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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Your mother is wrong, you have the flu not some 24 hour thing. You need to rest. Go to bed and stay there as much as you possibly can............lots of hugs. Note as I said before on this thread neither my husband or I think we ever really had the flu before a couple of years ago. We could barely move for days......then the kids got sick. I hardly cared because I still felt awful........really having the flu is so different. Really different.
  2. Yeah! Glad he is coming home! Btw, he is beautiful.
  3. I understand. Can your husband leave you a cooler beside the bed with some basic supplies so you don’t have to walk to the kitchen? Crackers, some cool water............a flask of soup?
  4. Sending hugs..........I also think you have the flu. I have only had the real flu once. I may have thought I had the flu before but there was no comparison when I had the confirmed case. I couldn’t do anything beyond be miserable. I couldn’t concentrate, my head pounded, I was a lump of misery who couldn’t sleep either. Everything was a huge effort.
  5. Praying for good results and a quick recovery!
  6. I just set the Halloween Hamsters up that Dd made for me. I did the mug rug and table runner.......
  7. I like Elly Griffiths other series too if you want to try those. Ruth Galloway is an archaeologist who does occasional work for the police. This is a series that really must be read in order but you could miss one. The spoilers of being out of order would really ruin the continuing storylines.
  8. I love the pictures Negin! I finished listening to The Goblin Emperor this afternoon and it was so awesome! Defiantly one for this year’s top ten........fwiw I never opened my book except in an attempt to read the book in order to finish the story when unable to listen due to some busy days. My reading the book was a failure as I wasn’t enjoying it nearly as much. I put it away and finished it as the audiobook. I also read Rupture by Ragnar Jonasson for my Nordic Noir 10x10. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33257659-rupture This is the fourth book in what is probably my favorite of the Scandinavian mysteries I have tried. It’s called the Dark Iceland series. The setting is a small seaside village in Northern Iceland with a young policeman as the main character. The books are a loose ongoing storyline so reading them in order would be nice but they would probably still be good out of order. There is one more book in this series which I just filled out a purchase request for and the author has a new series which I am looking forward to trying. My hold on Forever Wolf by Maria Vale https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40597253-forever-wolf arrived and I really enjoyed this one. It’s the third in a series and I didn’t care for the second so was very pleasantly surprised. This whole series has a different type of story than the typical werewolf stories which makes it quite intriguing. I requested a soon to be released Nevada Barr, the author of the many book long forest ranger in National Parks series, not reading the description. What Rose Forgot had nothing to do with National Parks or Rangers but a lot to do with escapees from nursing homes. I was quickly hooked and stayed up rather late to read the ending which was poorly done in a rather tongue and cheek, roll the movie credits way ..........blank is now in high school and on the soccer team ........This book was one I was in the right place for and I actually found it pretty funny but doubt I would have in the last few years of my mom’s life so trigger warning. Rose catches the flu and wakes up from a drug induced Alzheimer’s type condition to discover she is in a nursing home and runs away from her care unit. Shh hides out with the help of her granddaughter and before long they realize that there are people who want her dead not just in the nursing home........https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44195174-what-rose-forgot I hope to start listening to my Toby Peters book tomorrow and have been read a book in the Haunted Library Cozy series called Read and Gone. After that I will attempt A Small Death in Lisbon for my very last country in my Brexit Express 10x10 category.
  9. Can I just say I really want to hold him! So very precious......... Sorry for all the trauma but so glad you are both OK.
  10. I’m so glad your Dd was able to visit for a couple of days! Glad your drains are due to come out soon as I know that was a boost to how my mom felt. Hopefully you will be able to leave the oncologist’s office with a plan..........sending hugs.
  11. Are you sure someone isn’t overriding the system because they recognize you and someone in your family did request the book? I can’t believe they don’t have some sort of control. This isn’t a my library is better just a how can this work? Experience tells me people really want the latest in a series and honestly can hassle the librarian if they just see the book being processed. I suspect someone who is 150th in line might be really tempted to just claim a hold for someone else thinking they will read it quick. They would constantly have complaints. So.......at one point I was on a library board as well as a volunteer. The current software was purchased during that time, major upgrade. It does a whole lot regarding purchasing which books, quantities, which branches get the latest editions.......... it totally monitors inventory. Supposedly reduced costs greatly.......no clue if it really did!😂 The obvious function is check outs but the hold’s system is streamlined too imo. It was pretty impossible to ignore the systems messages regarding books that need to be pulled for hold’s, believe that flashed at the bottom of everyone’s screen until someone took care of it! As soon as you scan the book you turn the message off and the system tells you what to do with it next. Tag it for your branch and it’s already assigned to the patron before you place it on any shelf, or tag it for a different branch which requires another scan by you to check it out to that branch and another set of scans at the receiving library. I was under the impression that our software was pretty standard now and am almost positive that my current library is using the same basic package.
  12. I have never canned at high elevation and haven’t done any canning for a few years fwiw. So my 2 cents...... If the lids are not popping you are fine. My mom would tell you to stick any that you are concerned about in a water bath (9 x13 Pyrex was her method) in the oven set low for a couple of hours.......you will here popping sounds as they seal.
  13. I have pfaltzgraff in White in two different pattens that are similar enough to be intermixed. One from our wedding (so 31yo) and another set that Dh spotted a couple years later in an outlet extremely cheap. I think I can feed 24 and have loads of serving pieces. They are heavy and my hands are becoming an ongoing issue. But they match everything so I like them.....sturdy, fine in the microwave etc...... I also own a lighter set of dishes from Johnson Brothers that I may switch to for everyday use.........I have been moving them and never used them much. Also from our wedding so I have serving pieces for these also. I love them and am seriously considering moving them in to the cabinet for daily use. They are supposed to be dishwasher safe but I don’t know that I have ever put them in the dishwasher. Dd and I had tea party’s with them (with guests) when she was little frequently https://www.replacements.com/p/johnson-brothers-summer-chintz-england-1883-stamp-bread--butter-plate/jb_suchi/54774881?rplSrc=GPLA&rplSubEvent=159465&productTargetID=602905652810&dvc=t&rplsku=5477488&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4oLctruU5QIVDtvACh1h9watEAQYAyABEgKoNfD_BwE
  14. I have used both systems. One library tried the Open shelf method but I think they decided the shelf wasn’t large enough and the back room area was easier for all. Ours were by initial and card number and it was a pain......I also had similar initials /numbers with types of books. The positive was I frequently went home and put the other persons books on hold and because of the sudden frequency in not being able to renew an older book I am positive they were studying my stack too.😂 I would ask a librarian and run a test (don’t trust this former library volunteer) but the computer hold system should be set in a manner that only the card that reserved the books can check them out unless the librarians do an override on the books while checking them out. Depending on the patron overriding is no big deal and may not be mentioned after the patrons are known to staff. Our policy was to never override media........if lost people refuse to pay for it if they did not request it.......we had a husband/wife battle over lost dvd’s that was not pretty. The hold’s are very programmed to the number you reserve them in getting scanned more than once along their path to you if they move branches etc. I would in a totally friendly way make them aware of the similar names and interests. I would also helpfully sort my books between the individual cards as I was preparing to check them out reminding the kids in a loud enough voice to be heard that we are being careful because we don’t want to accidentally check out the other families books a few times.
  15. Since the proper way to read The Goblin Emperor has been something I have debated and theorized over on BaW for months I thought I would give an update. I decided to attempt the audiobook with a hard copy as back up and it is going really well. I have now passed the halfway point and have not had the chance to actually look any questionable name etc up before the story makes me realize who the confusing character name is.......I am loving it! I probably could have skipped the hard copy. Before I forget I also finished listening to a Poirot..........The Three Act Tragedy. I love it when Hugh Fraser narrates! I must have read it at some point but the details were extremely blurred. Enjoyed greatly. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10122772-three-act-tragedy
  16. First, for anyone who goes looking I found The Beleaguered City for free on Google books......now I just need to consult my tech advisors on exactly what to do with this find!😉. I think I just need to download it in a different browser and I can put it in my files but there may be a better way. I am always more “aware” I guess of books where I know the scene’s physical location so ghostly happenings would certainly keep me indoors at night! I read a current day Murder mystery set in an area near us in England which is rather bleak and open ........we never did more than drive through there and never will now! I looked out the window last summer and it just felt scary! @aggieamy I actually read Sophie’s World for a Bingo Square a couple of years ago. I don’t think there is any problem with Sophia reading it. It actually was one of those books that I threw on my “if I am ever involved in homeschooling another child” this will be added to my curriculum list. I thought it would combine well with The Tao of Pooh which was really fun!
  17. So very sorry. I wish I could say I can’t believe it but I can. So glad you followed through and totally rejoicing that your mom is doing so well. Hugs to you and your mom......your whole family!
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