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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Mine is mild, so it doesn't really interfere with anything at all...other than maybe the week before my AF starts I notice a bit of leakage of urine (nothing to even wear a panty liner for...just a drop or two when I change positions or when I cough or something). The biggest issue I have is that I often feel like I have a UTI when I don't. This is due to urine retention in my bladder. I notice that if I have regular chiropractic care for my low back, this is almost a non-issue. If I don't have chiropractic care, then it can become one quickly.
  2. We are using Singapore Child's Play right now and really like it. It is enough but not too much for my 5 y/o. Then we are going to use the Singapore Earlybird Start-up series for 1st grade and move on to NOEO series for 2nd and on.
  3. Does anyone know about the LULU type items...particularly CW? If it is going to be an issue, I need to get mine NOW. That is the core of my plan for ds9 next year!
  4. Well, we don't do a lot of experiments just yet and my little prefers not to...so we do Singapore Child's Play. Next year, we will do the Singapore Earlybird Start-up series and from there move into NOEO Biology I.
  5. I am not strider, but I can tell you that a prolapsed uterus CAN cause these things. When the uterus prolapses, it brings everything down with it (usually). I have a prolapsed uterus, bladder, rectum - the whole nine yards. It is only mildly prolapsed, but I have to be careful so that it doesn't become worse. Don't lift over 25 pounds (EVER) Don't blow up a ton of balloons (trust me!) Don't strain during a bm (big no no!) Don't do "crunches" for exerices There are lots of things that make it worse. Kegals can help some, but no once it gets bad. Kegals are more preventitive than they are "treatment." The options are usually to live with it, get a pessary (not fun), or have surgery to correct it. Typically surgery lasts for about 10 years and then has to be redone. That is why young women who are not in menopause are usually told to just live with it or use a pessary. Once menopause hits and estrogen goes out the window, you can just expect some surgery to be part of your plan. I am mentally preparing myself now, becuase I know I won't have a choice come menopause.
  6. Flint River Ranch- Lamb Millet and Rice. You can buy it free of shipping charges and tax at www.flintriver.com. :) My dog is allergic to cooked corn. Flint River Ranch is an awesome food that can not be found it stores. It is human grade and we have been using it for over a year. It has made a WORLD of difference in my dog.
  7. I come from the school of thought that one should be invited to visit before they just "drop by." Unfortunately, my husband and his entire family are under the impression that invitations are for "city folk" and they are the most irritating group EVER when it comes to visiting unannounced. I have some friends that I call frequently to chat. Others I call only if I have a specific reason and then let them go. I feel like certain people want to chit chat and others just don't and usually you can tell the difference (at least I can). Of course, at the same time, I don't know what I would do with out my chit chat gals!
  8. Well, I wouldn't let him. I wouldn't let my 5 year old and my 9 year old wouldn't ask. Paranoid mom, I guess!
  9. We love NOEO...but I am doing Physics 1 with a 4th grader and I would NOT use it with my 5 year old. It is well over his head. We are doing Singapore Child's Play Science this year, and then the 4 Singapore Start-up Earlybird Science books next year. After that, he will begin with NOEO Bio I.
  10. I thought of that but just couldn't afford to do so right now. I am still looking for used stuff.
  11. I am not sure. I sell all through the year. Don't happen to have any CW Poetry for Beginners in there do ya? LOL
  12. Oh yeah...you will want to stand with them and label your boxes as you see fit...especially if you will not be unpacking everything immediately. We moved in before our house was done and I found every piece to my computer other than the mouse which was packed in another box titled "books." THAT was annoying!
  13. Ours packed everything, disassembled as they saw fit, and so on. Those were the easiest and BEST moves we had. We have done it twice now. The first movers were a little better than the second ones. The first made a list of every single item in my house - over 50 pages of items listed one by one. The other movers broke a few things which we did not care enough to get them to replace. They would have, though, had we asked them to. We had the option of having them unpack the boxes, but decided against it. It makes a mess and everything is just...everywhere. I would much rather unpack my own boxes. They did reassemble furniture, put beds together, and so on though which was a huge help.
  14. We use the US edition and are very pleased with it.
  15. Yours is a singular possessive pronoun. "The book belongs to you. The book is yours." If I were to say, "the book belongs to (more than one person and thus making it plural possessive...it would be) them. The book is theirs."
  16. I am not sure...I probably would have punched her for making me wait 14 minutes after the ultrasound AND sending me a letter about a mass on Christmas Eve! Thank God everything is okay.
  17. I have 1st degree pelvic floor prolapse and have had since my second baby was born when I was 24! So no, you are not too young. Did you manually check the position of your cervix? Mine does not come out of the opening - but it is lower than it should be. (1st degree) 2nd degree would be coming to the opening and 3rd degree is a prolapse outside the opening. Best to have the GYN check it out. You aren't too young and there are definitely things you can do to help if it isn't too bad yet.
  18. Haha! Love it! (I looked it up because, of course, I had no idea...but that is just too funny!)
  19. My ds9 (4th grade) does around 3.5 hours a day. Today, he started at 9 and ended at 11:30, so it was a short day (co-op day...but co-op was cancelled today). My ds5 (k/1st) does between 1 and 2 hours a day depending on how in depth we go based on his interest. Today was a long day for him - he finished 30 mins before his brother, so a 2 hour day today. :)
  20. I expect their best at all times. And I do have a good idea of what their best is. It is not "perfect" nor always *my* best work, but I do expect the best they are capable of at the time. :)
  21. I started to say that they actually recommended coffee for my 9y/o ds with ADHD. My 5 year old, however, NO.
  22. I have never seen visible blood with a UTI. Could it be a kidney stone? My ex husband had a kidney stone just after we divorced and his symptom was visible blood in his urine.
  23. It could be something as simple as gas. Watch for worsening symptoms. My ex husband had appendicitis and he told me once (when our son was having pain) to take my palm and hit ds9's right heel. If he jumped out of the bed, it was likely his appendix. If he didn't, chances were good that it was nothing major. I am not sure how "medical" that advice is, but it was apparently something the doc did to him when he came in with appendicitis.
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