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Everything posted by Acorn

  1. Our elf popped popcorn and left it in the cereal bowls. It was a very fun breakfast.
  2. I wish I had "known" you all years ago when I had my oldest. I thought I was a total failure because I could not, no matter what I tried, get him to nap. I cried when I read "Raising your spirited child" to realize that we weren't alone. At seven he exhausts me but it has changed to more mental exhaustion. I am not one who likes (or can afford) constant activities but swimming lessons, soccer teams, gymnastic tumbling classes, etc. have save us.
  3. How old are you kids? Can you get help from Toys for tots or similar organizations?
  4. I would be fine wiith it if it works for those involved.
  5. it's a blood thinner but not as much as asprin. I haven't heard the menstrual thing but wonder if reducing inflammation will slow af.
  6. I am trying to be open minded, but some of the changes (esp. the colors) are irritating.
  7. It is rather harsh and hard to read.
  8. We have two designated places outdoors depending on which side of the house the person will have to exit on. It would be awful to not be in one group, but sadly, we saw the need for this when our next door neighbors' house completely burned down. They were able to exit from a back door but the gate and fence between our houses was also on fire. They weren't able to get out of their back yard until a portion of the privacy fence was cut down. If you look at our most likely rooms to burn (kitchen, laundry/furnace and garage), the odds are that people in this house could be divided by the fire. We need to teach everyone the safest windows and doors that are most immediate to their location.
  9. Our introduction to the blonde vs. brown hair came from Laura Ingalls Wilder. Obviously the benefits of the series outweigh Laura's complaints about her hair but it is making me cringe.
  10. Yes I would, but that doesn't mean that is the right choice for you.
  11. Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein was a funny and scary read. At the time I read it, I felt like I had the only 3 1/2 year old in town that couldn't name one disney princess or ten. Now that she is 5, it seems to have caught up with us.
  12. imagine how I felt when dh had a heart attack with no known risk factors
  13. I grew an inch in college, so between 17 and 21. I don't see a correlation to menses, (I was 11.)
  14. At my son's public school, expected reading level is higher than when I attended school. There were several standardized tests given in K to assess reading skills. The K math curriculum was more eye opening to me. The teacher just advanced the kids as needed so more than 1/2 the K kids in my son's class were doing 3 digit addition and subtraction. In some ways it fit the level of my son but he is now bored with 1st grade as they started back at the beginning of addition. I also think that it could have created lower self-esteem in the children who weren't ready for the advancement when in fact they are typically developing 5-6 year olds.
  15. My First Little House picture books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I think we have about 6 or so that are excerpts from "Little House in the Big Woods". The illustrations are wonderful. They were a great lead in to the chapter book series. When we started "Little House in the Big Woods", my dd already knew the family.
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