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Everything posted by mommylawyer

  1. I don't know if this will help, but... I've been doing PL with my 5 and 3 year olds. They love, love, love memorizing the prayers. They actually enjoy watching Miss Leigh on the DVDs. They like the CD in the car - and that's helped with the memorization. However, I've found with my 5 year old (who is a great reader), the workbook isn't of much use for her. That said, your 9 and 7 year olds may like using the workbook, but it's not a very exciting or colorful text. I bought the flashcards, but I'm actually starting to make my own and drawing pictures on the reverse side of the Latin word or phrase being learned.
  2. We have a joint checking account for EVERYTHING, but we each have our own checking accounts where I deposit our "allowances." Lately though, our allowances have been pretty small - these rising gasoline prices are really cutting into the fun money.
  3. I've had one manicure in my life - on my wedding day almost 7 years ago. Never had a pedi. I color my own hair - recently DH has started helping - yes, I have my own personal colorist who makes house calls. LOL! I also wax my own upper lip - first time I did it, my hands were shaking and I missed about half of what I was trying to get, but now I just RRRIIIIIPPPP and there's nothing to it. The local technical school has 2-3 weeks of "final exams" where the public can - after making an appointment, paying $20, and filling out a questionnaire afterward about the experience - get a full body massage. For $20, it's not bad! Although, it was hard to do the questionnaire after the massage because I felt like jelly... ;)
  4. DD and I have been studying SOTW 1 for about 8 weeks now. Here are a couple of things that I have found helpful, thusfar: For me to have a firmer grasp on the subject matter, I read the somewhat corresponding materials in SWB's The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome And for DD, I have purchased, so far, Ancient Egypt Treasure Chest and Ancient China Treasure Chest. Nice supplemental activities.
  5. I see the window-cling memorials quite often where I live - some servicemen, some not. The one memorial that truly puzzles me are the various license plates, bumperstickers, etc., memorializing Dale Earnhardt (and I'm sure I spelled that wrong), you know, the race car driver - NASCAR? I don't know. Anyway, I see tags with a picture of Dale and a cross in the background. DH calls it the "Dale Earnhardt died for their sins tag." Insulting. But, that's just my opinion.
  6. I started with dd this past year - Kindergarten, when we started studying SOTW 1. In her timeline notebook, whenever we read/study about an event, I write in in the notebook. If it's history, it goes on the top half of the page (if you can imagine a page with a line running horizontally across the center of the page with 50-year increments - BC is on pink paper and AD is on blue paper). If it's something related more to the arts (although, arguably could be history), or inventions and the like, it goes on the bottom half of the page.
  7. I know the beauty of homeschooling is that you can teach your kids anytime at any place, but I'm just curious to know if anyone does something other than standard Monday through Friday. I ask because our home school "week" is Friday through Monday, with light duty on Wednesday nights. (I work Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.) Thanks for the input!
  8. We're probably at about $350 a month - I drive a Camry and DH drives a Corolla. On the days I work, I commute (round-trip) about 70 miles, but fortunately, that's only 3 days a week. We are discussing changing our road-trip summer vacation plans and sticking closer to home. Especially if gas starts edging close to $5/gal. I paid $3.93 last time I filled up, about a week ago.
  9. I'm new here, but WOW, I think I could really grow to love this board! LOL I agree with a PP that my DH would like some of you ladies. DH wants to chat a bit more often than I do... that is, until we decide to have more kids or during the last month of pregnancy. Then, he can't shut me up! Hee, hee. :001_huh:
  10. Ha! Good point! But, I have to admit, it does give me some comfort to know that Stimulus check is sitting in my savings account to help pad things if the well starts to run dry...
  11. Someone already mentioned them, but have you tried Clarks? (Not the Artisan line - I think those are uncomfortable.)
  12. Ah! So, you've found me! Will do. And let me know the details of the party - when, where, can I bring any food, etc. BTW, I bought a used copy of Ten Little Mummies - correction-free! LOL
  13. Now, there's an idea I had not thought of! Thanks!
  14. So far, I love Prima Latina, but I'm finding that the lack of visual reminders with regard to the vocabulary learned is causing my DD not to retain all of the words. She loves learning the prayers, as does her brother, but I would like to know of any suggestions for programs with more contextual clues. Thanks!
  15. Your daughter sounds like mine. We just bought the first book in the Little House series for DD (5) - and so far, so good. We bought a paperback "collector's" edition - it has some beautiful artwork by Garth Williams throughout the book - but not on every page. That was a bit off-putting to DD at first, but now she enjoys it.
  16. Anyone have any ideas on a good science program for first grade? I used McRuffy for part of Kindergarten, but fell out of interest with it about half way through. Thanks!
  17. My mother, who is NOT one to give advice, once told me, "Make sure you will be able to take care of yourself if you need to." I have two daughters and a son. I hope, and actually expect, all of them to go to college - and graduate. I want my children to be independent and to be able to sustain themselves. That said, I am also teaching my children that marriage and family is the ultimate goal. I met my DH when we were in law school - the first day of law school. We were married after my second year, but I didn't stop going to school. My education was important to me, as important as my DH's education was to him. And my education still matters - I am still a practicing attorney and homeschooling on the days I don't work. And I hope that I am teaching my children (especially my daughters) that you don't need to give up on your goals - if you have a goal to complete your education by getting a college decree, or a graduate or post-graduate degree, then do it; but be true to yourself. If one of them has a goal to be a full-time stay at home mother, then I will support her fully. However, if one feels as though she wants to devote her life to her career, it would be with misgivings, but I would support her as well.
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