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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I would base myself in Edinburgh and do something outside of the City most days. Probably rent a car because daylight is going to be precious. Stirling and St. Andrews will make good day trips. I don’t know the nature preserves in the area but believe there is a place with seals near Edinburgh and the grey seals have their babies in November and December. We love to go to a beach in Lincolnshire to see them. It is incredible........if there is something like that you need to go. My husband really likes the Battle of Bannockburn site https://www.nts.org.uk/visit/places/bannockburn.
  2. I want one of these now and I don’t like toaster ovens!🤣
  3. Thanks, just checked and my library has it on Overdrive so I requested it. I listened to a great book on Overdrive this afternoon while sewing that I doubt from looking at the Goodreads reviews I would have enjoyed in book form.........the book is The 39 Steps by John Buchan. I actually gave the audio 5* then discovered all the 1* ratings over on Goodreads so I recommend listening, it was short and enjoyable if you like spy/action type stories. I am working hard to complete my 10x10’s and this one works for Scotland which makes me very happy. I never finished watching the movie years ago when I had it on for the kids........not sure why.........but I can totally see this guy hiding in the gorse etc. I need to find the movie because I suspect I would enjoy it now. 😂
  4. Dd, my linguistically talented child who actually did teach herself French mainly using Duo and testing well.......and I were talking about the Latin on Duo and her opinion is a text of some sort will be needed to truly get very far because of the inflections. She compared it to Cambridge which is also hard without a teacher leading you through the program. She is very curious how far her mother will get before she pulls out one of the textbooks (Dd self taught Latin after Ds quit) so I stopped when the going got tough......like 8 years ago.......and have forgotten most. I cannot understand most of the spoken Latin on Duo which is already becoming an issue for me. The speakers are just not clear enough and the slow button is not there. I occasionally hit the slow in the other languages. That may prove to be the reason I eventually quit the Latin. I do Duo every day for both French and German and have for years.......my skills are not extensive but It allows me to maintain what I know and perhaps learn a couple new things every week.......I do the 30 second timed option for both every day. I have added Latin as a third.
  5. Crunchie bars are my weakness. Dh loves Flakes. Both are by Cadbury..........they sell boxes with mixes of different candy bars which are fun. Cadbury Fingers are nice....lots of flavors and all are good.😉 You also might enjoy an assortment of McVites biscuits. Dd is obsessive about Jaffa Cakes, chocolate and orange flavored. Digestives, Chocolare Covered Digestives, and Hob Nobs (oat flavored. Scottish oat cakes might be an acquired taste but I like them. Quite plain, I like them when I don’t feel well. Nairn’s is the brand I normally buy but if he see’s the kind that are sort of pie slice shaped they are the best.
  6. Great news! 🥳🎊🎉 The pictures are great!
  7. Well my Addi Turbo just arrived and the needle on one side is bent in a rather nice curve. Had me wondering for one second if the curve was the Secret to the fast.🤣. Being returned, new set coming tomorrow. We might make it to Germany next summer......😀
  8. I finished the new novella (but it’s 176 pages long so not really short) by Becky Chambers late last night. To be Taught, if Fortunate https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43190272-to-be-taught-if-fortunate has a totally new mission and set of characters from the trilogy based on A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet (the first book is a favorite of mine). To be Taught was a book that had an unusual slant on space travel and is in many ways more real in terms of actual space travel, so sort of concept filled for me.......how to allow a crew to travel on a trip that will take decades? etc. I highly recommend it for the Sci Fi readers among us.
  9. Since he will be there near Christmas my first thoughts were mince pies and a Christmas pudding! Tea.......I would just have him buy you some that looks good to him. Lots of nice fruit infused on the shelves. The grocery stores in general have expanded their choices. I am boring and drink P and G so no great advice, Yorkshire tea is good too and not so widely available.
  10. I am sorry. It’s always hard but when the friend is my age it really upsets me......it feels so much closer.
  11. Exactly what I was going to say.......
  12. Sending positive thoughts your way! I know you can’t wait to move!
  13. I didn’t see the photo’s but am assuming you have a fairly major situation involving many dishes, apparently Corelle. I know people who use bleach when washing these but you might was a test run...my aunt bleached everything, generously and definitely used Corelle dishes so it should be fine. I would do this slowly a few dishes at a time placed in a bucket and covered with bleach. Let them sit outdoors overnight. The bleach should break down into essentially salt water within 24 hours as it sits in the bucket and any bacteria etc should be killed. Bring inside and wash in hot soapy water. Washing should be easy at this point. Fwiw, I don’t think I would ban him from dishes altogether I just think you need new house rules.....along the lines of food can only be consumed in blank areas and all dirty dishes must be placed on this counter or sink immediately. No washed immediately because that will mean exceptions happen......
  14. @Robin M love the Baldacci link. I have One Good Deed on hold and am close to next! Before I forget I recently read a new to me author for one of my favorite genres, Cozy Amish Mysteries, Shelly Shepherd Gray. The book was not my favorite ever but just fine for a comfort read. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38126336-his-promise?ac=1&from_search=true. @Junie Not sure if you have ever read this newspaper column written by an Amish womanhttp://www.lovinasamishkitchen.com/? It appears in my hometown newspaper and my mom used to send them to me so I was happy to discover that I can still read them via email. They make me happy!
  15. The mystery set from Goodwill might be from Brunswick. I am pretty sure some of my needles are from there, they went out of business at least 20 years ago. I just ordered a set of Addi Turbo’s off of Prime......I realized I could try one set at a time if I bought via Amazon.
  16. Hugs........My Ds needs detailed info and lots of reminding, always has. Who am I kidding? Dd does too..........We have a few constant chores that I like help with and if I ask for help with anything I expect to receive help. Personally I would tackle the dishes first..........as in they must be returned to kitchen. I wonder if he doesn’t return so he doesn’t have to wash them? Have him include a walk around and collection as part of the assigned chore. Anyway I would start there and add in bits of other things for awhile that make your life that day easier. Ds please take the trash out, walk the dog first, etc.
  17. Wee Girl will always be Wee Girl even if she requires a full size cello, which by the way is totally ouch worthy. May the rest of the year go as planned! I finished my Inspector Gamache.........there is every indication the series will go on although I hope to resist moving on with it. I can live with this ending and hopefully will resist the next. So now I am onto some of the books I finished last week..... Fred Vargas’ Have Mercy on Us All was read in honor of last months detective Jean Baptiste Adamsberg. It took me awhile, I gave it a three...........It was set in France so will be used for my Brexit Express 10x10. I have another by the author in the stack and plan to try it ......I liked the detective even if the story didn’t thrill me. Sapphire Flames by Ilona Andrews appeared way earlier than expected in my Overdrive and I dropped everything and listened. I loved it! Medusa Uploaded https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36245705-medusa-uploaded is a Sci Fi book that I totally enjoyed. I am looking forward to the next. A Corpse in Koryo https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15307.A_Corpse_in_the_Koryo Was an audiobook for my Asian Detectives 10x10 set in North Korea. It was interesting but a bit odd to listen to as the writing style is choppy but set in North Korea .........so I had to finish and ended up rather liking Inspector O who is the main detective. He has high principles in a corrupt place and because of family connections is able to function with some independence. I will probably listen to more at some point.
  18. Robin great intro........you are so right about favorite restaurants and the comfort they bring to our lives, which is surprising to me. Recently one closed that Dh and I have frequented since before kids. We knew the whole staff and were all there on the last day. Sniff.......we all miss it and can’t find another where the food tastes as good. Last night I read two chapters of the newly released Inspector Gamache Novel, A Better Man, and am now over 80%done and I actually went to church! So no matter what else I say it is a page turner! I promised myself after the last book that I was done and I honestly thought Louise Penny was too. @aggieamy is very wise.....she stopped a couple books back! A Better Man takes place over a year later and I find the time line to be off which is an irritation. It just doesn’t work for me considering how the prior book ended......I get this is the time line to make this book be............readable, acceptable, satisfying for fans......pick one. Last week @Kareni started a thread over on the main board about which book do you recommend to all and at one point my answer would have been Inspector Gamache, now honestly, I just wouldn’t put anyone through the roller coaster this series now is......but I have recommended the series in the past because it had something that could work for many imo. So I love the characters but do not really like them anymore. I am on a roller coaster hoping for a happy ending to the series......and I have no idea if this is the end! I will post more later tonight when I am done....
  19. I don’t know what to say beyond hugs and most schools do superstore the ACT in our experience. Is the first section the one she needed to improve the most?
  20. Thanks to this thread I added Latin to my Duolingo account. I am enjoying it so far.....did it with the dc’s for years but don’t remember much.
  21. Thanks everyone! Keep the comments coming....... I have been busy contemplating the recommendations, such choice, far more than I was seeing actually. I need to pull the patterns for the Christmas things that Dd and I have talked about and make a list of the needle sizes we will be needing then order a couple of the new to us brands! So many good comments........have to admit I didn’t think I wanted slippy and am now wondering if I do. I am also starting to think that I may just want individual needles as opposed to interchangeable cables because of that slight stickiness where they join. Decisions!😂 I switched to circular’s because I could easily carry a small project in my purse in a zip lock. I haven’t been knitting as a car passenger recently but used to all the time. Circulars confined my projects to my lap really easily. Now I use them because of weight issues.....Dd actually likes longer cables because she stores all of the pieces of the project on her cable. They are just plain more convenient imo.
  22. Brit Tripping......... Most of this week’s photos were actually taken a year ago today according to my iPad because of this year’s trip being rather wet.......It chucked it down in local terms! When IPad did it’s “would you like to see pictures from this day........” I decided it was telling me what today’s Brit Tripping was supposed to be about. Not the most thrilling picture wise but hopefully someone will find it interesting! Every summer we “cross” the Prime Meridian near Hull and visit the bird sanctuary at Spurn Point at least oncehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/england/sevenwonders/yorkshire/spurn/ We actually go to watch the seals now but our family started going when Wooly Mammoth bones were found on the point https://www.yas.org.uk/Sections/Prehistory-Research/Palaeolithic/Palaeolithic-Yorkshire-mammoth-and-other-ancient-elephant-finds It’s actually a great place to find fossilized corals but we really haven’t had any great variety of fossils there. To get to Spurn Point we have to go through Hull and take a series of smallish roads for about 45 minutes through several small villages. We live close to the Prime Meridian https://www.ldwa.org.uk/ldp/members/show_path.php?path_name=Greenwich+Meridian+Trail but the markers are not common, as in this is the only one I ever notice. Maybe next summer Ds can do the trail or at least part of it. 😉 In the first picture is on the Humber ( Hull estuary side of Spurn Point) , I circled the roe deer which blended right in. At high tide that grassy area is under water. The second picture is the ocean side near where the mammoth tusk was found......windmills are off the coast, which I was apparently trying not to show! I really dislike looking at the windmills which seem to be everywhere now!
  23. We prefer to give to specific areas within our local church or to missions. If you feel called to give to missions that is a wonderful cause that we give to both in time and financially. The general fund is not always used for just that particular church and it’s needs and my family likes to have a bit more control. Make sure you attend the annual meetings.
  24. This is the series Ds really likedhttps://www.rainbowresource.com/proddtl?id=019882&subject=Reading%2FLiterature/6&category=Reading+Comprehension/1010. It’s called Wonder Stories.
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