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Margo out of lurking

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Everything posted by Margo out of lurking

  1. I'm looking for something similar to the lists in WTM, but I want it to pertain to U.S. History only. And I'm a little lazy. Are there any lists already floating around so I don't have to make my own? Thanks!
  2. I'd just think someone was trying out a second job and came by after their day job. We've never been ice cream truck people though.
  3. She's passionate, determined, independent, focused. She clearly hears God speak His will to her and finds it hard to rest until she complies. She's stepped out in ways I never would have imagined, and I wish I had been like this when I was her age. (I wish I were like this now!) It's been an amazing year to see Him working in her life.
  4. I like Anne-with-an-e Caron. If you give her the first name of Caron (even if she is called Ann/e), no one will ever be able to spell it. If Caron is a middle name, she'll rarely, if ever, be asked for the spelling. My kids hate our last name because they always have to spell it. It's mispronounced 50% of the time, and it's not even an uncommon name.
  5. All I can think is, "I know you are, but what am I?" I learned that on a public school playground though. :tongue_smilie: ETA: Laughing over Audrey's comments though. Wonderful!!!
  6. I'm on Firefox and have no problems with Google+. It took me 6 weeks, however, to figure out that I had to click the little "house/home" icon to get feeds from anyone. Haha. I thought no one was using it, but it was just that I couldn't see it.
  7. Things to try: Changing your language to UK English. This is being reported by several people as a "fix," but it may be only temporary. Look in the left margin and click on "Close Friends." Add everyone whose posts you would like to see. (I added over 90 people, haha.) Then, after you are done, click on Home (top bar on the right hand side). Click back on the "Close Friends" tab in that left margin. For ME, all of the "top news" disappear, and only my 90+ closest friends' posts show. I'm also adding people like crazy to Google+. Stupid Facebook.:confused:
  8. We have always presented it as the natural course here too. Dh went to college off and on for several years, never completing his degree. I don't have one. It's just been in the past few months that I have introduced to my kids the idea that they have other options. The *most* important thing to do is whatever God is calling them to do. He will surely want them to continue learning, in some way, and grow in their spiritual lives. If that includes college, wonderful. If that doesn't include college, wonderful, too. He WILL show them His will, and as long as they are seeking and following that, college is just a much smaller issue.
  9. Almost new cabinets when we moved into this house (the woman lived here for three months). They have a nice finish, and we put dishes, pots, everything right on them.
  10. I haven't tried this, but what if you put K-9 Web Protection (free) on the account and then restrict any internet access from there. If you have the other user accounts password protected, then no one can access the internet.
  11. We picked out ds's name many months before he was born. Then a couple of actresses with the same name became extremely popular. There was no way I was giving my boy anything that could be considered a "girl" name, so we changed it three days before he was born. It took me a month to remember his new name.:)
  12. Depends. Would the kitchen just be isolated by itself, or would it be open to a family room (instead of a living room)? I am in the kitchen a lot. I like being able to see my family. It's always worked well for hsing too. My old house had an L-shaped "great room," with the kitchen open to the dining area (separated by a bar-type counter), and open to the living room (no family room). I liked all of us being together but not necessarily close. My current house has a eat-in kitchen + family room combination; the couch serves as a barrier between the two. There's also a large, double doorway wide opening to the dining room, and that opens into the living room. I'd definitely want the kitchen to open up to some type of living space. It's easier to keep on eye on younger children, and it promotes family togetherness with older kids.
  13. He can never remember his own, and he doesn't want mine. I put a few pertinent ones away in a place that he knows, in case I were to drop dead tomorrow.
  14. We have never had a flu shot. We have never had the flu. My kids had the usual childhood vaccinations, although my dd will not receive the Gardisil shot (and not because of anything Michelle Bachmann says ;)). Both of my kids went to preschool for several years, my dd to ps for a few. For the last three years, I have worked around small children (library children's dept.). Why haven't we? Because I no longer trust a government that cries, "Wolf!" over everything when its dire predictions don't come true. Because I am a better judge of my family's medical needs. Because I will not be bullied by a doctor (who then threatens to drop a patient from the practice for harming the doctor/patient relationship). Because I do not blindly trust what a doctor, the AMA, the AAP, or most any federal agency recommends. My dh has serious autoimmune issues. It is possible both he and I would get a flu shot down the road, if WE determine it is in the best interest of his health. Oh boy, I didn't realize I have such a strong opinion.:blush5:
  15. Based on my experience, I believe that the children's ministry is one indicator of the overall health of the church. I would expect the children's class to have a large "core" group of children who, for the most part, behave appropriately and show a love for Christ by respecting the teacher, the lesson, and the rest of the class. For the most part (my qualifier!), the children will mirror the respect and reverence shown by their parents. We were taken by surprise more than once and became reluctant to have our kids participate in any sort of separate worship. They began attending church with us only, and later continued to do so when we gave them the option. We are not and have not been part of a church that does a separate Sunday school hour. (Certainly nothing wrong with it, I just don't have that perspective.) I am not saying everyone should come to the same conclusions we did and keep their children with them, it's just where our particular family was led. I would find that experience to be terribly disheartening. What do you think otherwise of the church? I might have a conversation with the pastor or children's ministry lead. Exactly what kinds of kids are attending the Sunday school class? Why do they not want to be there? Has the pastor subbed before, or did he realize the extent of the problem in the class? I don't blame your ds for not wanting to be there, I'd protect my kids from that. We visited one church for a while where the two most disruptive kids in the class were pastors' children. :confused::confused: It's definitely an indicator of something.
  16. What would I do? Pull my child from the class, invest in the DIVE CDs and have him do the lessons at home. IF I felt the labs were better done in a group setting than in my home, and IF it didn't cost me anything different either way, and IF I could count on the teacher to actually do the labs, I would possibly consider keeping him in the class for the lab work. I think you can just email the teacher and ask. "Dear Mrs. Teacher. I have a couple of questions about the science class and hope that you can help. I noticed that there will not be enough class time to spend two weeks per module. Will you be completing some modules in just one week, or will the class be expected to finish out the book at home when school ends? Are the students expected to do the lab work for Module 1 at home, or will it be done in class at a later time? Is there any work that will be expected every day, or will a weekly assignment list be sent home? Thank you so much for answering my questions, as I'm trying to plan out our school year and want to make sure I allow enough time for everything we have scheduled." Is there any avenue for complaints? This sounds completely awful. What a disappointment. I'm so shocked by the copying of the text that I can't even comment on that. :confused::confused: Fwiw, my dd is taking an outside Apologia Chemistry class. She has clear homework assignments, a weekly lecture, and a quiz or test, alternating weekly. She's in the class for three hours and I'm fully expecting her to be working 1/2 an hour a day during the remainder of the week. (And, ugh, it's chemistry, it'd be so nice if it was a class that didn't take quite so much time!)
  17. I just came back to post this. I refrained yesterday, since I was unsure if there were any instances that pointed to Jesus (for example, when Abraham was directed to sacrifice Isaac, or in the fire in the book of Daniel). Glancing through pertinent sections today, I agree, this is Jewish, not "Christian." To the OP (you responded but I didn't copy your comment here!). I agree, it can be tough enough for us as adults to remember, after reading a fictional account taken from a Biblical event, what is true and what was fiction. Looking back at Deborah (and Jael) today, the verses are not long. You might check in the book (mine is in my basement :eek:), I wouldn't be surprised to see if she references the verses she took and made into her story. :001_smile:
  18. To use the scallops: what about cooking them and then adding them to a casserole with rice and some sort of sauce and asparagus or broccoli? How about in a spinach salad? Or in a sauce with pasta? Does anything here sound appealing? I'm suggesting these because it sounds like no one in your family are fans of solo scallops. And although I'll be fixing breakfast for dinner, now I'm getting quite hungry for scallops!
  19. I would tell my friend that I am in no way qualified to give any sort of advice! My opinion would be for my own self being pregnant at this age, and I wouldn't have an opinion for another's situation.
  20. How old are they? I would tell them, "You need to focus on me." If they persisted/continued/picked it up again, I would go over to them, and repeat myself, "Remember to keep your focus on me." If they were younger, my tone would be more kind. I just assume that it can be harder for the younger kids to pay attention, and if it happened again during that younger class, I would say something like, "Where is your focus supposed to be?" I would not have much patience a third time with older students. If the kids were older (middle school/high school), it would depend on the actual co-op situation. I would definitely consider parent intervention. My dd is in an outside class that is not a co-op. The parents are quite hands off. In that case, I think it would be entirely appropriate for the teacher to speak to the student privately after class, explaining the need for them to sit quietly in class and not disturb others.
  21. Ham, yes, although I'd prefer it separately. I love scallops, but I don't think I'd try them served in mac and cheese, unless it were some fabulously fancy recipe that was not kid-friendly.
  22. IF you were being hired specifically for the Easter season, then it might be appropriate to mention it. But you're not. There's no reason in an interview to bring up a date you are unavailable when it is six months away. If you were being hired for the Christmas season and could not work after Christmas day, my answer would be different, and I think you would have an obligation to mention your unavailability.
  23. I read it aloud to my kids when they were about 12 and 8. It's one of our top all-time favorite read alouds. Did you not know this is taken from the Biblical account of Deborah from the book of Judges? We read it within the context of history and used the Bible as our guide while we read. There are definitely plenty of liberties taken, but it was a good way to impress upon my kids how the Israelites were rejecting God and instead desiring an earthly king. I honestly have no idea what you mean by "fair" "slant." Sacrifices to Moloch were a recurring, important theme. That was disturbing; but it's what people did who worshiped those gods, not that that is reason enough to expose sensitive children. We also have her book God King, and I would love to read that to my ds before (he thinks) he's too old.
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