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Everything posted by Sophia

  1. :iagree: It sounds like he's figuring some things out for himself, too. I don't see anything wrong with that as long as he's honest about it.
  2. I give it a couple hours. If it's on the FS board, I want to sell it, not talk about it.
  3. Free Range Kids. Finally ;). The most protective father I know recommended it to me over the weekend so I had to pick it up today. :lol:
  4. The first is already on my Nook waiting to be read, the second will be added soon. ;)
  5. Who are these people? And I'm not being facetious~I'm genuinely curious of who is included in this description.
  6. My older dc used to get up at 6 a.m. to watch it when PBS had it way back when... Whenever I hear the theme music I picture my dc in their pajamas on the couch, eyes glued to the screen :001_smile:. Definitely whetted their appetite for history.
  7. I didn't have to take chemistry in high school, so duh...I didn't. ;) I outsourced that baby quick as I could when it was time for my oldest to take it in high school, but last night, dh told me he thinks I should go through the course with dd, who needs to take it during the '12-'13 school year. I'm kind of thinking about it...
  8. Does the book sale bring in a lot of people? Are you going to the book sale anyway? If yes, I'd do it. Gas is so expensive, I think I'd want to make sure it was worthwhile. Maybe you can carpool with someone? Then I'd definitely do it.
  9. :lol: I just thought this was funny :D I managed to spend a small fortune at our conference this past weekend. My dh thought I already owned it all too~apparently not ;)
  10. Both. They are a sales pitch, but if that particular program is what you are looking for, then it is helpful to have the creators explain it and answer your questions.
  11. :grouphug: My 13 y.o. locked herself in our car when she was about three. It is a terrifying thing to realize, I know. :grouphug:
  12. I would reject the muse theory :D. One object isn't going to inspire a dream room for me; it has to be a combination of colors and fabrics and function. I like to look at several pictures of room that I think would work for me and figure out what they have in common~it's not usually a specific object, but the layout, or amount of light,etc.
  13. We take a beach umbrella for when we need a break from the sun. I wouldn't count on finding any shady spot at the beach.
  14. I know...I just ordered First We Have Coffee. :tongue_smilie:
  15. I loved the sweetness of those books and wish she would write more! I never expected to enjoy them so much, but find myself thinking of them often.
  16. Can you go visit a class? I sat in on Challenge A and Challenge I classes before deciding to take the plunge. eta: Forgot to mention I do have dd read through a history book and do outlines of the chapters. The outlining she does for the research strand has really made this second nature for her, so it's not a big deal to add it to her schedule. There are no bells and whistles added to history~just reading and outlining; but it works for us. I like the idea of adding Omnibus that someone else mentioned. Definitely going to mull that over for next year.
  17. Yes, please, input from others so I don't feel guilty for killing SWH's thread :tongue_smilie:. You know, with my 7th grader, we tried First Form in 5th, and she really disliked it. I liked it, but whatever. We didn't do Latin in 6th, then she joined Classical Conversations and used LNST books 3 and 4. The books were ridiculously easy for her which built up her confidence and rekindled a like if not love for Latin. She'll move on to Henle in the fall with CC. I never would have chosen LNST for her on my own, but it worked for getting her back on track, so...fwiw.
  18. I forged on with my 4th grader (she's now in 7th) to LL Bk.2 when it was time. She got stuck around lesson 16 and took the rest of the semester off. It really turned her off to Latin for awhile, where previously she loved it. For my next dc, I waited to start book 1 until 4th grade, will spend the summer reading Minimus and several of the Bolchazy readers, then will start Book 2 in 5th grade. Hopefully, the extra year will prevent the crash her older sister had.
  19. I have a robin who follows me around when I do yard work. He starts pecking the ground I've cleared of brush, feasting on the bugs that had recently been hiding. My neighbor saw the robin following me and said the bird had been following him around the previous weekend. It's so funny, because he even waits for me when I take a break, then rejoins me when he sees me get my rake. I've lived here ten years and never had a bird pay any attention to me until this one.:lol:
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