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H.S. Burrow

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Everything posted by H.S. Burrow

  1. At one of my DD's soccer games at child (5 or 6) was bitten by fire ants and broke out in hives. Until I witnessed this event, I did not believe that a single fire ant bite could cause hives. Also, I have a friend who was bitten by a baby copperhead. She was okay, but the bite marks were so small that she initially dismissed the idea that the baby snake she killed had bitten her. Texas and barns could be anything: spiders, ants, snakes....even scorpions.
  2. You should check the laws in your state. It is possible that you could be held liable for disclosing information about the property that interferes with the sale of the property. I know that at one time we were purchasing a for sale by owner. The home was a rental and the couple living in it were only there because their house sold and their new constuction was not complete. She cautioned us to "look very carefully" while looking down at the floor. She couldn't by law disclose anything *without proof*. Well, we did, but it was covered with boxes at the time. After we moved in and had the boxes unpacked, it was VERY obvious that there were major foundation problems.......there was a raised ridged running under the kitchen floor!! I am thankful to this day that we were told to "look very carefully", but my point in all of this is that you should protect yourself!!! I don't know if telling them the house was a drug house and someone died in it would fall into this category, but I would do my legal homework before making any comments to potential buyers. Maybe you suggest that in doing their research they ask for any police reports pertaining to the property.
  3. Unless you know with 100% certainty that your parents will be there on October 1st, then I would keep the date most convenient for *you*. After living in the same neighborhood as both of our parents for a number of years, we've recently moved 1400 miles away. I know how hard it is not to have parents present at important events, but if they can't be there, then they can't be there. If you mom travels for business reasons, then she can't guarantee that she'll be available on October 1st unless she is self-employed. :grouphug:
  4. :iagree: We have all of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis dvds and we do watch them over and over again. Someone mentioned Netflix streaming and how some series are available for streaming and some are not. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but this *does* change. Three years ago when we started streaming Netflix, ALL of the CBS shows were available for "instant watch" including NCIS, CSI, Numbers. Now they are NOT. :glare: So we have maintained our 3-at-a-time & unlimited streaming. Currently there are several series that I would purchase if Netflix stops streaming them: Buffy Eureka Stargate SGU Angel Bones Battlestar Galatica X-Files
  5. :iagree: This is the first year in our 5 year homeschooling journey that I live close enough to a convention to go. To be perfectly honest, it NEVER occured to me that parents would bring their small children into a lecture hall at said convention. Ever. :001_huh: I would never have done so when my children were small. Several of you have stated that you get up and leave at the first sign of the smallest peep. *saying this in my most gentle internet voice*...What no one seems to realize is that getting up and leaving is in itself a distraction. It's a distraction for those sitting around you and to the speaker. I understand the desire to attend the conventions and hear SWB speak. I truly do. I greatly desire to do so myself. But I don't want to spend $5oo plus on hotel, meals, travel, etc.... and not be able to hear her speak. Maybe I'm getting cranky now that I no longer have little ones, but I don't want people getting up, leaving, coming back in, getting up, leaving all throughout a lecture.
  6. My DD had low iron when she was 6. It seemed like everytime we got it to a normal level, she'd have growth spurt and it'd drop again. We did take her to the pediatrician and a separate iron supplement was prescribed for her. We also had to be very diligent about allowing too many calcium rich foods. She is now 16 and we still have to monitor her iron levels, but they are better now. :)
  7. :iagree:I was planning to attend the Philly conference, but after reading all of the replies, I think I'll just stay home. :001_huh: I love my children, but would never dream of taking them into a lecture hall/seminar where MY attention will be on the speaker.
  8. This is the reason that we homeschool. Seriously. My DD was in 5th grade when our school district started a very similar math program. It had a different name, but it was the same concept.
  9. This is such a cool link! Thanks!! :) Have you used one of their microscopes?
  10. The only directions for eggplant are to blanch and freeze. Check with the extension office and see if they know someone who might be willing to lend you one. They are rather pricey new. I was fortunate in that I was able to borrow my MIL's.
  11. My Ball Blue Book has green beans in a pressure cooker! Pages 68-69 This is due to their being a low-acid food. To the OP, the Ball Blue Book is one of the best resources for the price.
  12. There is the option to search by tags after you click on the "search" button. It's below the search box that appears. There's a "tag cloud" of the most often used/searched tags and a box to type what you are searching for. Right now, gardening is pretty popular!
  13. Out of all the suggestions, I find this to be the easiest to understand. :) Someone mentioned there being a restriction on the number of tags. I believe that is a setting that can be changed.
  14. I'm sorry, but I really can't tell you much about the Miller Levine book. My DD used it in public school for their Pre-AP Biology. I will tell you that her teacher did have the kids do a project every 6 weeks that was related to what they were working on. One of DD's project was to bake a cake that was shaped and decorated to look like a cell. It was really neat, the kind of thing that a homeschooler would do! :lol: I will tell you that I will be using Miller Levine for my DS when he gets to 9th grade Biology.....assuming that he's still being homeschooled. :tongue_smilie: For our 7th grade Life Science we will be using Prentice Hall Science Explorer Life Science.
  15. :iagree:I own the 6th edition of Concepts and Connections and it very much an AP Biology/Biology II course. In my opinion, it is much too advanced for the average 9th grader. My DD is now attending public high school. For her Pre-AP Biology I, they used the Miller Levine book. They will use Concepts & Connections for AP Biology.
  16. I'm thinking that this is a movie that I need to watch! Great ideas for logic study.
  17. This is PW's Fancy Macaroni. It is wonderful. This is her "plain" macaroni & cheese. My kids now prefer these recipes to the blue box.
  18. :iagree: I had a pantry full of peas.....but no more. :crying:
  19. I would not trust your caller id in this instance. We have had psishing calls that HAD the name of the bank show up on our caller id. Luckily, we did not have any accounts at that bank, so we knew it was not a legitimate call. Call your insurance company and verify this. It sounds that it could be a scam. We had a pipe burst and had to replace all of our floors. The adjuster came out once to take measurements. They did not make a return visit to verify the work was complete. Why would they need to know this anyway? You may decide to redecorate next year!!!
  20. Great job! This is also our first year to participate in FLL.
  21. Well, I recently had to do this very thing! I decided on the DroidX for these features: camera with 8 megapixels GPS Internet for google search & maps (find restaurants etc..) email Kindle We did go with the $30 data plan because DH gets a discount through his company. The main reason that I wanted these features is that we have recently moved to another state. We are close to DC, Baltimore, Annapolis, and Philadelphia. Oh! and the beach!! :D I wanted to be certain that if I took the kids on a fieldtrip that I could navigate there and back! :lol: My DD is now in public high school, so I wanted to be sure that I could remain in touch no matter where we decided to go. I also wanted to only keep up with one thing. My DroidX has all that I need in one spot. I looked at it this way: would I spend $1 per day to have all of those features?
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