls. I'm not sure that we are capable of producing boys LOL.
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