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Laura in MI

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Everything posted by Laura in MI

  1. In 6th grade at the ps they read 3 books in class then they had different genres each month and they had to pick some sort of report. Dd13 read about 40 books for school in 6th grade and easily read 100+ for fun.
  2. :grouphug: I do a lot of the same things, but I've never talked to my doctor about it. I'm sorry it's so hard :grouphug:
  3. I thought about it my youngest, but dh and the kids do the laundry and they did not agree with the idea.
  4. My 3 oldest and I have had discussions about different things on the internet. Maybe I'm naive but I honestly don't believe they would use the internet in a wrong way. I just didn't think about it w/ dss12. And what doesn't make sense in my posts? :confused: Thank you for all your advice. That is a really good idea, I'm going to have ds17 go ask if he wants to. It is kind of cold out but ds17 plays basketball in this weather all the time :tongue_smilie: I will definitely call! They're probably out there I just don't know of any off hand.
  5. Thank you! We really don't limit technology, my teens all have cell phones and tv's and internet access in their room. We may be able to get him on the Rec basketball team, I'm not sure if he wants to play on it though. There isn't a scout troop for his age group around here that I know of.
  6. I wonder if his doctor will have any suggestions, I'm not sure what would happen if you brought that up to the doctor for a minor? I'm worried he'd get an MIP. I just realized we should go through his internet history.. I totally didn't think about that. He just said he doesn't like school. I'm not really sure if that's true because he he's never gotten lower then B on his report cards (we got his school records). So I know he's smart. He doesn't have any learning disorders that we're aware of.
  7. Is anyone using this? I'm thinking about using it with my then 4.5 and 5.5 year old's in the fall. Tell me what you think? :bigear:
  8. My biggest thing is he has a cell phone, iPad, tv w/ cable, xbox w/ video games all in his room. That's not a punishment, ifykwim? Dss9 told us that he smoked in front of him and their mom? :001_huh: So I'm guessing hanging out with the bad crowd isn't exactly new. Dh and I never knew this. He use to play basketball and soccer. He was even in scouts. Dh has talked to him about his future and he said he's not going to college. He hasn't really expressed an interests besides video games, his cell phone and the internet.
  9. That's what we have here too. We pay tax dollars for the schools, we should be able to use them as much or as little as we want. I think it's ridiculous that schools do not allow this.
  10. I thought about that, I'm not even sure if we should tell the kids right away. Of course dss came come acting hungover and he smelt like smoke. Dh told him he will be punished for this as soon as he decides on an appropriate punishment, any ideas? Dh already said he will not be allowed over this friends house ever again. Dh also talked to dss about his attitude towards me and my other dc and he said that it was because we we're mean to him. Dh explained that wasn't true and that no one was doing anything to him. Dss came back with "Your taking their side over mine, I told you I was right!" followed by stomping up the stairs and slamming his door shut. Dh just let him be and will try to talk to him in a little bit. Thanks for the congrats everybody! :D
  11. That's what we have for our teens, we put their allowance on it and a lot of times money they get they ask us if we can put it on their card.
  12. :iagree: Everywhere I've lived (only in one city) gets my tax dollars. In our small town once you get to junior high/high school level sports the only opportunities are through the ps.
  13. There's a lot of competition between dss's 7 & 9. Dss7 loves reading. He can read upper elementary chapter books with no problem. Dss9 is struggling to read 3rd grade level books (he has some LD's) and it makes him upset when dss7 can read them with no problem. Dss9 also notices the math dss7 is doing is harder then his math and he doesn't understand it. It frustrates him to no end. Has anyone dealt with something like this? :bigear:
  14. I wouldn't worry about it 5 is so little! My dss9 still has a hard time reading silently and still reads aloud. He is dyslexic and is struggling to read on grade level. I actually like it better because I can tell what he's struggling with.
  15. We usually have a date night every month and arrange for the kids to be over a relatives/friends for the night. Occasionally we'll go somewhere without the kids and my teens will watch the younger kids. It'll be our 6th anniversary on the 28th :001_smile:
  16. I've been shampooing and conditioning my hair daily sense I was a teenager, I've had no problems.
  17. I lost my first husband in car accident, sense then I've been a freak about car safety. My step sons who are 7 (8 in may) and 9 did not have booster seats while living with they're mom, they do now. My 5 year old and almost 4 year old are still in 5pt harness. We've had the law in Michigan for a couple years now I think, but mine will be in boosters until the seat belt fits properly.
  18. Thank you everybody! Well dh and I talked about everything and he finally listened. He said he was sorry and that he didn't mean to dismiss my/my dc's feelings. Dh had very strict parents and he was still a 'bad' kid. He's scared that it will stay same even if we punish him except he will be mad at dh. I explained to him that it shouldn't matter and you can't just accept his behavior if you know its wrong. Dh is going to talk to dss and explain he cannot treat me and my other dc badly. I'm expecting that it won't go very well because dss has a "I'm going to do whatever I want attitude" hopefully I'm wrong. If dss comes home acting the same way he did last weekend dh is going to punish him. All though we haven't figured out *what* his punishment should be for drinking/smoking? The family counseling dh is going too w/ the 3 of them, is now going to include all of us. I think that should help. Dss7 & 9 both go to counseling individually but we really not sure if they need it? If they stopped going to counseling we could afford marriage counseling which I think we need even though things are getting better.. This is totally off topic but while talking to dh we talked about having more kids and I realized I haven't had my monthly sense Thanksgiving. I took an at home pregnancy test and I'm pregnant! I'm shocked, we really weren't planning on having any more but it's impossible for me not to be excited about a baby. The hive is the first to know! :001_smile:
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