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Everything posted by jenL

  1. OP, you just described the saga at our house! We've resorted to Rubbermaid bins, and everything is dumped into them. Legos are separated from Playmobil, and the castle has its own bin since it's so large, but men and all their gear is mixed together no matter what line it's from. Our big rule is Legos and Playmobil cannot be out at the same time; it's one or the other. They are finally starting to follow it, and they are less frustrated now.
  2. Only 2 hours before it begins. I'm starting to become excited to "check out" for a little bit. I wonder how I'll feel in a few days when my kids are driving me nuts. :). It's sometimes nice at the end of the day to throw in a dvd and just veg.
  3. My church is challenging us to disconnect for a week starting tomorrow night at 6 PM. I'm going to admit that I'm a little nervous. I use technology for everything, esp. on my phone. Our kids are also participating which will probably be the hardest part as they really enjoy their 30 minutes of TV time and their 30 minutes of computer time each day. Part of me is excited though because I do waste a lot of time on here or Facebook :blush:, so it will be nice to actually get some things done! :D
  4. If we were to have a girl (which we won't because we are done), I absolutely LOVE the name Adelaide. It's feminine, old-fashioned, and (I think) beautiful. For a boy, my all-time favorite is Landon. I wanted our youngest to be Landon, but Dh nixed it because a co-worker named their newborn (born 6 weeks before our youngest) this name. I should have fought harder for it.
  5. I love that tablecloth and think it would make a great valance! It's all about what YOU love and are willing to look at for a while imho.
  6. Gosh, there are so many... but if I have to pick, I'd say The Bible From childhood: Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White and The Secret Garden by Francess Hodgson Burnett Fiction: Pride & Prejudice and The Outlander Series Non-Fiction: ?
  7. :lol: Thank you! Dh loves that movie, so he'll be happy for me to suggest it. I've never seen it - I'm more of a reader than movie watcher whereas Dh is the opposite.
  8. Would you recommend for me to read The Last of the Mohicans first since the write-up says it's a sequel?
  9. At this point, we don't have plans to stop homeschooling until after high school. My eldest says he wants to be homeschooled for his entire life! Umm... no... Having taught middle school, they will be home at least through 8th grade. From there, we will determine with them what their needs are. A private, university model school in our area is a possible option. Public school is not.
  10. We lived close enough for me to ride my bike or walk there, so I was there at least once a week. The town was small, and it was safer then to let me wander around town starting around age 8 than it is now. I had a basket on the front of my bike (you know those plastic, white wicker ones with the flowers on the front? :)) that I would fill with books. During the summer, I was there every few days. I have the fondest memories of visiting the library as a child. Books are still my refuge.
  11. We're not there yet, but the thought of having to let my boys go someday makes me sad for you. It's just another part of the tough road of parenting, but one that is so glorious at the same time! :grouphug:
  12. Half full today because we've struggled through a rough start consisting of several meltdowns, but things seem to be improving slowly... one drop at a time :D.
  13. Patriots fans in this house!!! Although, I think it's time for Brady to cut his hair... it's getting to be a bit unruly! :tongue_smilie: Other than that, I think he's sexy. :D
  14. I would definitely offer to split it, and if they denied it, I would use the money to buy them something I knew they really wanted but would not buy for themselves to say thank you.
  15. We never took the class. We read The Total Money Makeover, and then ran with it from there. DR will tell you his information isn't new or profound, which is true, but the way he's marketed the ideas, and the way HE presents them has made it much easier for people to latch on and feel comfortable with taking such drastic steps in order to find financial freedom.
  16. :iagree: This is exactly what I do, all the while grumbling about the waste of paper and money.
  17. I got it as well, and thought, "How great that she can refer to herself so openly and with humor!" I'm a person who takes my oneself too seriously, so I appreciate your candidness. I'm sorry they locked the thread. It's been so volatile here the past couple of days, however. I think the mods are really trying to be cautious right now.
  18. Yes, it definitely works but BOTH spouses have to buy into it and work it together. We've lowered our debt 50% following DR in 1.5 years. We're on track to be debt free in another year. You have to remain faithful to it for it to work.
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