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Margo out of lurking

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Everything posted by Margo out of lurking

  1. Documentaries are fine too. We also have John Stossel's DVDs. Dd's Bluestocking Econ book suggests a few movies from 1936-1981. I'm thinking we'd both prefer something that won't make us fall asleep, something a little more current/relevant. When I google, I get things such as Blues Brothers (lol) and The Firm, neither of which is close to what I want. Also, I'd prefer something on American taxation or subsidies, not another country. Thanks!
  2. The butternut squash was tempting. I'm going to try it with acorn squash later this week, so thank you for the suggestion! Kale, what does one do with kale? Ooh, just seeing that cheesy broccoli now, and I might have chosen that! I'm not expecting my meat to last past tonight, unfortunately. I ended up choosing yellow squash, it's been ages since we've had it. (Really needing a food smilie option here!) Thanks for the great ideas!
  3. We're having it with mashed potatoes, roasted carrots and onions. I'm looking for an addition or two that is healthy and fits in with the rest of the meal. (What I really want are sides that take the focus off the meat so it goes a little further.) Thanks!
  4. :hurray::hurray::hurray: :patriot:One of the best-ever posts on these boards.:patriot:
  5. Yes. Any name that begins with a B is out. I deliberately avoided the initials B.M. Seriously. I just couldn't do it.
  6. I don't have specific recommendations, but my ds preferred editions with British spelling and punctuation. You'll want to consider which you prefer. I'd definitely choose something with the larger, older, plate-type illustrations.
  7. I saw enough of these during the last election to assume it's fake. I don't believe that people who are that illiterate really care so much to attend a political rally. And although this is not enough "proof," I question why the sign is facing backwards. Would people really have the foresight to paint their sentiments on both sides of the sign? (I wouldn't, but maybe that's because I homeschol.) I don't know what I'd reply on FB though. Any response seems almost desperate, kwim?
  8. I voted No. My dd would have eaten the bread only. She would not care for the texture of either soup. She probably wouldn't eat much pizza either, although she'd eat fruit if it were out. She eats like this at home too, several small snack/meals throughout the day, even usually breaks dinner up into two parts, eating the second part several hours later. My ds would have eaten both the soup and bread. Or pizza. Or just about anything.
  9. Ds and I just finished reading Cynthia Kadohata's latest book, A Million Shades of Gray (I've preferred her writing style in her other books). The epilogue noted that North Carolina has the highest number of Dega/Montagnard immigrants. I've googled unsuccessfully for some sort of culture center that we might visit. Does anyone know of anything? I'm wondering if this might be my second post ever that no one here can answer.
  10. I'm reading this with great interest, as my dd is currently in an Apologia chem co-op styled class with a public high school teacher who has never taught science. I am spending much more time with dd so far than I did last year when she took biology. They are spending two weeks on each module, three hours per week in class. Class time is used for a quiz/test on what was covered the week before, a lab pertinent to the current module, and a lecture on the previous week's homework (which test will be given the following week). An hour per week, per module, including a quiz, would not be worth my effort to drive my dd to class. If sounds like the teacher's sole purpose is to answer any questions? Surely you can find those answers online. (Are you paying for this?) I don't think you can do less than what he's already getting in the class; you can only do better. If it were me though, I'd be using the DIVE-CDs (or looking at other options to go with the text). That's still a possibility, depending on how my dd's class goes. Dd is already freaking out about chemistry, sure that her entire future hinges upon whether she does well on it or not. Poor kid.
  11. I bought this Texas Instruments calculator based on reviews here and Jann in TX's recommendation. Dd's been working with it for awhile, as she ramps up for PSAT next month. I found this today. The teacher guide, in particular, is amazingly helpful. I thought it might bless another.
  12. I think people just flat out appreciate being fed, and they are always welcome to snack before they come or when they go home. I think your hospitality sounds quite lovely, and I would WANT to bring something to share also, particularly if you were doing this every week. :)
  13. Oh, that's cool! I like Ethan from when I used to watch Survivor, and so far, I like the football player and his wife. I'll be telling dd about Zac! Thanks for posting.
  14. You are not kidding! It's a very good thing that we began with geometry first this new school year. Dd does not like math; the first week of geometry was definitely more logic. Then she started her chemistry homework (outside class). THERE's the math. If we she was doing any other kind of math this year, it would have been an ugly year. Whew!:001_smile:
  15. Tenants' rights typically fall under state law. The exception might be something like discrimination. You might try a local list. I'm guessing you've already tried googling "renters rights" in "your state."
  16. :iagree: Oh my goodness, this is exactly how it is at my house!
  17. We have the free version, but no one's even been interested enough to give it a try. I voted Other.
  18. I do not remember dd ever covering this in math. She used Singapore through 6B, then Life of Fred Algebra, and Lial's Algebra. It's entirely likely it was there, yet neither of us remembers it. Conversions came up in her first chemistry lesson this year. We were still baffled, instead choosing to do it our own way. While our method gave us the correct answers, I assumed it would be problematic later in the course. The teacher sent out this link to a simple two paged lesson. By just glancing at the first example, I was able to "get it." Perhaps it was just showing different units that made it finally click. Maybe it will work for you in the same way that it worked for me.
  19. In general, she prefers the Teach Yourself series, but they don't have a Korean book. Based on the reviews, I chose Conversational Korean. She requested something with audio. She's already been learning the alphabet, so I wanted something that would continue to teach that. I also found this thread. I'll be passing on the tv shows to her, and I'll be looking for any reasonably priced opportunities for local classes.
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