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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. 5th Grade LLATL Purple CW Homer A/Poetry for Beginners A/Harvey’s Grammar Part I Singapore 4A&4B/EP/IP/CWP 3 SOTW I Child’s History of America Spelling Power Calvert Spelling 5 CD/Everyday Spelling Book NOEO Biology 2 Pentime 4 Geography US Discovery Bible Genesis Vocabulary Connections E Latin for Children 1st Grade LLATL Red Singapore 1B & 2A ETC Books 4&5 GWG 1 Singapore Earlybird Startup Series 1-4 SOTW I Spelling Workout A Map Skills Pentime Handwriting
  2. Nevermind...I bought IP and EP and feel much better now. LOL FALSE ALARM. Go back to your regularly scheduled chatting. :)
  3. I do one week at a time as far as planning for specifics. I plan ahead about half a year in advance as far as what I want to use for next year...but I also am going to a homeschool conference in May, so I will nail down anything I was putting off and make a final choice on those things then. :)
  4. No, but I am just waiting for the day that I am where you are. What degree is your prolapse? Mine is still 1st...for now.
  5. Thank you all for your wonderful and thought provoking responses to this. I was kind of afraid to post it at first sounding like it was just an absurd question, but I have found this to be a very interesting and wonderful discussion. Thanks so much!
  6. Oh I love it! I have gotten almost all of next year's curriculum at a FRACTION of the price I would have paid and sold my stuff as well. :) Not to mention, I have bought really great readers and books for the kids (any myself) for great prices!
  7. I like the Spring Breeze scent (or something like that), but I think the "Extra Strength" variety smells like old man cologne. YUCK!
  8. I have OCD. I am not a child, but I can not imagine treating it without therapy AND medication.
  9. Absolutely...and she has chosen eternity with him. However, she is mindful of her mortal family throughout the novel - in the end giving into her own love beyond description for a man who is neither human or mortal. Unfortunately, something I would have liked to see is for a GROWN woman to make this choice. At 18, I would have probably chosen the same as her - but as an adult, we know that *that* kind of love just doesn't exist in this world - I want to be with my husband forever...I remember touching him and feeling those amazing feeling, my heart pounding at the sight of him...but things change as time goes on. I still love my husband deeply, but I know that forever only means my lifetime here on earth. Also, it would have been interesting to have Bella be a Christian...which is actually how I thought of this question that stared the thread. Would a Christian have made the same choice she did? Would the love for a man (a vampire) win over the love for God? I love, too, how Edward is so torn...he truly loves her enough to NOT take her soul. He loves her enough to let her die and know he will be without her as she grows old (of course, this is not what ends up happening) but he fights it for so long (changing her) because he loves her.
  10. Are you Jehovah's Witness? I remember a friend of mine who was Jehova's Witness talking about "Paradise Earth" several years ago and her beliefs were similar to yours. Thanks for sharing!
  11. Definitely, if I had promise of growing old, I think that as I neared that season in my life, I would definitely embrace going home to Heaven. I guess it is just the "right now" factor. But, like I said, in the end - and especially with the points MeanestMominMidwest brought up, I would never do it. :)
  12. Both of these points are EXCELLENT and things I had not thought of in my original question. Thanks for bringing them up. 1st point... I assume you *could* wait until your children were grown to "change them" but then you have started a vicious cycle...when they find someone to love, they would want to change them...and then that person would want to change his/her family. Soon, it would be a world full of immortal vampires and then chaos would reign as it does now with no possible hope for peaceful salvation in the end. WOW! 2nd point... I can only imagine losing those your could not or did not "change" - your extended family, your friends. Wow...life would definitely become very sad. Thanks for your post!
  13. Read the next two. New Moon is the least interesting by far. I think it is the absence of Edward through the middle of the book. I actually SKIPPED and skimmed middle chapters (*gasp*, I know, :lol:) to get to where she met Edward in the tunnel in Italy... The next two, Edward is there and the whole story is back in line, IMO.
  14. I actually sought a MALE therapist when I was having marital problems. He was a Christian male counselor and he really helped me to start to see things from my dh's perspective. I have girlfriends to make me feel good in my thoughts...but the male counselor really helped me understand my dh and his way of thinking when it came to our marriage. I found that a lot of the things I felt were negative were NOT...my dh is just different. Here was a big one for us. Making Tea was something he really wanted to do no matter what the situation (arguing, kids to cart here and there, etc). I took it as a male macho thing and found it heartless and horrible. However, in therapy, I came to realize that just as I need words of encouragement, a soft place to fall, and romance in our lives, he needs Tea. For me, the other things are "bonding" but to him, there is no bond better than Tea...and I notice a change in his demeanor toward me immediately when we have tea on a regular basis. Kind of like the physical to him is the same as the emotional to me. It made a big difference for us. Just one example of how having a male therapist helped me think differently about my husband's thoughts.
  15. Drugs are EVERYWHERE...in good neighborhoods as well as bad. Good kids, rich kids mostly, smoke pot, buy cocaine...it is an epidemic in this country. I went to a private highschool with a bunch of kids whose families were well off. We were not, but I got lucky and my mom found a way to send me there. The biggest "druggies" in the school were the rich kids driving their Lexus' and Mercades!
  16. LOL - that song is a Kenny Chesney song. My mom loves it. It definitely states my sentiment. :)
  17. No. It is a great idea. I mean, at some point, it would be helpful for your dh to come, if he will. However, I went to counseling for a long time just for the issues and problems *I* was bringing to our marriage. It helped me so much. And honestly, once I started working on *my* issues, the marital issues changed a lot. I don't think they were necessarily my fault all the time and that I was the only one who needed to change...I am just saying that it totally changed the way I responded to dh and it helped me to open up lines of communication with dh rather than fighting all the time. Our marriage is 99.999% better since the counseling 3 years ago. :) I must add, though, that dh had the desire to work on our marriage as much as I did and he was a committed partner. He attended counseling on a regular basis when he possibly could and really worked hard with me once he started to see the changes I was making in myself. :)
  18. Well, I do hate cancer, but I can't give any advice on the medical front. Just *hugs* to you and you mom!
  19. Thanks, I was kinda starting to feel like a freak. LOL Obviously it is a non issue (no vampires around to bite me ;)), but I think my OCD/health anxiety play into my reasons for even thinking of the question in the first place. As a Christian, I actually prayed about even thinking of this. :001_huh:
  20. I know. :) I like Carslile's take on things... and it mirrors the way I believe. Obviously I don't believe in vampires...but I do believe that it is not so black and white, cut and dry who enters the kingdom of Heaven. That is for God's judgement and not my own...and God sees the entire picture where I only see my little part.
  21. Being young...being a hypochondriac who worries about uncertainity and dying without seeing my kids grow....or something happening to my kids, I could almost see embracing the certainity of immortality. In the end, though, I could not choose that path for myself nor could I "da*n" my kids to ensure my selfish desires.
  22. Yep...yesterday can be an adverb. It can also be a noun or an adjective. That is the one thing I really hate about grammar!
  23. My 9 year old uses Writing Tales, LLATL, AND GWG 4. They marry quite nicely. When I feel he needs extra practice on a concept introduced to him in Writing Tales or LLATL (which are actually following a similar pattern, only LLATL seems to be just jumping here and there with grammar a bit, I pick up GWG 4 and have him work there. However, we are using WT II, so I am not sure how WT I and GWG 4 would marry.
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