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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Tandem nursing is when you are nursing siblings.
  2. I have one but could never get it to work. My body (for lack of a better term) just spits it out. I think they are great.
  3. I am still scarred from my mother walking around upstairs with Nair on her bikini zone. I don't know when the right time to introduce it is. My dd has always been with me during personal grooming. Now that puberty is near/here I got her the book The Care and Keeping of You. We read it together and discussed. I have solved the bumps in the bikini zone by wearing swim shorts. I <3 my swim shorts.
  4. At a friends house this afternoon there was a whole swarm of them in her window. Very cool to look at.
  5. When it is important to your dd. My dd is 9 and expressed interest this year because the hair on her legs is very dark. We discussed shaving and how the hair would lighten over the summer but if she shaves it will come in dark. She decided not to shave this year. I suspect next year she will start shaving. I would like her to wait longer but if the hair is really bothering her she is welcome to shave it.
  6. Wear a hat. I feel so much warmer when I wear a hat. Sure, sometimes I feel ridiculous wearing a hat inside but it is better then being cold. Fuzzy slippers for my feet. And my big fuzzy fleece cardigan or sweater. I think I need to look into wristlets.
  7. The majority are chucked. Usually within a day or three. Holiday cards are displayed for the season and then recycled. Sometimes, I keep a photo card of a close friends child(ren). My dh, on the other hand, would keep every card ever sent if I let him.
  8. I love my L.L. Bean ones. They have an excellent replacement policy.
  9. Hot cherry tomatoes. Saute some olive oil and chopped garlic. Add tomatoes and stir until heated through (just as the skins start to split). I am fan of an assorted cheese platter w/crackers.
  10. I <3 my netti pot. It really helps. Plus, I take a teaspoon of local raw honey every day. It has to be local and raw. As long as I keep up with it daily I rarely have to take anything else. If I do need to take an OTC I usually take Mucinex.
  11. Document, document, document. Written expectations signed by both of you. Evaluations signed by both of you. Then terminate employment.
  12. I usually buy a small doll (or stuffed animal/pony/object of interest) and a book for the girls and matchbox cars and a book for the boys.
  13. Ours take place in the bathroom, the car, and at bedtime. Never once at the dinner table.
  14. It's so Amazing and It's Perfectly Normal are the two I always recommend.
  15. No thanks. It is a great place to visit but I don't want to do it full time.
  16. I kind of wish I could smell a fever after reading this thread. I can tell by looking at my kids if something is brewing. Ds gets glassy eyes. Plus his temples will be hot but his forehead cool a few hours before the fever kicks in. Dd gets the hot temples too but not the glassy eyes, actually, now that I am thinking about it I don't know how I know if she is getting sick, but I know when I look at her that something is brewing.
  17. I'm glad my FIL does not think like yours. 5 years ago my dh had a complication after being released home after surgery. My FIL came to the house and took dh to the emergency room. There was no thought of me leaving the kids. Dh has also driven himself to the emergency room in the past. He is a capable adult and did not need me for those visits.
  18. Matzoh Ball Soup Tomato Soup and a grilled cheese sandwich Macaroni & Cheese
  19. Invest in the Downy Ball. Before purchasing our new washer with the softener dispenser that is what I used.
  20. My ds wanted to join but I refuse to support an organization that discriminates.
  21. That is exaclty how I feel. I love my MIl and I do not think she is a bad person but she is the exact opposite of all these things. And whatever she does she follows it up with "I do this out of love". No doubt she does but I often want to tell her this MIL piece of advice for behavior during the wedding-"Shut up and wear beige."
  22. It was a very moving speech. I watched it with my children. My ds does not understand how anyone can say the Holocaust did not happen when it is so obvious that it did.
  23. I would go with Great Expectations. But that is because I absolutely loved that book and hated A Tale of Two Cities.
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