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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. LOVE my Dyson. Back when I got it, we had two cats (who shed TERRIBLY) and two dogs. The Dyson was the only thing that consistently sucked the hair up. Now we're down to two dogs (turns out I was allergic to the cats) and now we have a lot of wood floors, but I still kept my Dyson for the carpeted bedrooms. It's awesome. If you have pets, Dyson is the way to go.
  2. DD6 is horrible about shutting the freezer all the way in our garage. Several times over the past month I've gone out there to find it open. Somtimes it's been open for 5 hours, other times for 1 hour. Thankfully, we don't really have any meat out there. My question is this....we DO have frozen veggies out there. And several times now they have been thawed almost completely (they are soft when I feel the bag) and refrozen. This has happened three times I think. They are still cold when I find them. For reference, the ice cream out there is very soft but not totally melted at these times. Do you think the frozen veggies are fine despite the fact that they've been thawed and refrozen three times now? We have LOTS of frozen veggies out there.
  3. We went to the Ringling Bros circus last month and there was one lone protestor outside LOL. One lone woman holding up an elephant sign, and handing out stickers to children. :confused:
  4. DD6 (will be 7 next month) is/was like this. She's been in speech therapy since she was 21 months old. We did private speech therapy and then therapy through the public school system from 4-5 years old. Right after she turned 6, I pulled her out of therapy because it was doing absolutely nothing. I tried some therapy at home, but I was basically just doing the same thing as the school system. The materials were good though (I purchased some materials from http://www.linguisystems.com/ ) that I used for a while. Then I decided to have her tested for auditory and visual processing disorders. Sure enough.....she had both. My daughter was having trouble learning to read too. Not sure if yours is or not. But we have finished with the visual therapy and are just beginning the auditory therapy. The auditory therapy is what should help more with her speech issues. She does seem to be a bit better though. And this is my child who could be understood by no one except her family. It has effected her so much that she was labeled with selective mutism because she was afraid to talk to outsiders because she was afraid they would not understand her. Not sure if this may be your daughters case, but I thought I'd tell you our story just in case. The materials from Linguisystems are really good though. My DD enjoyed doing them each day.
  5. Yep, hit the sales at Old Navy and Aeropostale and you can find some cute clothes for really great prices!
  6. Ewww....no. Actually, the news has been saying not to due to bed bug infestations. I'd definitely purchase new.
  7. WOW!! That is crazy!! And to think that you've been feet away from a bear under your house at any given moment!
  8. I'd just get a leash and use the clip on the end of the leash. Would that work? Maybe two of them?
  9. I REALLY need to get on preparing kits and such. I don't think I can possibly stock a years worth of food or anything, but I'd like to have something. It's hard for me to do because DH just thinks that I'm being "paranoid" and wasting money.
  10. Yikes!!! I always thought that the mitral valve thing was pretty benign! Glad you are okay!!
  11. Honestly, hitting a homeschool convention would be AWESOME for you right now. You will be able to hold the books, look through them, speak with the vendors, attend classes, etc. Now is the time for all the homeschool conventions. I'm not sure where you are located but maybe there's one within a few hours of you. It would be really beneficial to attend one....especially for someone who is just starting out. It's very difficult to know what curriculum to choose when there are so many choices.
  12. :iagree: Yep, this is us too. I shield them as much as possible. It is not my desire that my children "fit in" by knowing the likes of pop culture.
  13. I love the name Harley! Of course I think of the motorcycle, but that's not all I think of....and I wouldn't necessarily think the parents love motorcycles. I know three Harley's. One is a man about 25 years old. One is a little girl around 7 years old. And one is my FIL's dog.
  14. Umm....wow....your son is AWESOME!! I just watched a few of your YouTube videos. The high bar, the rings, and the one labeled "Callum - 10 years old." That kid must have some great upper body stregnth to do all of that! He's really good!
  15. I'm pregnant with #3 and both of my DD's love the Disney movie "Rapunzel"....the main male character is a guy named Flynn Rider. If we have a boy, they want to name him Flynn. I'm considering letting them choose the middle name, which they will choose Flynn. So far it seems to go with any first names that I have in mind.
  16. My kids have pulled them out every great while. Like once a year. I bought them a set of nice wooden puzzles when DD1 was a toddler. You know, the kind where you just have to match the shapes and stuff. Ehh, they are sitting in the garage sale pile...I'm not sure if I can bring myself to sell them or not.
  17. Disney isn't the easiest place to travel with multiple families to. Living 2.5 hours away, we go often and have traveled with multiple families quite a few different times. We've gone the route of just getting connecting hotel rooms at a value resort. We've gone the route of getting seperate, non connecting hotel rooms at a moderate resort. Most recently, in December, we went off site and rented a huge, IMMACULATE house for WAY cheaper than the price of getting a Disney hotel. The only options Disney has for multiple families is pretty expensive....we'll never stay in those just because there's no way we can justify the price. Even the family suites will not house 8 people, like you need it to. Oh, we also stay in the campground with multiple families, which is definitely the cheapest option.....but, of course, you have to own a camper or tent.
  18. Yikes! I hope that your little one is okay!! Not sure what I would have done, but a fever that high would have really freaked me out!
  19. I would think it would be teeth....but if she doesn't have a bottle in her mouth all the time, then I wouldn't think it would make much of a difference. DD6 took a pacifier till she just turned 5 (we reasoned with her and she gave it to us a week after she turned 5). I know that's way too long, but it was a huge comfort to her at bedtime. The doctor would always tell us "You need to take the pacifier from her." I'd just smile and nod, ignoring him. She has perfect teeth....the dentist is always amazed with how well her teeth are aligned. Doctors don't always know what's best.
  20. Sorry, I'm the one that says "if it ain't broke, then don't fix it." If she takes the Pediasure well through the bottle, then I'd continue with that. You can try it in a sippy cup, but if it's just not working, then I would think that getting the calories into her would be more important than what she's drinking out of.
  21. Yep, we have the hamper that the above person posted. Except we got ours from Wal Mart. My 6 year old has been carrying her laundry since she was 5. It works great! And it even folds up compactly and we take them on vacation with us.
  22. Maybe if you run in place while chewing the Oreo and then spit it out, the exercise will counteract the small amount of calories that you receive from the flavor. :D
  23. Yep, my second labor was pretty much cut in half. With #1 they began the pitocin at 7:45 and she was born at 6:09 in the evening. With #2 they began the pitocin at 8 AM and she was born at 1:20. Pretty much exactly cut in half. I'm pregnant with #3 (also due in October) and I'm nervous about it a little. With my first two I was induced due to low fluid both times. I'm not sure if that will happen again. If it doesn't happen, I have no idea what real labor feels like LOL.
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