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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Ours does not. There is no place to put one where it would not be disruptive. You can take out video games.
  2. Costco. They pay a living wage and give their employees health benefits. Plus, the products are great and they have an awesome return policy. You do need to know your prices, not everything is a deal. Sam's Club owned by Walmart and I will not support Walmart in any form BJ's-I do like that they will take mnf coupons (or at least they used to when we were members) but overall I prefer the costco experience.
  3. My reasons for no bikinis is twofold. 1. We are a family of marshmallow white people. We burn. 2. They are really not right for my dd's body type. The main reason is the burning. Tankinis are fine. Makes it easier to go to the bathroom.
  4. Life without mallomars - inconceivable! I had heard rumours that they are a New York/New Jersey/CT thing. I am with you, never moving away from mallomars (or yodels) , even though I no longer eat an entire box at a time. I feel as though there should be some sort of movement to bring mallomars to those who do not know what they are missing. Now I am wondering what all those people thought when they watched When Harry met Sally and he talks about mallowmars being the greatest cookie ever towards the end of the movie.
  5. You have never had mallowmars? Only the best cookie ever. Especially when frozen. Graham cracker crust, marshmallow center, all covered in dark chocolate. Also the only cookie with a season. They are only in stores for the cold months. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/08/nyregion/08cookie.html?_r=0
  6. No health or weight issues, I would eat the below all the time... Mallowmars Yodels Ring Dings Mashed potatoes with gravy Fettucine Alfredo Doritos Sugar wafers Cheese in a can New England Clam Chowder Flourless chocoalte cake
  7. My 9th grader participated on the high school swim team this year. It was not easy. Mine is the first homeschooler on the team. I had to battle the school district to allow him to try out. Other then my dealings with administration it was a positive experience for him-he even earned a varisty letter. It has not made him want to go to high school. All of his friends are constantly telling him he should go. Being part of the team met his social butterfly needs and that was the goal for us.
  8. This worked on every dog I ever had, except this one. I just did not have the patience this time around. We spent hours getting 5 feet.
  9. I use a gentle leader. It works wonders with my 80lb puller.
  10. I hate peanut butter so, no. Also I think they would be too sweet. My kids, however, would probably love them.
  11. Fudge. It is easy and quick. Make a big tray, cut into bites and place each bite in a petit four wrapper. If you really want to be fancy, melt some white chocolate chips and drizzle over the fudge.
  12. Being in the same boat as you, I think this is normal panic.
  13. Crying boy at 10-perfectly normal. I wouldn't discourage it but would discuss socially acceptable behavior and good sportsmanship so he can start learning how to get it under control. The gross stuff-also perfectly normal. You can place time and place rules on it and have consequences if rules are ignored..
  14. Add me to this camp. I have left the house with the oven on to pick up one of my kids somewhere local and I know I will be back within 20 minutes but I am uncomfortable the entire time.
  15. I was going to recommend that site as well. Most important is your relationship with your endo. Around here a lot of them seem to have a G-d complex and don't listen to you. Keep searching until you find one that listens and takes you seriously.
  16. There are laws about corporate polluting. They keep doing it anyway. Yes, pesticides like DDT should be banned. We should stop genetically modifying our food, and a whole host of other things because we are killing ourselves and the planet around us. On a global scale-banning plastic bags seems like a drop in the bucket against the corporate polluters. If I was going to support a plastic ban I would rather see a ban on plastic packaging. Soda bottles, condiments, shrink wrap, etc. There probably does need to be a line and we probably disagree on where it should be because of that slippery slope.
  17. I don't think you are picking on me. So, no worries there. The government regulating things that affect us all is a very nebulous statement. I personally think it leads to a slippery slope of regulation that starts dipping into all areas of my life under the guise of affecting us all. Who is choosing what is best for all? How is watching the watchers? What if I don't agree with the assessment? What about my individual rights? You are right, plastic bags are a problem. A huge one. I do what I can to minimize my plastic bag use and ones that come my way, I reuse and/or recycle them. You (general you-not you personally) want to put a sin tax on plastic bags-go right ahead. I have no issue being charged a tax for the plastic bags I use if I choose not to bring or forget my own. To ban them outright-well that now effects me in a different way. I don't think the world will stop if there are no plastic bags in the supermarket but I think that should be the choice of the supermarket not the government. I use paper when I don't have my own but sometimes I use paper in plastic because if something leaks now just that paper bags is ruined. Not my car, not the bag next to it, etc.
  18. Yes, I always end up regretting it. I would much rather throw money at a situation and hire someone else to run it then volunteer ever again.
  19. I don't like the idea of a city ban. I do not want to live in a nanny state. I do not object to a store charging for bags but I much prefer the discount I get when I remember to bring my own bags.
  20. Sometimes you've got to be that mom. Nothing wrong with that. Congrats on your daughters accomplishment.
  21. Mother of the groom can wear sequins to an afternoon wedding. She is not just another guest and should be wearing something a bit dressier then the other guests. I would see if you can try the dress on because taupe can be a tricky color.
  22. Tomato Staking and lots of conversation to figure out what caused the problem in the first place. My ds was struggling with a couple of subjects. We jumped back to the begginning and he had to do all the chapters with me. Turns out he skipped half a chapter in science-one of those sections that was not a stand alone but information needed as you move forward. The other subject he needed help with his notetaking/organizational skills. I think my ds lied out of embarrassment. He does not like to admit he needs help.
  23. Yes, it would bother me. However, the reality is that all of our information is in various databases that insurance agents are allowed to access.
  24. Don't know if this has been posted here but it really made my morning.... http://www.buzzfeed....s-actually-like
  25. Thanks for the heads up. I have no doubt my son will argue that swimming in the chlorine filled pool counts as showering.
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