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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Forgot to say I control the temperature in the car when reading and keep constant fresh air blowing. Sea of Trolls is a book I love. Didn't care for the sequel.
  2. I suffer from nausea in the car also. In order to read I need to be in front and reading on my kindle. My reader works best so I hope your paperwhite will work for you. I am still reading Putney's Lost Lord series and being lazy. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and I start feeling better. Ds and I are on our own tonight. I know he is looking forward to a television fest that I am not sure I will be much fun at. Dh and Dd are off to retake the lost exams. Not exactly fun for anyone.
  3. My allergies seem to have turned into something more unpleasant so I have retreated to my bed and dh is running the household. It is rather odd to do nothing but sleep and read fluffy romance novels. I am the exception I think. I love reading on my kindles. So much easier to hold and I have several unread books available always. I didn't feel this way until recently but I have definitely converted and feel very quilty about it. I do enjoy looking at hardcovers. I frequently get the hardcover from the library for reference while I read the ebook.
  4. I still have mine sealed in a box. I built much differently from dd who is tiny and I am tall. My dress was quite plain so would look good on her but needs significantly less fabric. We shall see if she wants to deal with the alterations when the time comes. My veil is wonderful and she wants that for sure.
  5. Happy 16th Birthday to Robin's son! Love the pictures. It is amazing how much they grow. I keep telling ds that his feet are about the size he was at birth. ( He has size 13 feet) Happy Birthday to Jenn.....hope you have a great day!
  6. I am currently reading and enjoying Mary Jo Putney's the Marriage Spell. Really fun so far, it is a good recency romance mixed with magic. Sort of a Magical Recency England that reminds me a bit of Bewitched complete with floating food. :lol: Naturally I went to find a copy of the next in what I thought must be a trilogy but no more in the series. :( I found this which might interest some herehttp://dearauthor.com/book-reviews/overall-b-reviews/b-reviews/review-dark-mirror-by-mary-jo-putney/. I looked at that series also.
  7. Not a program but Duolingo has Italian. Practice Makes Perfect also has Italian workbooks. That combination has worked well for French for dd.
  8. At this point they grade themselves except for exams but when they were younger I graded the work from the day before while I drank my coffee in the morning. It gave me a perspective on what we needed to to that day.
  9. I have read two also. I put a couple more on hold.....
  10. :grouphug: We had a blue front amazon for years that I loved dearly. Dh developed allergies at the same time I had a bed rest pregnancy.....the bird now lives with the vets assistant. :( My bird loved showers especially when he was able to be on a towel rack and be sprayed. I don't think frequent showers for the bird would have helped our allergy situation but I think they are happier in the shower if they have a secure perch. He was also fine on a rubber bath mat in a pinch.
  11. Your new library sounds wonderful. Glad you are settling in and moved. :grouphug:
  12. I just finished Remarkable Creatureshttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7467548-remarkable-creatures. Lovely book. I think many here would enjoy but many have already read. After someone's comment about The Lady and the Unicorn being adult content wise I want to add that this was not. Lots of talk about reputations and a brief scene, overall mild. Not sure what i will read next. I just loaded my next ones from my stacks and filled up my currently reading on goodreads. This means I have more than 10 that I want to read next! :lol: I think I may read a couple quick ones in order to reduce the stack.....
  13. I can't highlight either but quote it to respond. The whiteouts show in the quotation. Jenn, I really loved Ready Player One and just got the author's latest Armada. As the mom of a serious game player and game programmer I knew many of the games which made it even better. Oddly enough dd enjoyed the book but ds was blah about it and never finished it. I expected it to be the opposite. Also dd says Rose is definitely right on the Christie. It is one of the best ones. Really hard to find at libraries. ;) She is unsure about Stacia's response...wrinkled brow and a maybe.
  14. Jenn-- Wow, that was great! Thank you for posting. Robin, What a cutie! I hope you get lots of cuddles. I am another baby lover. Still meandering through Remarkable Creatures. Lovely book. Not sure how it equates with the fossil hunting I have experienced with the kids. But we haven't done Lyme Regis.....
  15. I hope you feel better soon! :grouphug: Robin, I just went looking to see if our Amazon streaming had Iron Sky. I was hoping for the edited version.......no luck. While working on my quilt, which is my current obsession, I have been watching Alias on amazon. How did I miss that show? I am almost done with the first season. Bookwise I have started Remarkable Creatures. Just a few pages in. So far it is good. ETA. Teacherzee, Glad your big move is over and went well. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
  16. I read A Thousand Splendid Suns. It was powerful but I have not been tempted by any of the other books. One was enough. It was interesting and eye opening. Good for me but... Too be honest I was pressured into reading it, although the friend who gave it to me probably did not see it that way. But I knew she wanted to discuss it with someone and I was her friend who liked to read. I didn't really feel I had a choice.
  17. :grouphug: from someone who is finding the regular PSAT hard to figure out. I think they are all only given in October. I know annual testing is normally in the spring but maybe it could be done using the PSAT levels in the fall....that way your dd would get practice for the later PSAT.
  18. Baisically I am bumping you because I used both with ds but it was quite awhile ago. My best advice is not to try to make them coordinate. Take each series as it comes doing a page or two a day. Some days will be review in both books, others one new concept. On days with two new things set one of the books aside and concentrate on the new thing. Both series are excellent but ds probably liked Explode the Code the best.
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