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H.S. Burrow

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Everything posted by H.S. Burrow

  1. ACTstudent.org ---does anyone have any experience with this test-prep website? I'm considering this for my DD who will be a junior this next year. Thanks for any information that you can provide. :)
  2. The recipe above is basically flavored butter. I would NEVER use that on a cake. This is the recipe that I use and is very similar to other recipes posted in this thread: 1 cup softened butter 1 BAG (2 pound size) of powdered sugar (usually about 7 - 8 cups) 1/4 cup of milk 1 - 2 tsps flavoring of your choice (my favorite is 1 tsp vanilla & 1 tsp lemon). Store whatever is leftover in the refrigerator or freezer. FWIW, I spent vacations during college working at a cake place and this is the recipe that we used on our cakes.
  3. One thing that I do to help with meal planning, specifically to have quick soups, salads, or stir-fry, is to purchase a large tray of boneless, skinless chicken breasts and a large tray of boneless, skinless chicken thighs and grill them at one time. After the meat has cooled a bit, I bag it (usually 6 pieces) into gallon size ziploc bags and freeze it. I have a chicken tortilla soup that I make using canned black beans, rotel tomatoes, whole kernel corn, and a 48oz box of chicken broth. As long as those cans are in the pantry and the meat is in the freezer that can be a quick meal. I use the grilled chicken for: Chicken tortilla soup Chicken sandwiches Chicken enchilada soup Chicken salad Salad greens with grilled chicken slices on top Fajitas Chicken spaghetti Chicken Fried Rice Chicken stir-fry And sometimes we just have grilled chicken with a salad, veggie, and a roll. :)
  4. No, no, no..........it STARTS at 6pm on May 21 in New Zealand at the International Date Line. :lol:
  5. Nah, it's not too late. It just means that you'll only get one crop instead of two!! Until this year, I lived in Texas. We would plant in March, harvest in June; plant in June and harvest in September (usually Labor Day weekend). :)
  6. :iagree: When my DH received his BS in 1996, our 2 yo attended. We had some dry cheerios, water, a couple of board books, and the grandparents. She survived just fine. :) When he received his MBA in 2006, the kids were 7 & 11. They were not allowed to bring in anything other than a book....and were expected to put that away once the ceremony began. Not picking on anyone in particular, but there are things in life that are boring. I think if we teach our kids that we must be occupied during all events, we do our children a disservice. We also teach them the event is not worthy of our attention.
  7. Well, I'll tell you what I did if you promise not to laugh! :lol: My favorite mind candy is Nora Roberts. :blushing: About 3 years ago, I realized that there were all of these wonderful books out there that I'd never read, but I didn't know exactly where to start so I starteded with book 1 in the Harry Potter series. Yes, I started with a kids book. One that most people consider twaddle. I am not usually a fantasy reader (it's just not something that I've ever really cared for), I prefer my books set in the present. I figured that HP would be a good start to opening myself up to other genres; I mean, I knew what was going to happen since I'd already seen the movies. So I made my way through the entire series (which is now one of my favorites). Then I moved on to The Hobbit. I know that there are people here who LOVE The Hobbit. I am not one. I thought it was boring. But I read it. In small bites. Every night for 30 minutes until I finished it. The Lord of the Rings is much, much better! That's my current read. And when I finish the set, Nora Robert's newest is waiting for me on my kindle. ;)
  8. Thank you for this suggestion!! It looks great! :)
  9. I place the chicken in a 9x13 glass pyrex dish. I use 1/4 cup of olive oil, 1 heaping teaspoon of minced garlic, and 1 tablespoon of dried rosemary; mix all that and pour over the chicken. Bake on 350 for about an hour...sometimes a bit more or less depending on your oven and the size of the chicken.
  10. I saw that blog post too, and I'm having archive envy! :D In our current state, we must keep a portfolio. Before we lived here, we lived in Texas; having to keep school papers is a new thing for me! For our first review, I just threw everything into one 3" binder....it *barely* fit. We have another review coming up, so I'll be referencing the OMSH archive post for ideas. I don't think that you're necessarily missing anything by not having it. From my experience, if you move to a state that *does* require reporting/portfolios then it would certainly be to your benefit to be able to provide for previous years or simply to be in the habit of archiving it.....it was *very* stressful for me to prepare for our first portfolio review. :o
  11. :lol::lol::lol: I think *all* boys go through that stage of peeing outside!
  12. Thank you!! I had Myrtle's blog bookmarked on my old computer, but it died before I could move all my bookmarks. Many, many thanks for the reconnect to Myrtle's blog. :)
  13. Well, I just printed out his articles on why multiplication is not serial addition to read and highlight later. :glare: I am not a mathy person, so can you give me a couple of greater mathematical minds that can be easily understood? Thanks. :)
  14. I'm considering the purchase of the 2nd edition, so I'd really, really like to see more than just a couple of online sample pages. :)
  15. I see my question has already been asked and answered! Thanks!! :D
  16. I am soooo not techi so please forgive my ignorance, but will these work only with iPods or will they work with any MP3 device? My DD has a Zune, and my DS has a Sansa something or other. The only "docks" I've seen are advertised for iPods, so I've never paid any attention to them. I have also been missing my music. We have an inexpensive DVD player hooked up to the TV that we play CDs on, but it just doesn't sound "right".
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