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Everything posted by rhrice3

  1. To all of you with experience with rental/lease agreements. We have been leasing a house for almost 2 years to a family. The original agreement asked for the last 2 months rent as deposit, because her ex-husband had messed up some credit,etc. She has been a lovely tenant, and we have all agreed to extend the lease another 2 years. She suggested that those 2 months of last rent would go toward her June and July rent, but my husband and I feel that at least 1 month rent should be kept as a security deposit on the house. I know when we rented a condo before we moved, that was the deal simply as a security deposit and then they took money out to shampoo carpets. Thanks for your thoughts, ReneeR
  2. Last year after moving my son decided to go the local high school. I was thrilled to learn that they used the Larson books for all their math classes since we had used Chalkdust for years.(The school even gave him Honors GPA points for it.)My son took AP Calc AB, and I don't think the teacher was extraordinary, but he made a 5 on the AP test. That being said he scores near perfect in math, but he did not study much from the AP Calc test booklet. We have never done any of the mentioned AP home school classes online, but I have always been pleased with Chalkdust. Don't know it this helps, but my two cents - good luck, ReneeR
  3. We had the same problem with my son - he read at such a high level so I had to watch what he read. One thing he loved were all the Bulla books, Magic Tree House Books, Encyclopedia Brown books, Hardy Boys, Indian in the Cupboard, etc. When I found a book that was a series, I jumped on them. He LOVED Redwall (there is about 16 of those now), but he might have been about 8 yrs old when he read those. He, also, loved to read any of the Usborne/DK books on science or history. I would buy them at scholastic sales or used. Also, he did like those Calvin and Hobbes so I let him read them since he read for hours on educational stuff. Good luck, ReneeR
  4. I would have said, "Yes, it takes a special person to homeschool - one that praises God ever day for her children and intends on teaching them and raising them in His glory - and haves fun doing it!" ReneeR
  5. I have bought a good amount from them over the years. The thing that I like are all the reviews at the bottom of the product pages. Usually people are very specific with their height, weight, curves, etc., even fabric likes and dislikes. Look at the reviews. If worse comes to worse, I have actually called them and others and asked for specific garment measurements. Happy shopping. I just received their new catalog, and I could go crazy with all the cute things - I try to order my workout stuff (stuff I'll sweat in) on sale. ReneeR
  6. We have Kenmore Elite washer/dryer which we have had for about 8 yrs. They are awesome. I am still constantly amazed at how clean they get really dirty clothes with little det/water. I mean, you can wash normal dirty clothes on delicate, they are so good. I would recommend them highly! ReneeR
  7. I see you are in Alberta, Canada. I am assuming the weather is mild there right now - I live in South Florida! Anyway, if the weather is 75 degrees F or below, I would bring the puppy with me with his kennel. When you are in your science fair, etc, just kennel it. The puppy will probably like the time with you. Otherwise, you need to find a sitter. I think 4 hours is the limit in a kennel for a puppy that age. We used to bring one of our shepherds with us everywhere. She loved being with us, and we would kennel her in the back of the Suburban when we had to get out and she would nap. Have a great trip, ReneeR
  8. Well, I have read The Well Trained Mind" several times over the course of my home schooling so it would definitely on the list! 1. The Well Trained Mind 2. I Saw the Angel in the Marble - Chris and Ellyn Davis 3. Beechick Language Wars (her other books are great, also) Happy reading! ReneeR
  9. I second the Hanna Anderssen and Land's End! My kids wore them until 12 or so. I would buy things when they were on sale at year end - just one size up. And if you don't put the Cotton things in the dryer, they don't shrink up/length so they last forever. We have gone through Hanna Anderssen dresses/tights with two girls and given them away only to see them look like new almost 10 yrs later! ReneeR
  10. If you just took ownership of them a week ago and they were at a shelter, they could have caught something perhaps and/or be a little scared. I would try limiting their water and see how that goes. We had a male shepherd once that lost control of his bladder when he was excited (like when Dad came home or we returned from a long absence). He did this for probably 7 months. He would totally spazzz out when he saw us and just pee whatever was in his bladder - he spent a lot of time outside playing but we always took him out before Dad got home or there would be a puddle! Good luck, ReneeR
  11. I got the same response from my husband's present employer when we interviewed here - he and his wife both asked me, almost in unison, "Do you speak Latin? Really, and your teaching him Latin?" I explained that the Latin I knew I had learned alongside my son from 5th grade up. He was at a point where he could teach it to himself and would eventually start another language. I explained that Latin was the foundation for all the Romance languages, it teaches roots, etc. I explained that just by knowing the little Latin I did know, I was able to read and to understand signs, menus, etc while traveling in Spain recently. I think that the "general public" does not understand most home schooling let alone classical homeschooling. They do not see the importance of teaching our children ancient history especially along with the Bible or teaching them a "dead language". All they see is the way their children, or the children they know, are taught to test in schools. I can't tell you the number of people here in the states or abroad, who have commented on my children's abilities to converse with them on adult levels. I think most of it has to do with the fact that they were taught classically. They can converse about current events, because they understand the history of that particular nation, etc. Wow, I'm rambling Anyway, Have a great weekend. ReneeR
  12. Heather, I don't think any discussion about brownies is frivolous!:) ReneeR
  13. I wind them into lil balls and store them in a small plastic container. Mostly, I just knit now for a knitting circle that makes caps for local cancer group, baby things for under privileged, and caps/scarves/afghans for nearby veterans hospital. I try an use the bits with other yarns to get rid of it all - for instance, I might buy a tweedy yarn that matches a lil ball I have left and incorporate it into a chemo cap. Last summer, I made an afghan with all the left overs and some solids mixed in I found on sale. Happy knitting, ReneeR
  14. What about all the Bulla books? They are all very good and exciting. Also, Encyclopedia Brown were entertaining as well. ReneeR
  15. Does anyone in your family have a history of these? Usually sleep walking, night terrors, etc have a hereditary link. One of our daughters would sleep walk and do odd things like carry all her shoes to the kitchen, etc After several times up in one night we would give her a Benedryl. We found that when she was over tired they increased. We, also, found a link between a certain child at a play date so I simply eliminated time with that child. She out grew these as she went through puberty which is normal. My second daughter had terrible nightmares - scary animals, things she could never talk about, etc. She would simply quietly come into our room and sleep on the floor next to my bed. I could never find a link with hers. Both girls were terrified of thunderstorms especially when wind and lightning were involved. When we lived in east TN, she spent alot of nights on our floor. I even bought her a Dora Explorer pull our kiddie couch so she would have a cuddly place to be next to our bed. I would look for triggers for your son. It will probably work itself out as he matures. I wish that I could help more. Blessings, ReneeR
  16. That being said, I agree with others about talking to them about it - they may make an exception with a deposit. Speaking as someone who spent ALOT of money on kenneling our dog when we moved because our short term rental before the house was ready would not allow him, I would think it very dishonest to sneak in a pet! Talk to them or look for another rental ReneeR
  17. My dd has fallen for a desk/bookcase thing that is on sale. I have never bought anything from them so I was wondering about the quality of it. Thanks for thoughts, ReneeR
  18. We used this probably 6 yrs ago for my then middle school son. It was a pleasant experience for my son, but I felt they spent too long on any one paper with 2 revisions usually taking a week each. I did have him do a Research Paper workshop the beginning of his freshman year with them. It was again, very positive experience, and I was happy with the results. All that being said, I signed up for MyAccess.com after several friends recommended it. My kids, all of them, did well with it. At one point, I typed in several of my son's papers from WriteAtHome, and he was given almost exactly the same scores by MyAccess. I felt really good about both programs after that! Therefore, since I can use MyAccess with all my kids and the price is so much cheaper, I started using it exclusively. We have used it for over 5 yrs now, and my kids do fine with it. You can do as many revisions as you want, but I limit my kids' assignments by giving them dates that I want their papers turned in to me. I hope this helps. ReneeR
  19. You know, my dd did this for years until I finally switched her to cursive writing. About the same time we discovered that she had some vision issues - she had trouble tracking things. We started isolating each line of her reading so she could concentrate on only those letters - and viola! As she grew and her muscles became stronger, these problems went away so I don't know if it was a coincidence or part of the problem. All that being said, I think that this is very common. My other daughter could never get her cursive "q" and "g" correct all the time. Someone told me a trick which might work - it is pretty corny - but here goes. Bat hits the ball - "b" looks like a cricket bat hitting a ball - he grew up in Australia. ReneeR
  20. My dd wants to study Shakespeare, and I was wondering if there are any Shakespeare reading/curriculum guides for middle school out there. I would love to hear your thoughts - Thanks ReneeR
  21. That is absurd! I have never heard of such a thing. I thought that inviting someone to a party was just that - an invitation. I would explain to my child what I thought about this and then I would explain the same thing to the child's parents! ReneeR
  22. I think like the other wise ladies that when you invite someone over, especially when children are involved, setting a time range is best. People do it all the time for parties with invitations in writing and a verbal invitation would follow the same pattern, I think. That being said, they did offer you and out, and you could have just said, "Yea, we have had such a great time and would love to do this again next month or something, but we are early birds." or something like that. My husband and I are late nighters and he has odd hours so I have always been very aware of families/people's bedtimes. Sounds like you had a pleasant evening so next time maybe, you could ask them over earlier like 5 so everyone could visit and you could wrap up to get the kids (or you) in bed around 9. Happy Valentine's Day, ReneeR
  23. I have always used a Free and Clear or Seventh Generation because of eczema and septic tank. They have always washed my gentle cycle things beautifully! Happy Valentine's Day, ReneeR
  24. I had 3 beautiful, healthy children and was near 40 when the last was born. Tying my tubes was the natural thing to do when the last one was born. It was part of the C-section and did not call for any undue risks. I did not have any regrets God's plan for me was not to have children early so I feel blessed to have had the 3 healthy ones that I had before 40. ReneeR
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