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Everything posted by kewb

  1. As an adult I am not a fan of bench sitting at the dining table.
  2. I have seen those threads. The name that always sticks out for me is http://www.liveops.com. Tutoring can be a great way to earn some extra income.
  3. I am not a fan of the fake flickering candle. I prefer the real deal. It has it's place. I can see for some people who may have problems with their hands to light a match or use a lighter that flicking a switch is easier. I can also see that if you have young children or crowd coming over that you would be trying for safety first. As for the gas station rose, my dh used to buy me gas station roses all the time when we were dating. They were affordable and he wanted to do something nice for me.
  4. You think "Thank goodness I don't have to go out in this weather."
  5. Spanish rice and refried beans. For dessert-Flan.
  6. To me it says dh should be wearing a dress shirt and possibly a jacket. Tie optional. I would possible wear a low key cocktail dress or a nice skirt with a blingy top, or nice slacks with a nice blouse.
  7. I have been debating about a vitamix for years. I could really use a more powerful blender but the vitamix is really loud. How do you lovers ignore that it sounds like an airplane taking off in the kitchen?
  8. I usually roast them with all my other root vegetables. The maple and mustard glazed parsnips sounds very good.
  9. Today I am thankful that my cramps are not as debilitating as they were last month.
  10. The best way to make latkes is to have my mother-in-law make them. After that, I buy them at the Deli. I rarely make them because I hate the way fried foods linger in the air for days on end. But, on the rare occasion that I will actually make them myself I use this recipe: http://www.nycnosh.com/?p=98. Sometimes, I like to make zucchini latkes instead of potato. I prefer sour cream with my latkes. But, if having a meat meal-applesauce.
  11. My kids don't get hand me downs anymore. They are taller then all of my friends kids and my nieces and nephews. When they could get hand me downs there were no issue. That said, growing up I got a lot of hand me downs from my older sister. I resented it big time. It was not about being the center of the universe, or thinking I was entitled to new clothes, too. It was the perception that my older sister got everything new and I got nothing. She always had the joy of crisp new clothes and I had the joy of patches on the knees. It didn't matter that my parents explained that it was due to finances, they were good clothes, or any of the other reasons. It still stung that she got pretty new clothes and I got her used clothes. Did I need to suck it up and deal with it? Yes, I did. However, when I was finally able to articulate my feelings on the matter my parents made sure to also buy me a share of the new clothes. At least I had the benefit of an older sister. One of my friends had to wear her brother's hand me downs and then her little sister would get all new clothes. That totally sucked.
  12. This time of year I break out what my dh calls "My Armor". Oversized and flannel pj's. However, at this time the bOOks are swinging free. I don't find it comfortable to sleep in a bra. When hanging around in my pj's hours before bed sometimes I will put on a sports bra. And my oh so sexy floor length fleece robe.
  13. I have not bought towels since we got married, All my towels are about 19 years old. The majority of them still look great. There are a handful that are starting to really show their age. And 2 towels that I have been seriously considering replacing but they still work so I don't. Beach towels, otoh, those get replaced every few years. Except for the ones that I have had when I was a kid. Those are still going strong.
  14. The original recipe called for white flour, so that would not be an issue. I have never tried gluten free baking but I don't see why a gluten free baking mix would not work.
  15. First I defined the difference between tattling and telling. If someone did something that physically or emotionally hurt you or is doing something that will cause bodily harm-come tell. If it is something that does not really affect you in any way-that is tattling. Then I introduced them to the Tattle Form. You have to put today's date. Your name, date of birth, home address, tel. #, & my cell phone #. Then you have to answer a bunch of questions, such as: Favorite song, least favorite food, favorite subject, favorite outfit, least favorite book, etc. Then when you get to the bottom there is space for the name of who you are tattling on and what the tattle is. I figured you must really want to tattle if you are willing to fill in the form. Plus, it enabled me to reinforce some basic facts that they should know-such as tel.#. The form dramatically cut down on tattling.
  16. I was gonna make an apple joke! Dh and I love that movie.
  17. Yes, I can taste the difference. I prefer the fresh killed free range turkey. However, budgets are a concern and some years I do the free turkey I get from the supermarket. To be honest, if I am doing Thanksgiving for my dh's family I use the free frozen turkey because they have zero appreciation for the food I make from scratch and their tastebuds are so dull they can not tell the difference in the turkey.
  18. I give my kids this nutrient dense muffin after swim practice: 1 1/4 water 1/1/4 old fashioned rolled oats (not quick cooking) 1 stick butter 1 cup whole wheat flour 2 eggs beaten 1 tsp salt 1 1/4 tsp baking soda 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 cup honey 1 cup raisins Boil water. Turn off heat. Stir in oats and add butter. Stir to melt butter and then let oatmeal cool unitl thickened and butter is absorbed (about 15 minutes). Preheat oven to 325. Mix in rest of ingredients. Bake for 20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins. Sometimes I add chocolate chips. Sometimes I take out the raisins and add chocolate chips and walnuts.
  19. I voted other. It is not a clear yes or no to me. If it was me, I would not be having altruistic motives behind showing my dh. It would be an emotional response on my part. I would be wanting dh to open his eyes to what his family is like. The reality is, it is his family. He already knows what they are. If he is anything like my dh he would not respond well to my pointing out his siblings shortcomings. Should the brother step up to the plate? Yes, he should. Will he? That is up to him not your dh. I do recommend that your dh document the expenses and how much everyone would need to contribute. It may make it easier for bil to foot his share if he knows exactly what he needs to come up with.
  20. My kids, too. Once they showed me that they could estimate I told them to skip it.
  21. Today I am thankful that yesterday dd and I had a communication breakthrough.
  22. I used to do it myself many years ago but I found the stuff from the store just wasn't sticking to my grey. For the last couple of years I have been having my stylist do it. She dyes my hair and adds highlights. It looks much better than when I did it myself. Fortunately she charges me a very reasonable rate or I wouldn't be able to indulge myself. I try not to think about the chemicals.
  23. I have never had any issues ordering from The Popcorn Factory. If you want to do a fruit of the month club with Harry & David they offer an Ugly Fruit of the Month (at least they used to) The same fruit only not as perfect as the non-ugly fruit. My sister sent us the ugly fruit one year and it looked great and tasted great.
  24. Bags of chips, pretzels, cheezits, and microwave popcorn are big around here. There is one person who gives out juice boxes.
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