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Everything posted by jenL

  1. Interesting... I've never really put much thought into it. I truly don't know if I'd give it up as I use it for so much. Having a place like this forum has been incredibly helpful to me. I'm not sure I can put a price on it. On the same token, I often yearn for the world to return to more simpler times without all the negative ramifications of an internet society. With the demise of the library system in this country as well as newspapers, and even some bookstore chains, I'm not sure we could still access the variety of information as well as we used to be able to prior to the internet. The internet is beginning to control where we get our information, how much, and when. We are a society (and one could argue a world) that bases our lives on convenience. For most it would be very difficult to go backward, if not impossible for some. What's incredibly amazing and in some ways, frightening, is the immense speed that technology has moved in the last century; its path is not slowing either. One thing that does irk me is that society is demanding the use of the Internet, and it is incredibly cheap to provide, yet the monthly fees for access to it are ridiculous. A lot can be pondered from this brief video...
  2. Still no remberance of the restaurant's name, but I wholeheartedly agree to follow the locals. The one we like is not a touristy one. It's a tiny hole-in-the-wall place. There always seems to be some festival going on in the North End during the summer, and the streets are fun to walk. I miss Boston so much! We used to live 40 minutes outside of it just over the MA border... such an amazing city!
  3. Praying for both of you still. This made me think of you, so I wanted to share... "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand." ~Isaiah 41:10 :grouphug:
  4. You MUST eat in the North End. Of course, the name of my favorite restaurant has completely escaped my brain... will come back when I remember. :glare: Do you drink beer? Boston Beerworks has the best blueberry beer. I don't even like beer, but I will drink their blueberry beer!
  5. Our builder put in the ugliest faucets, and they are such a pain to clean. We're thinking of replacing them. Does the BRAND of faucet really matter? Our current ones are Moen.
  6. That is a fabulous idea! I would like it for my android phone to practice spelling everywhere we go using a method ds loves!
  7. Dh pointed out this article to me earlier, saying, "Look! It's your dream house!" He knows me so well! :001_smile:
  8. Ugh... this is what I go on when determining if I will do a personal paypal. I would have said yes to the sale too. That just stinks!
  9. :iagree: My son is similar, except for #7. After much research, keeping track of his behaviors for a couple of years, and many discussions with his pediatrician, he has been diagnosed with ADHD - Inattentive with borderline hyperactive. I was absolutely shocked at the behaviors that ADHD will exhibit; many are on your list. It doesn't hurt to seek an opinion, and it doesn't have to be immediately either. You can observe him and track his behaviors for a while longer if that helps you. Or, if you want, you can do nothing at all. For me, I always "knew" something was amiss with my son, although I was originally hesitant to pursue it further. :grouphug:
  10. Have you read The Help? It's so good & no romance! Although there is some romance in these (sort of), the Hunger Games trilogy is very good and a light, easy read.
  11. :iagree: I'm sorry. I just did a personal payment, and although they make me weary, I always check their feedback before agreeing to do so. I haven't had a problem yet, but there's always a first time for everything...
  12. I recently discovered their sweet potato gnocci in the freezer section. My boys LOVED it... SO good! I also love their individual pad thai bowls for a simple, quick lunch for me. Jo-jo's are a must here (esp. the peppermint ones at Christmas) as are the ginger cat cookies. The cinnamon ABC cookies are a hit as well. Their cereals are excellent and I don't mind giving my boys their frosted flakes. My sons love their cereal bars, especially the fig ones.
  13. Oh, Imp... you have my prayers - LOTS of them. Let God hold you right now. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  14. Saw the update from Jean about having to go to a specialist... praying for you, Imp!!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  15. Here are a few links that may help you. http://www.northcarolinahistory.org/ There's an Educator section here with lesson plans. Some are for high school, but I'm sure they could be tweaked. http://www.history.com/topics/north-carolina http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/kidspg/history.htm This timeline covers some of the major events in our state. http://www.learnnc.org/nchistory/ This is a digital textbook with an educator section that includes lesson plans, worksheets, etc.
  16. Continuing to pray for Jonathan and your family! You're doing a great job enjoying each blessing... God is holding all of you tight right now. :grouphug:
  17. I love it! Ds#1's art teacher has a daughter named Sadie, and she is the sweetest thing!
  18. My son takes Taekwondo twice a week for an hour each lesson. He began this year just before he turned 8. I enrolled him at a dojang that had an excellent reputation, and they also provide homeschool specific classes. We chose to enroll him to help him with focusing issues, and so far, it is helping. Ds really enjoys it. We'll probably enroll our youngest ds when he turns 5 in the spring.
  19. :iagree: You can do this, especially with the help of another person.
  20. Congratulations on your sweet little girl!
  21. Oh my goodness! Those pictures are utterly amazing! I can't wait to show ds in the morning. He LOVES cheetahs, so I know he'll be so excited to see those especially. Dh and I really enjoyed viewing them; thank you for sharing! An African safari is on our bucket list!
  22. Praying, Penny! May God bless you all and heal your sweet boy. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  23. Had my last baby at 33, and I wouldn't want to have one after 36. I am NOT opposed to others doing it, but for dh & me, that would be late enough. We are done, btw. :001_smile:
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