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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. My 9 year old was always really smart...and the way he learned to read was by sight. He went to public school and he actually never really learned to sound out words at all. Eventually we all do this, but we sound them out until we actually know the words and then read by sight. My son did the same as your son and it has been a slow process teaching him to sound out words and stopping him when he reads to go back and say the correct word. It is starting to work now, but it sure has not been easy. :(
  2. I love GWG...but I use it more as a supplement than anything else. We do LLATL and Writing Tales II for 4th grade (and spelling), so GWG is just reinforcement for my ds. As for everything you need...I personally don't think so. I have a BA in English and I prefer to marry the three programs I use and pick and pull as I see fit. GWG is great for Grammar...but it does not involve any book studies, copy work, dictation, writing, spelling, etc.
  3. That seems to be a denominational thing. The Christian church believes that one must be baptized before their committment to Christ is fulfilled. Baptists believe that it is just a formality - and yes, it is to gain membership in that church. When you move to a new church, you aren't re-baptized, you move by letter....which just means that you were a member at the old church and you now want to be a memeber at the new church. Each church and denomination is different...
  4. Without reading through all the other posts, here is my response. I do not believe Judas is in Hell. First of all, God created Judas to play THE significant role of betraying Jesus in those final hours. His life was for this purpose. Had he not betrayed Jesus, God's plan would not have been carried through in the way it was meant to be. I believe that Judas, like the rest of us, was a sinner. But I do not believe that one must repent immediately or burn in Hell. He had faith in Christ. He had faith in God. His sin was greed. He knew his sin, he admitted his sin - and in my opinion, "forgive me father" does not have to be uttered for God to forgive. He has this wonderful ability to know what we feel inside our hearts - He doesn't have to hear certain words. I also feel that once saved, always saved. God doesn't sit and erase the names from the lamb's book of life and then write them back, then take them out, then write them back. You don't "lose" salvation once you are truly a child of God (meaning you knowingly and willingly accept Jesus as your savior). I also agree with others that suicide is a sin, but it is not unforgivable - how would a dead person ask forgiveness? Again, God is all knowing, all powerful and he knows the heart of each and every person. However, and here is where I tend to lose people in my thinking...I don't think anyone is in Heaven just yet other than God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). In Revelation, there is a passage that speaks of how Jesus will return and raise the dead from the seas first to join him in Heaven. I am not sure what I think we do from the time we die until we go to Heaven, but I also am not 100% convinced you go there before rapture comes. For the record...I was raised Baptist and my current church is Baptist. I am a bit more non-denominational in beliefs though.
  5. As that country dude my mom likes said, "We all want to go to Heaven, we just don't want to go right now..."
  6. Hmmm...I am not sure what I would have said as to why He put us here first. That is pretty tough to answer for a young child.
  7. None of the above. Sorry. I detest Disney. I detest camping and would never wish to own one of those things. I would go to a ski resort or off to a beach somewhere to relax. :) A cruise to the bahamas even...
  8. When I divorced my 1st husband, I had an older friend tell me that, "when you get over the exciting feelings in the beginning, it becomes more about who you can be content and raise your family with...who you can live out your life with rather than who gives you butterflies." I poo poo'd her fast...but have come to realize that she was totally right. I am not always exceedingly happy...but I am definitely content. "Content with" does not equate to "settling for" in my book. It equates to peace and understanding; to common ground and acceptance.
  9. I really like your hair in the pic with the dog on the step - the brown with bangs. You are very pretty. :)
  10. He does it as part of Writing Tales II and handwriting practice.
  11. Oh heck! She is my new hero. No way could I EVER do that. I get a chill just thinking about it. Tell her we are all totally proud of her! WoW!
  12. Yeah, we call it the end of the "grade" when we stop...but we move on to the next level book whenever we finish the one we are working on...I don't *wait* until they move up to start a book on the next level. That would drive me insane trying to coordinate everything to end at the same time!
  13. My kids will finish up May 1st for my little and May 15 for my older, barring any unforeseen circumstances. That is 180 days for each of them. Of course, we will move right on to next year as soon as we end this year (we school year round for the most part and take breaks when we need it). So...when will this year end for your kiddoes?
  14. I LOVE writing tales. I am doing level II with my older and he enjoys it too. He doesn't love the writing aspect, but I think it is definitely helping to build his skills. :)
  15. I think food is the safest bet as a gift for the child might just remind everyone that she won't be able to enjoy it much longer. :( What a heartbreaking situation.
  16. Awww...hon (LOL)...it's just a southern thannng. Oh wait...you are not in the South, are you? Oops.
  17. I am no help...I can tell you what we are using for 4th (it is in my siggy), but other than Singapore (I use the whole program though), we aren't looking a the same things. Best of luck with your planning though...and shopping is always the best!
  18. For 5th grade LA, we are using: LLATL Purple CW Homer A/CW Poetry A/Harvey's Grammar Spelling Power Calvert Spelling CD/Everyday Spelling grade 5 Pentime Handwriting Latin for Children I have a degree in English and just can not find a program that does what I want....so I pick and pull and create my own-ish.
  19. Well, with a child who has ADHD, a lot of that logic goes out the window. LOL He half the time can't REMEMBER my rules...either that or the impulse gets him before the thought process does. So yeah...reinforcing of the rules happens a lot here.
  20. Ds9 Finished his books study book in 3 nights of reading without me hounding him at all...even though he wasn't terribly interested in the subject. :) Ds5 is the most caring and loving little human being I know and each day he shows the people around him how much he loves them by being a total love.
  21. My oldest started in ps and came home after 3rd grade...no problems. :grouphug:
  22. Forgive...don't forget. Don't let down your guard totally. And besides...now the homeschool group may have more to offer and nicer people. :)
  23. My husband flies in and out of Charlotte a lot. I am so glad no one was injured. Totally a miracle. My dh is not flying today, but when I heard "US Airways Flight 1549 has crashed intot he Hudson river" my heart just sank. I memorize my dhs flights when he is scheduled to fly and I can just IMAGINE someone listening to the radio or TV, knowing that flight number and that their loved one was on it. :( Made me almost cry. Thank GOD they are all alive.
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