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Everything posted by jenL

  1. We are DR followers too, and sometimes we struggle with how he is so cut & dry because there's a human element you are speaking of in your situation that DR doesn't address. You are facing a potentially unsafe/undesirable situation with your current home, and with the state of the economy now, it would seem more than likely that the neighborhood would continue to crumble (imho). For us, we would slow down the plan to become debt-free because of the safety factor. There's too much of a what-if in your current home that points to the negative. We'd go for a larger home in a better location (after a ton of research for said location) that would protect us in the long run simply because your family is expanding while your current neighborhood is deteriorating. We are exactly where you are in the DR process (school loans and a mortgage), so I can fully understand your dilemma. We tend to view school loans as "less bad" than CC debt, so psychologically for us, we'd be okay with slowing the pay-down to obtain better housing. We believe you have to have safe shelter while not being excessive in terms of size.
  2. Like others, my list is long, and I would hate to miss someone while listing them out.
  3. Don't forget those of us in Charlotte! :001_smile:
  4. I can vouch for you! We met when my son was checking out your homeschool cub scout troop (about 2 years ago). You also bought some of my dh's pants that I was selling (again about 2 years ago). You are real and very nice! :001_smile: I also know a couple of lurkers who live in my area.
  5. I think she may be the gift from God we've all been asking Him to give you during this turbulent time! :grouphug: This news made my heart smile for you! :001_smile:
  6. Oh Joanne... my heart is breaking for you right now! Sending prayers up that this visit will get you more response. I am so sorry you are at the ER again. :grouphug:
  7. My first theater movie was Disney's Sleeping Beauty. I think I was 5 or 6?
  8. Welcome and thank you for sharing some tips with us! You are amazing in my eyes, as some days I can barely hold it together with my 2! :)
  9. My order will arrive Thursday (I placed it today). I'm waiting on ds1's supplements for his ADHD - Omega 3 chews and AttentiveChild. Nothing overly exciting this week, although they are extremely important in terms of maintaining harmony in my household! :D
  10. Our day started out a bit rough. The little man needs to understand that he cannot bother his older brother when his "work" is done. We have some character training to do with him. ;) Ds1 did well at his first day of 3rd grade. He has his own checklist this year, and can choose the order of his tasks after he does the work he needs to do with me. He really enjoyed the freedom, I think. I'm exhausted! :lol:
  11. Praying for your dh, you, your family, and the team of medical providers. Thank you for keeping us updated. :grouphug: I'm so sorry he's suffering them again.
  12. OhElizabeth's answer is spot on, and how I was planning to answer... find the root cause first, then proceed from there. I'd also reiterate allowing yourself to cut the assignments down and to chunk out assignments. Quality vs. quantity is a better skill to give our children then expecting them to output a lot of useless "babble". Off to check out the curriculum OE recommended as I've never heard of it.
  13. Sending up some prayers! What a journey, but you have gained much knowledge that will come in handy again! :grouphug:
  14. Such wonderful news, Audrey!!!! :grouphug:
  15. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Praying for you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  16. I'm with others who have stated concern over your mom being a hoarder. My first thought while reading was, "What if they get there and there's no room?" If you could somehow find out what the house looks like right now, I think it would help you immensely in this decision. Getting pictures is a good idea. I know you are in a very tough place right now, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I tend to err on the side of caution and choose the most stable option for the entire picture (mil?). Could you go there temporarily, let dh finish his classes, have the baby, and then scope out CO a bit more (maybe go somewhere other than your mom's or really see what your mom's house is like)? THere are no easy options here. I'm sorry you are going through this. Please continue to vent, as we are here to listen, and it's healthy for you and the baby to get it all out. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  17. Starting on Aug. 1 and jumping in with both feet. We're taking a 2 week vacation mid-September, so I'd like to get 6 weeks in before we leave. I still have a few more things to organize, but I have all our curriculum. Nothing special planned here either, but maybe I'll do something to start a new tradition.
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