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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. I would replace it. Wait a minute, let me further say...I DID replace it. (Ours didn't go in the bath tub, it just stopped working.)
  2. The kids are watching Balto, dh is cooking supper, and I am planning for our school work next week. No interest in the Super Bowl what.so.ever.
  3. :lol: Ruined mine too when I found out! I just wish someone had told me that when *I* started reading the books. This is about how I imagined that first kiss....well, maybe without the 5 o'clock shadow Rob has there...but otherwise *melt, gush, DROOL*
  4. Gosh, I could warn you of so many things with this series. I am amazed you did put it down. I didn't. Nor did I put down New Moon, Eclipse, or Breaking Dawn. I read them back to back, cover to cover, in 3 days. Then I was sad and literally depressed for a WEEK because the emotional connection you make with the characters is just amazing. I am not kidding. These books are addictive in a scary sort of way. My best advice is to slow down, don't get sucked in full force, and remember Edward is NOT REAL. It helps. LOL
  5. Oh come on...is that no common sense??? LOL Well, maybe not to some. I agree with the guy in the dept. I wouldn't touch that one with a ten foot pole!!
  6. I would put it all together and store it somewhere. I wouldn't even try to sort through it. Just pack it away, then store it out of the way or maybe even let your dh give it to her family (mother, sister, brother, etc). As for a picture of MY husband up in MY house with his former spouse. Um, no. The line has to be drawn somewhere. I mean, I am divorced, and my ex is still alive, but I would surely never put a picture of older ds's dad and I up in my house for his sake. Now, he does have some early pictures of us in his room and that is fine. My dh is also fine with that. If the kids want a picture of their mother in the room where they sleep or what have you, then great. But not their mom and dad together out in the house. My MIL remarried after my husband's dad died and she also does not have pictures of dh's dad around the house. She has them boxed up, and she gave a lot of them to my dh to put up in his man room in our house...but she does not keep them out in her house. That would be odd and very uncomfortable for her current husband, IMO.
  7. Unfotunately, this is not entirely true. All the person has to do is not put any money in their account and paypal will not refund you. I had paypal once decide in my favor but then "regretfully inform" me that the money was not there and I would not be getting a refund. :(
  8. We all had to get started somewhere. :) I would definitely buy from her...especially if she is quick to answer your questions when you ask.
  9. Homeschool credit card debt. :( I spent wayy too much last year figuring out what to use to homeschool the kids.
  10. I found this online and I still have to giggle. Incase you don't know, Rob Pattenson who plays Edward in the Twilight movie once played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter movie (Goblet of Fire...he was the one that died in the Tri-wizard tournament). Anywho...just found this too cute not to share:
  11. I have to bump this as my Twilight obsession has only just begun. I read them in 3 days last week and wow...did the author have them all shipped out with heroin on the pages? I mean, really? Anyway - that screen play was hilarious!
  12. Have you all noticed the complete insanity over the book? I mean, grown married women who are obsessed with the book and the characters! I have a friend who is planning a trip to Forks and decorating her house from the books! My Lord! What in the world makes these books THAT appealing? Does she think she will run into the Cullen clan if she goes there? Perhaps an MRI of SM's brain would get her to the Cullens...otherwise they are just characters in a BOOK! I admit, when I read the series, I sat down and devoured it whole...one book after the other - and totally escaped from reality while I did so. When I finished, I was sad. Sad it was over, sad it didn't end like I had hoped, just sad. For a few DAYS which is absurd...but I recall feeling similar after I read the HP series too. I talked with a therapist once about that and he was telling me that it is the escape from reality you get when you read like that for days and become part of those fictitious worlds only to be thrown back out in reality when it is over. It made a lot of sense. However, it appears that many do not go so easily back to reality. It really bothers me - especially where teens are concerned (even though I am seeing more of it in the over 29 range than in the younger people). Very freaky stuff there, IMO.
  13. I will just tell you my dog names from the past - Rosco (without the e...I know *gasp* LOL) Sadie Dusty Niko (pronounced Nee-ko) Butch Pupperdinks
  14. I'm sorry...is this your sister...or MINE you are talking about??? BTDT. It gets easier. I promise.
  15. Hmmmm...if I were to start thinking of names right now, I would probably rattle off the Twilight characters (too recent read - still stuck in my head). What direction are you wanting to go with a name? Symbolic, cool, fun, unique??? Congrats. I think pictures are in order!
  16. Wow this thread is interesting! Me. Well, I was raised a Christian, but never really went to church much as a child. For a long time, I questioned God and what I believed. Mostly it happened when I was 11 and prayed for a miracle for my grandpa to live (he was a dad to me) which never came. I went through a phase. I dated an guy all through school who had had religion shoved down his throat all his life and thrown in his face by his missionary parents until he was agnostic. I followed his lead - became a person I hardly knew anymore. Then, I later married my ex husband who is an athiest and became totally agnostic myself, unwilling to decide what I thought or felt or believed. When I married my dh, he was in the process of finding his own beliefs from a childhood that did not include faith at all. He found God in scripture and I can remember that, at first, I ask him if he was going to become all religious on me. I was mortified. I went from an athiest ex husband to a Bible thumper (my term for him at the time). However, as time went on, I found myself drawing close to what I believed when I was raised. I never fully departed from it. I never called myself an athiest - I never denied God or the existence of Him completely. I just faltered for awhile. I feel away from what I had been taught and tried other paths that seemed to make more sense to me. Now, I am a Christian. I go to church most Sundays...though my dh doesn't. He was saved and baptized and prefers not to worship in a church. Most of my questions during the time of wandering have found answers. Most of the time, I can put my faith in what has always been. I believe that Jesus was the Son of God. I believe that he died and rose again to fulfill God's plan for salvation. I believe there is no way to the Father except through Him. However, I have never allowed myself to believe everything that is sprayed from the pulpit. I cringe when my pastor mentions that Gay people are not welcome to join the church unless they are "changed." I challenge the notion that only those Christians who are saved before death will enter Heaven. I absolutely do not buy into the thought that groups of people - early Native Americans for instance, who had some of the most amazing beliefs and respect for nature in history - are just gonna burn in hell because they didn't find God...how could they when they were in a place where Christianity hadn't even reached??? I just don't think God works that way. I also struggle sometimes when I read the Bible not to see certain things as fantastical. Some things just make no sense to me at all...and I can't explain them. But I can't explain them any other way either... I also struggle with why children are taken too early, why suffering occurs so often, why some people and not others? I don't have a CLUE how the whole heaven thing works. I believe in Heaven - an eternity of rest and peace. I am not sure how exactly you get there - I am not sure it is when you die immediately or later when Christ comes again. I am not sure who goes in the rapture, I am not sure where our spirit lives during the time between death and the end of time. A pastor once told me that "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." If this is true, then somehow, I feel like your soul is linked with Christ when you die, but I have no idea how or where ...I am not sure we know our families when we get to Heaven. I am not sure of anything at all. No one is.
  17. Well...errr...with my first son, he ate cereal in his bottle from about 2 mos old. It was the only way to get him full enough to sleep. :) He currently weighs about 65 pounds and it almost 5' tall. He has NEVER been obese - Ha - I laugh even saying that. He looks like a stork.
  18. I voted 0 - because there is no one currently that I know well (as in someone I see and talk to) that is battling it. I know people through other people...like a guy I dated in highschool, his sister's daughter has leukemia. My mom's ex husband's mom just died of a relapse of lung cancer (she had been in remission for 5 years) a year ago in December. I am so sorry for all of those who are, or whose loved ones, friends, and family members are, currently battling cancer.
  19. Gosh, I think you did the right thing by having your son learn to use the phone. You may want to have him do the same with YOUR phone...incase he needs to call dad to come help you. Otherwise, I just want to wish your dh a speedy recovery. I fell down some stairs a year and a half ago and the bruise I had was solid BLACK for over a week before it started to turn a beautiful shade of eggplant purple. It took three months to not be visable anymore on my fair skin. Painful was NOT the word. I almost couldn't breathe it hurt so much!
  20. My kids have never "faked" sick. They are usually straight forward - and if they are sick, it is obvious. I guess my rule of thumb is, "if you can play, you can do school. If you can't do school, you need to rest." :)
  21. I would have looked around frantically and asked them if they could hear the beating heart coming from under the floor. How sad.
  22. Oh gosh! I will say a prayer for him for sure. I surely hope it is not an aneurysm, but if it is, he is one of the lucky ones...sounds like they caught it in time.
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