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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Thanks for correcting my error. I will admit the Math I at Cal Tech confused me when I heard of it and since. I had never looked it up it was per friend who initially explained these exams to me. We aren't doing any US applications so it was a matter of curiosity on my part. That's what I get for posting second hand knowledge. ;) I had came to the conclusion they wanted the ability to do the exam cleanly (any exam)....at the same time both mine did it first go.
  2. My son is doing Swedish also on Duolingo. I haven't gone beyond Duolingo in planning so I am listening also.
  3. This is going to be way more information than the OP wants but maybe it will help someone. I know that a top score isn't essential for everyone but for my dd it probably is so.... My dc's did the Math Subject exams in May so I have spent quite a bit of time learning about them lately. They were our first subject exam experience. Both did very well with identical scores. We did use review books (Barrons and Princeton). Both discovered topics they hadn't covered in enough detail with the books even though they had just reviewed for successful AMC competitions by most standards. Both said they probably didn't need quite everything they prepared for but impossible to forcast. We did both exams because we couldn't decide after having learned the hard way that it is easier to get to Aimie via AMC 12. Preparing for both at once was relatively easy. The thought was all scores wouldn't have to be reported. Ds had just completed precalc so we were unsure about Math 2. Math I sounds easier, algebra and geometry, but for a top score you need to be pretty close to perfect, normally perfect. The score drops rapidly down from 800. College Board has a pdf which I can't link showing the rankings. An 800 on Math 1 puts you in the 99 percentile but on Math II you are only in the 81 percentile. Obviously Math I is harder scorewise. My dc's agreed that it felt harder, more focused. The Math I exam is apparently preferred by some top programs like Cal Tech which specifies it as a requirement. A friend whose son is applying to several top engineering schools told me that if they specified it seemed to be Math 1. ETA....Thanks to 8 I now know My Cal Tech info is wrong. I suspect the other schools wanting Math I is too. That is what I get for posting second hand knowledge. I just hope her son did Math 2 also. Math II is broader in scope and adds in pretty much everything except Calculus. You can miss one and still get the top score sometimes, but compared to other subject exams you still need to be pretty accurate. The score scale falls more gently than Math I, you can miss a few and still be over 700. I know MIT accepts either subject exam. At 12 I would have her do the math competitions like Mathcounts and the AMC if possible. AMC 10 is Algebra and Geometry, AMC 12 is through precalc. Studying for those is good practice for subject exams. If she can't actually participate in the actual exams maybe do an old one for the experience occasionally. My dc's enjoy those type of problems, the AoPS website has a test bank.
  4. When Universal Studios Orlando first opened, Murder She Wrote was one of the attractions. I think they were illustrating how a show was put together after filming out of seqence. They did key scenes with all the actors. Everyone (except Angela) could have been guilty. The secret was how they put it together and which final scene they picked. Not sure if that was just the attraction or how they made the show. I think it was every show but......Kathy do you remember? Not sure if anyone else saw it but the Prisoner had a rececnt remake (2012 per google) that I watched and liked to Dh's horror. His best friend and I were faithfully watching and discussing it, drove him nuts. I can't remember it at all now other than I thought many scenes similar. I might have saved it, need to check.
  5. It was on our list last summer when we went to Wales. We never made it because we got distracted by Snowdon and spent our day climbing. It was a rare day with no rain in the forecast for Snowdon. It is on our list. Eventually we will make it!
  6. We have the Prisoner also. The rest of the crew did a rewatch last winter when I was at my mom's. We like Bullwinkle too. lol. I will admit Dr. Who is probably my all time favorite, but I like the old Dr's. best. We are convinced Ds learned to read in order to be able to choose what Dr. Who tape we would watch next. ;)
  7. I love the Avengers. They have been airing them on one of the channels here and I have been busy recording them. When dd and I sit down to work on our craft projects that is one of our main shows. Ds finds it boring! gasp!!!!!How could he!!! That cover is wonderful. He looks like Roger Moore (the Saint, another great one) and she is Mrs. Peel. Sigh, I probably need to find that book. Looking forward to your review.
  8. I would spend a couple of months making sure he really is solid on his math concepts before moving on. Beast Academy wasn't written when we were at the stage you are at but I have gotten great reviews on it from a friend with a younger child. Has he already done Singapore's Challenging Word Problems? If not I would have him run through the books for 4 and 5. The problems really are challenging and will allow him to apply his knowledge beyond the initial Singapore books. We always did them a year behind the level they were doing in the Singapore coursework. Reinforcement. Another idea might be a quick run through something like the Key to.... books in your areas of concern. My son liked the fact he could finish the workbooks fairly rapidly. I had them all for travel. They are roughly 40 pages long, newsprint, easy to carry and great reinforcement of concepts. The fractions, decimals, and percent courses cover pretty much everything you need to know in an easy to use format. Their Algebra workbooks were also used as an easy introduction while they were finishing up Singapore.
  9. No, I haven't. It looks good but isn't available to me in book form at this time. I just looked and can get it as audio and I don't think I could when searching for the Pink Carnation books and the Other Daughter. I think I will wait a couple of months and see if it turns up as a kindle book. I just don't do audiobooks which is probably unfortunate. When I craft I like the telly.
  10. A few weeks ago Kareni discovered one of my favourite authors had a new book coming out. Not part of the Pink Carnation series that I have been reading at a leisurely pace but a stand alone. Her series has two separate storylines both of which I enjoy but they can be disconcerting. Rarely do I read huge chunks of those books at once. Honestly I wish they were separated but they are good. Lauren Willig's The Other Daughter was great. :) I started it this morning because I need to return it soon. Dh had a business meeting and the dc's were busy with independent work and I just sat there and kept turning the pages until it was over. A young woman discovers that her dead father is still alive after her mothers death. Not just alive but an Earl with a family. The book is her reation to her new situation set in the post WWI world. Quite Downton Abbey in places. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23014679-the-other-daughter By the way I like this author much better in the first person without the time shifts.
  11. Since science is what we plan to tackle next...Did she get her good scores in Physics and Chemistry after completing the main first year Apologia or did she do the advanced courses also? Trying to figure out if dd could do both exams if she reveiwed her Apologia. I had thought she would need to do the advanced text also or something else (I have a wide assortment ;) ). Time is her issue at this point.
  12. We went several times before kids and loved it. If your hotel offers an inclusive meal plan consider it. We found it to be a great value. We used buses. The people were lovely. We always went out to the fort but we love historical sites.
  13. Jenn, Just in case you check in before you leave have a safe journey. Enjoy your time with college boy!
  14. Kareni, Lingerie Wars looks interesting but the cover is rather ...well, inappropriate to put in the kindle fire account shared with the dc's. Good thing I am awake enough to realize which device I am on! I will go "buy" it in the morning from my other account. Thank you. Julia, I do think the Blume book might develop into a couple of romances by the end but didn't want to find out badly enough to read the sadness and horror. Since the author is apparently writing an autobiographical topic, she lived in a community where a plane crashed growing up, I decided there was no way to predict. Jenn, On the topic of Into the Woods, the Movie, dd and I loved it but haven't seen the play. I am so not equipped to discuss this but here goes, my third party comparison. One of Dd's best friend's attends a program for musically gifted youth and adores the movie. So do all her music friends. A couple of weeks ago they (not dd, but music friends) spent a day or two watching it over and over, something musical......they have some creative ideas that sprung from it. I wasn't really listening to her since it did not effect dd, but she was happy. I am certain they have all seen it live onstage and it was definitely the movie they were in love with, more enthusiastic about.....
  15. I just gave up on the Judy Blume book. In the Unlikely event was depressing and not overly interesting. I just couldn't read about the effects of a plane crash on a community and on a nice little girl. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24357287-in-the-unlikely-event Not sure what I will read now. I will take a look at due dates I guess. Big sigh..... eta. I think there is something going on with my auto correct , I glanced at my post right after it appeared and saw train instead of plane. Couple of other odd wordings today. Sorry!
  16. What about the psat and National Merit scholarship money? I really don't understand the whole system and think it varies by state but since she had a good score on the ACT you might want to investigate that part of the decision. Personally I think she should go ahead and graduate if that is what she wants. The psat was simply the first thing that popped into my head.
  17. Happy Anniversary Robin! Have a lovely dinner out at Ruth's Chris. Yum! Aggieamy, You need to clean out your PM box. Tried to get in touch earlier today. I finally read a Keri Arthur book after many recommendations from Robin and Melmichigan. The first Riley Jensen, Full Moon Rising. I enjoyed it and will try the next one soon. Currently reading Judy Blume's In the Unlikely Event. Not far enough in to have an opinion or even to know if I plan to keep reading it. A conversation here a few weeks ago put this book in my pile. It isn't what I expected so far.....
  18. Happy Birthday, Creekland! Alcohol may make me sleepy but I rarely get a good nights rest after I drink alcohol. It seems like I always end up waking earlier than normal to use the bathroom when any alcohol is involved. That means I am up for awhile.
  19. Dd just went through a spring filled with 6 SAT II exams and an AP. We never planned on the SAT II exams so certainly did not plan her coursework to match. Her scores were excellent. Some exams like the SAT Literature were prepared for over time in our normal coursework, she has read widely. She did a practice exam and glanced at the list of terms and sat for the exam. It was an extra because she was paying to do the Latin. For a small added fee you can take up to 3 exams. Because of the distance we travel for the exams she has taken 3 each time. For her it works well. Others like the Latin she went through every page of the REA book and reviewed Cambridge and Wheelocks curriculums. She had used both curriculums in her high school coursework but she seriously prepped for that exam. For Math I and II the prep books really helped achieve a high score. Both dc's took the exams. Dd who was busy preparing for the AP Calculus exam the following Monday (she was going through a prep book for French also) did timed practice with her brother and a quick glance through the books. She was extremely well prepared thanks to some math competitions and she looked at what her brother was getting wrong. DS who is two years younger did a pretty extensive prep with the books and got the same scores dd did. The books can fill in bits a good math student needs to succeed. We also had other materials to use when a weak area was identified. He worked really hard. He was motivated to do as well as his sister. ;) We haven't tackled a science exam yet. Ds will eventually do the physics one. We are planning to go through a good curriculum then turn to the prep books to see where he appears to stand scorewise. We will go back to other curriculum to hopefully fix any missing knowledge. We don't spend a great deal on our curriculum. I buy most used online. Old University textbooks are great. I look at old threads here for recommendations. I don't think you can buy a curriculum that will teach to these exams. I now know to have the prep books in the house before we start working on a class that they might want to take a subject exam for and will do some upfront comparison.
  20. I think you should come live near me. Not just because I would love it.....
  21. I vote for Malta. I have never been to either place but I have always wanted to go to Malta so I am prejudiced. ;) I suspect Malta could be a fascinating trip and a bit more unique. Eating inexpensive food in out of the way restaurants is a vision I have....I am probably really wrong! My Mexico of the 80's where dh and I had wonderful meals in some really out of the way spots. I know several people who have gone to Madrid on business and have always asked them how it was. Everyone always has a perfectly nice trip but I never feel the need to experience it after talking to them. Remember I love to travel but Madrid doesn't call to me for some reason. I would happily go if the price was right but probably would normally pick a different choice unless something made Madrid better....nicer hotel etc. If there is something there you or your dh really want to see or do then Madrid is the right choice.
  22. I have read many books on my Kindle during the night over the past few years. If I don't exercise during the day I am up at 4 am. Just walking a half hour helps greatly. My new kindle trick is I dim the brightness down to a really low level and set it up on my night stand and read laying on my side without holding the book. I seem to be falling to sleeep while reading in this position fairly quickly. Maybe a dozen pages.
  23. I finished the first book in a new to me series(Edilean) that I found on one of our many lists, I think it was best romance novels with a historical type connection. These are by Jude Deverauxhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/4543484-lavender-morningwho is an author I have rarely read. This book was good but after glancing at the next book which goes back in time to the Scottish ancestor who built the town I think it might qualify as more of an introduction. I really liked it, good fluffy read. It had a nice mix of the present, where a young woman inherits a house from an elderly friend in a town she has never heard of, and the past, a dramatic WWII romantic story which I am hoping to learn more about in future books. :)
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