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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We start them in the oven and finish them on the grill.
  2. I have taught my children to follow the rules/laws/authority. I have also taught them that it is okay to question the rule/law/authority. But, I have also taught them that if they disagree they need to follow the law while working to change it. If they disagree with one of my rules they are free to make a case as to why it should be changed. Sometimes, they make a good case and I change the rule.
  3. The rule in our house is: If you don't want to share put it away. For guests: If you don't want to share don't bring it or leave it in your bag.
  4. These are the phrases I seem to be saying a lot lately: 1. Mommy is not a pack mule. 2. Go drink some water. 3. Don't look at me in that tone of voice.
  5. No. For the simple reason that it is against the rules of facebook. If I say it is okay to lie about your age because we don't agree with the rule then the same can be said about fake id to get into a club. My ds would love an account. Most of his friends have one. We seriously considered it and in the end decided that if we said it was okay to lie about your age here then we were setting a bad precedent.
  6. My 2 friends who are teachers support me. SIL 1 -does not support our decision at all and we do not talk about it. As I say to my dh, she is young, single, and childless. We thought we knew everything then, too. SIL 2 -will not give me her opinion unless I ask for it. Love her. She may very well support my decision but we respectfully do not discuss it all.
  7. Once I picked myself up off the floor I would sit my dd down and discuss her options. I would let her know I would support whatever decision she made. Adoption, abortion, keeping the baby. I would help her with whatever decision she chooses. I would listen, listen, and listen some more. I hope I would not pressure her into doing what I wanted her to do but enable her to listen to what her heart is telling her and what logic and rationale are demanding. What I really hope is that my dd is not ever in this position.
  8. I grew up in NY and do use that phrase on occasion. It is not a staple but it is in there.
  9. Here is my two cents on the SAHM is the hardest job. It is. Say thank you and accept it as the compliment it really is. I worked 40+ hours a week when my kids were little. I listened to how horrible I was for letting STRANGERS raise my children. As if I just walked up to a some random person and said "Here, watch my kid while I go earn a big salary to pay for expensive cars and vacations (neither of which we have or did). That aside, since I have been on both sides of this fence-staying at home is a heck of a lot harder then going to work. Sure, I worked long hours and was exhausted most of the time but I got to go to the bathroom when I wanted, eat a hot meal when it was still hot when I wanted, talk to adults about things that were going on in the world all day, etc. Then I quit to homeschool my kids. And, yes, now they are older and I can go to the bathroom when I want but it is inevitable that as soon as I am in there a knock will come followed by "Mom, where/can/why/what insert question here. I used to be able to pay a house cleaner. Now I have to that myself with the kids and that really stinks. I hate housework. I used to be able to just order in when I ddin't feel like it. Now I have to see if that is in the budget. My work is a lot harder now. It was a heck of a lot easier to go to work.
  10. Yes, I do feel uncomfortable in houses that look they stepped out of Architectural Digest. I am afraid to touch anything for fear I might move it out of place. I don't want to sit on the furniture for fear I will muss it. My house is not as clutter free as I would like. My dh is a pack rat. I do what I can to make it presentable but I know it is a losing battle.
  11. That was my parents philosophy and my sister and I worked our butts off doing that job. We then took whatever job we could get after college because the other thing our parents taught us is that it is easier to find the job of your dreams if you already have a job. Having your studies be your "job" does not automatically lead to an over developed sense of entitlement. Parents not expecting anything of their children and handing them everything does. The young man waiting for the right job is a nutter who will be waiting around for a long time.
  12. Other then the fact that my kids won't drink raw milk we never had any problems with it. They don't like the taste. Dh loves the cream for his coffee. I stopped purchasing it because it wasn't worth the expense in our house.
  13. Just Dance Sports Resort Super Smash Bros. Brawl (I absolutely detest this game, but ds saved up his money and purchased it on his own)
  14. Mel Gibson is really the only one I can't seem to watch anymore. I can get past a lot of things but not that kind of ignorant hatred.
  15. I hate cleaning. I only do it because if I didn't I would be living in filth.
  16. My youth is chock full of one hit wonders....... Lets go all the way -Sly Fox. Cars - Gary Newman Relax - Frankie Goes to Hollywood Funkytown - Lipps Its Raing Men -The Weather Girls There's Something Going On - Freda I know What Boys Like - The Waitresses I Want Candy - Bow Wow Wow Take On Me -A-ha In a Big Country - Big Country Safety Dance -Men Without Hats I Want To Be a Lifeguard - Oingo Boingo She Drives Me Crazy - Fine Young Cannibals What Are Words For - Missing Persons Tainted Love - Soft Cell What I Like About You - The Romantics
  17. I got my Nutrimill from Pleasant Hill http://www.pleasanthillgrain.com/nutrimill.asp I was very happy with the service.
  18. The curriculum was a gift. What you choose to do with the gift is your business alone.
  19. No, no, no. Luke was the better looking Duke. However, John Schneider has definitely aged well.
  20. Yes, I have been feeling this as well. I think it is because of all the negative news influences in my life.
  21. Okay, I have to say this. All you Shaun Cassidy fans. Parker Stevenson was and always will be the better looking Hardy Boy. That is all.
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