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Everything posted by mommylawyer

  1. I'm expecting baby number 5 in 6 weeks or so. The baby is posterior (face forward). I had a minor freak out today and called my midwife in a panic. She assured me she's not too worried since I've had four other children. However, I was just wondering if any of you had a posterior baby that (a) turned before labor, (B) turned during labor, © didn't turn but you survived. I am planning a home birth (my second) so I am not planning on any anesthetic intervention. Thanks!
  2. I laminated 3 envelopes for each of my 3 older children: save, spend, and give (a la Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Junior). I may actually make them some envelopes from scrapbook paper since my daughters are jealous of the "fancy" envelopes I made for my own Dave Ramsey envelopes.
  3. My fifth grader has used WWS1 this year. While she is an advanced reader, her writing was suffering before starting WWS. I have never seen any of my children grow in a skill as my 5th grader has using WWS. Granted, it is VASTLY different from WWE; WWS is a more self-guided course, there is no dictation, and it is very heavy on writing. I have, despite her success with using WWS1 this year, decided to give her a break. She doesn't enjoy WWS but she recognizes it has helped her. I'm letting her take a couple of months off from WWS (she's a little over half way through) to do an online writing course, but we will get back to WWS in April.
  4. I've been trying to decide which Saxon Math 7/6 (4th Edition) DVDs/CDs to purchase ... and I need help! My oldest has been using the DIVE discs for the prior two years; she's okay with those, but wouldn't mind a change. I've heard the Art Reed discs are good, but I've also been wondering about the "official" Saxon discs. Any and all input - including critiques - would be GREATLY appreciated!
  5. I actually stopped cursive with my oldest last year when she was in fourth grade. My children get their handwriting from their Dad, who has horrible writing. Instead of forcing even more horrible writing, I have them "translate" cursive in their handwriting books. I want them to be able to read it, but writing it is optional at my house.
  6. Thank you so VERY much! This is a fabulous start. I'll start researching all the links and books you've posted and if I need more goal-oriented detail I'll let you know. I'm so excited - and relieved - by the information you've shared. Thanks again!
  7. I love homeschooling, but find science to be a challenge - if only because I despise doing the prep work for experiments. Fortunately, I don't have any rhetoric stage/high school age kids. My oldest is 10 (5th grade). I'm looking for for sciences that are heavier on reading and learning concepts rather than doing a lot of experiments - at least for now. I'm also looking for something that will work well for my 10 year old as well as my 8 and 6 year olds. I think we are good for Biology/Human Anatomy this year, but would like your advice for Astronomy/Earth Science next year and Chemistry and Physics the two years after. My 10 year old daughter loves to read, so I don't mind having something a bit lighter for my younger two - my 10 year old can always read more challenging material on the same subject matter. Either that, or I could just use something geared more to the logic stage of my 10 year old and read it aloud to all the kids. That would be my second choice though. When we do experiments, my husband usually does it or helps a great deal - for example, he will be the one dissecting various creatures with the children over the next couple of months. I've always been more of the reading/talk about it teacher. Thank you in advance for your insight. I've enjoyed reading your thoughts in the forums!
  8. Can I have a virtual beer or glass of wine if I'm pregnant in reality? And, yes, I realize it's only 7:30 a.m.
  9. mommylawyer


    No, Santa doesn't wrap my kids' gifts. He doesn't even take them to the tree. Our faux fireplace is in the basement (our tree is upstairs in the living room). Santa doesn't want to lug everything upstairs! Each kid has a pile that is noticeably theirs (sometimes with help noticing from mom and dad). I think our Santa is just too lazy to wrap; but at least our Santa is better than our Tooth Fairy who has forgotten to even stop by once or twice!
  10. I chose Die Hard. LOVE! I can't wait until my kids are old enough to share the joy of that movie with me! Until then, A Christmas Story is our go-to family Christmas movie!
  11. I limit myself to the TP - let me qualify that by saying, I only do it at homes of VERY dear friends (who know my compulsion) and at my mom's. My husband will put the roll on the "wrong" way just to see how long it takes me to correct it. That's where I draw the line though. I don't do dishes, rearrange linen closets, turn blinds, etc. unless specifically asked. Although, I might straighten a picture. I was just curious. I've seen several posts where someone was house sitting or helping out after the birth of a child and the helper completely rearranged certain things in the home. I would find that extremely distressing! (This, coming from me - a woman who loves Christmas but can hardly stand the disruption the decorations make to the normal flow of her house!)
  12. I started flipping the direction of my grandmother's toilet tissue when I was a kid - and I do it at other's homes as well. I hope my grandmother didn't despise me for it ( if she even realized it was me).
  13. This is why my DH and I decided not to reveal the names we are thinking of for our fifth child, due April 2013. If you have aname you like, forget what people think and just go with it! One of the names we are thinking of has a nickname that I despise, and I know (if baby is a girl) people may call her by that nickname. That's why I'm coming up with a preferred nickname now so I can quickly correct people! By the way, we thought of using Persephone (no Percy nickname connotations here), but decided to go with something VERY close! Good luck!
  14. I always say my favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard. (A very cheeky response on my part since it really isn't about Christmas, but is merely set at Christmastime.) Rated R - lots of language and violence. Fabulous action movie though!
  15. I'm currently 23 weeks with number 5; I started needing my stretchy clothes around week 10 and wearing maternity by week 12. When I was expecting number 4, I was in my maternity clothes by week 10 - he was a big baby.
  16. My husband and I are awaiting the birth of our fifth child - I'm due in April 2013. I've noticed as our family grows, the number of rude comments I receive increases with each pregnancy. People see me out and about with my four children, notice I'm expecting, and (I suppose) feel overwhelming compelled to make a comment. I don't get many congratulations, mind you. What I hear are things like: "So, are you going to have any more after this one?" "Are they all yours?" "Do you know what causes that?" One woman actually had the nerve to tell me, "STOP!" I try to be gracious in my responses, or at least not as rude. Granted, the woman who told me to stop saw nothing but the back of my head after that comment. Tonight, at the grocery store, with my pregnant belly and four children in tow, the cashier asked me if I was trying to keep up with a local, well-known family with 12 children. After I explained that each of my children is a blessing, I told her that I'm pushing 40 now, so I don't think I'll make it to 12. My children have started asking me why people say rude things to me. I've told them that people are ignorant or they may think they know better than my husband and I. I am, however, about to become equally rude. Tonight, I was tempted to tell the cashier (who was, by my best guess, in her late 50s), "I think my family size is mine and my husband's business - not yours." I'm just wondering how you have or how you would handle this! Thanks!
  17. I like Hope better as it fits in with the names of your other children. I, too, am due around that time with #5 - due early April. Names are one of those things that just sort of happen for us; if I try to discuss it with my husband, he shuts down. Recently, I was reading a children's version of the Odyssey to the kids. My husband heard us and started a naming discussion. So, we've come up with a girl name...at least! (We won't find out gender until birth.) Anyway, Hope - yes; Haven - not so much so. I am sorry for the loss of the twin. Congratulations, nonetheless!
  18. About 5 years ago, I opened a bag of Fig Newmans and several dozen fruit flies came out of the brand new bag. I called the company and they replaced my cookies and then some. I haven't stopped buying Newman products and haven't had a problem since!
  19. My older DD has been taking it since 3rd grade; this will be her third time taking it. She's actually looking forward to having an additional required section this year. I let her take it because she's OBSESSED with mythology - it gives her some recognition for her passion and some bragging rights in our house (she's the reigning mythology expert).
  20. I like Romance by Ralph Lauren. I also wear Dream by Gap when I need a dress-down scent. I guess trying out new perfumes is one thing you cant use the Internet for!
  21. I've had similar questions about the appearance of the living. It also seems to me that it would be very dark in the prison - since ther is no electricity. There must be several natural light sources in that particular lock up because it is always so bright and cheery (for gray steel and cinder block, that is).
  22. My husband and I just got back from the theatre an hour ago. We both thought it was absolutely wonderful! There is a reason why Daniel Day Lewis only appears on the big screen about once very five years or so - he puts so much into his characters, including this one. I can't wait to study the Civil War again in a couple of years; my kids will definitely watch this!
  23. My soon-to-be six year old has asked for Dover stained glass coloring books, a ceramic tea set, and Shrinky Dinks. Her birthday is in two weeks, so we are getting her a bicycle.
  24. My parents recently moved - they were over an hour away, now they are less than 5 minutes away. They have always come to my house because it's just the two of them, I'm an only child, and I have 4 kids of my own. This year DH wants Santa to bring toys to my parents' house, but I've said no - the kids wouldn't be able to wake up and run downstairs!
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