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Everything posted by mommybee

  1. After many years of being on facebook I no longer worry about hurting peoples feelings by not friending them. My facebook is for me and I like people on my page that I communicate with or who don't annoy the heck out of me. Sorry your having this problem though. It's so weird and difficult to me how facebook is such a thing now. I can't quite explain it but it's just so full of this kind of pressure.
  2. As of right now they haven't removed it for everybody because my options are still there. But I assume it will go away soon if and that is going to really annoy me.
  3. Ours just changed and its the opposite........copay of around $150 if you go to the ER but if your admitted $1000 deductible. So now I'm worried about that. And we have good coverage.....but its coverage has been declining each year. An example just four years ago an insulin pump was covered at 80% and now its 50%.
  4. That's what I was thinking but just wanted to check. Thanks
  5. I put frozen ground turkey in my fridge late afternoon Wed. And couldn't get to cook it until today. On Thurs. It wasn't quite thawed yet so I intended to cook on Fri. but ran out of time. Is it fine to cook up tonight?
  6. I've taken antifungal losenges that worked fast to clear it up. It isn't uncommon......but it is annoying.
  7. She already knows its a positive and is asking him to leave. He is an adult so it's probably time. The tests are if he chooses to straighten up and come back home he will need to be tested regularly.
  8. Asking for a friend, but does anyone have experience with at home drug tests? Do they work? Is there a particular one she should use for her teen? TIA :)
  9. Thanks....I was having the same problem. It is back to normal now.
  10. I have to show this to my son.................very cool!
  11. oh and it took my son about a year, but when he switched to insulin in a pen he began to give his own shots. After that he wouldn't let me touch him at all. I never expected he would ever get to that place and I gave plenty of painful shots myself that I felt so bad about. She'll learn how to do it herself. It was weird because my son has taken care of himself for so long that he just had a major high incident where I had to go pick him up and I had to give him a shot of insulin and I couldn't even remember what a normal dose is because he's been on the pump so long. I need to get back up to speed with all this myself.
  12. I understand how you feel. My son is 18 now diagnosed at 9 and we still regularly say to each other "diabetes sucks" It just never really gets easy. It's gets easier but it's always a pain in the butt. He's on a pump and it is great but without careful monitoring his numbers are all over the place as well. Hang in there :) We get all the stupid comments too and it can be incredibly annoying. I've had people from scout campouts ask me why he was eating this or that and have to explain all the time that it isn't diet related and that when he is low he will be eating sugar.
  13. I just asked the same thing a few months ago.......I bought mine from here and it came out really nice.
  14. I don't think it's unusual though.............I have facebook friends that are so sweet and attentive and then I see them at a function of some sort and you'd think I was invisible. Always weirds me out because I would like to be your friend and you seem like your my friend but then in person you all but ignore me. Facebook just gets on my nerves!! But like you I have a ton of family on so I choose to keep my page otherwise I would be so far out of the loop. But I am trying to limit how much energy I put into it.
  15. These cancel out noise really well, almost too well sometimes. http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-RP-HTX7-Stereo-Headphones-Black/dp/B001BEAI4W/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364513768&sr=8-1&keywords=panasonic+rp-htx7
  16. So sorry for you :grouphug: I am in the same situation at the moment and honestly I am just going with the flow and haven't really thought too much about how it will work. I finish school in July and then will need to work full time. One difference for me is that I have two still schooling so they can keep each other company but I worry as well about them just being left alone too much. I'm tired too and keep having panic attacks on how I am going to do all of this, but I am also just trying to take it one day at a time and not think too far into the future. I'm sorry I don't have more to offer but I am reading this thread to use the advice as well. I truly hope you two find a solution that works. I think half the battle is that he understands how much you want to make it easier on him. If my mom had just once told me she understood how hard it was for me to be alone so much, it would have made a huge difference. She had more of an "I have no choice, so get over it" kind of thing going on.
  17. You were right, I can now get amazon on my wii.
  18. Yes, I do have HD so I'll go with that one. I just downgraded my cable to only network channels so I'm looking for more options.
  19. People with Roku's..............does it matter which one I pick?
  20. I use our wii.......we watch Hulu and Netflix. I wanted a Roku so I can stream amazon but not if they have issues cause for the most part our wii works just fine.
  21. ok cause what I was thinking was to put it in the cover and hand it to him, but I thought the big one would be too big. Maybe I should just ask him which he'd prefer. I figured it would then just be stored in the diploma cover and put away.
  22. What size would be best? I think mine from high school is 6x8, but I see they have for sale full sheet size.
  23. Thanks Lori D! I was just looking at that site this morning. Good to hear someone has used them and that you were pleased.
  24. ok so my oldest is having a graduation with 26 other homeschoolers from our local group. I need to print up a nice diploma and would like to have it in a cover. So how do I do it? Anyone done this themselves? I'd like to have a template of something and where is the best place to find the cover?
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