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Everything posted by rhrice3

  1. We used the worksheets along with the exercises. We found that we could do a large portion of the exercises and daily review orally so that is what we did. I would assign exercises to be completed on paper, but if there was a worksheet, I would just let them do the worksheet - it was a treat for them! OR if there was a difficult concept, I would assign the worksheet and exercises. I found that with daily review and doing most of the exercises orally, we could move along pretty quickly, and my kids got the grammar and did well. In later years when I needed grades, I gave them the tests. Hope this helps. ReneeR
  2. Well, I have continued spin classes which I started a few months back to help me lose weight. For others, well, I pray for the Native American babies in the neighboring county that I knit baby items for, and I have helped a new friend out by keeping her daughter while she works since her sitter is out of town (not sure if this counts for the first or second ? since my 11 yr old dd LOVES playing with her daughter and they play quietly for hours)! Have a great weekend, ReneeR
  3. Has anyone done one of these with middle schooler? Right now they have teh "Building Great Sentences" on special for $39.95, and i keep looking at it and looking at it. I would love to hear from anyone about it Thanks and have a "cool" weekend wherever you are, ReneeR
  4. Well, I have not posted in a few weeks, but I have been reading and keeping up with my book/week. Two weeks ago I finished "Dancing With Degas" by Kathryn Wagner. I knew nothing of this book, but I kept seeing it on display at our local library. My oldest dd was a dancer and loved Degas' ballet sculptures and pastels so I thought that I would give it a try. It was very good and enjoyable. It reminded me of "A Girl With a Pearl Earring" where the author takes something famous and adds historical fiction to it. Last week I read "13,Rue Therese", and although I found it intriguing, I am not sure that I would recommend it to anyone. It was difficult to follow at times, but I think that I was distracted by the pictures included. The week's book is "Cutting For Stone" which I found from you ladies - thanks. I am enjoying it and find it well written. I would recommend it, but beware, it is over 600pp long. I am glad that I started it early and have a few extra days with it. P.S. I just watched the Russell Crowe "Robin Hood" and enjoyed it. William Hurt did a nice job, I thought, and it was too much "Crowe" for those that are not fans! Have a great week, ReneeR
  5. Yes, I asked the same question when we built a home 10 years ago. They told me that it could be done, but there would be more labor charge and they could not guarantee the backsplash would not need to be replaced or repaired. Good luck, ReneeR
  6. Most of those creamers have preservatives, colorings, etc so if you were desperate for some this morning for that 1st cup to get you goin', I would use it, but then pitch it and start over. ReneeR
  7. In looking for a house in FL and now leasing a home in another state in the last 3 years, we have found that 1st and last months rent plus deposit equal to rent which is totally refundable. We charge $300/pet with the notice that the carpet will be cleaned at their expense when the lease is up. Hope this helps ReneeR
  8. Pam, I would go back and start with Vol. 1 again. Your younger one will be at a good age to start Ancient - lil kids love ancient history! As you said, if your other son loved the Civil War, he will continue to study, research, read about it for as long as he lives. My husband has a friend that is STILL a huge Civil War buff. Good luck and enjoy, ReneeR
  9. This does not sound right - 10-15 days for 2 years! I am so sorry for her. I hate to say it, also, but this sounds like symptoms for endometriosis. If a ob/gyn can not help her, you might want to consult an endocrinologist. Good luck and prayers for her, ReneeR
  10. Do you like pomegranate or pomegranate/blueberry juice? I like 1/2 one of these and 1/2 champagne. It is not too sweet and bubbly and good for you! ReneeR
  11. You know, I was recently talking with a woman at a church event when she made the same comment = how difficult it must be having your children home all day. We were in a church so the good Lord must have been with me, because without blinking I said, "You know, you bring them home with you from the hospital and unless you send them off to some institution, they are home with you! We have been doing this for 13 yrs, and we all honestly enjoy being with each other. As they grow, they help out with cooking, chores, etc and you all live together in the same house happily - mostly. In fact, since my older two decided to go to high school when we moved 2 years ago, we have had more trouble NOT being together!" She said that I was probably right and nodded. I would have just honestly answered. ReneeR
  12. NEVER!!! I read to all of mine up until they went to college. I would select something that they all would like and appreciate - classics like Charles Dickens, most anything in the middle school/high school of the Sonlight catalog, etc. We would read during lunch or at breakfast. They always begged for more. My older one is graduated now and my second one is in public school now as a junior, but I still read to my 11 yr old. Some of my happiest memories will be sitting in that comfy chair with my mug of coffee and them begging for me to read "just one more"! Select something that you will all enjoy - whatever it might be. When we did not have a book, I would take this huge children's book of poems and the kids would scream out a # and I would turn to that page and read the poem on that page. Read, read, read as long as you can. It is such precious times! ReneeR
  13. There is one on Netflix Instant put out by Self:Bikini Body, Fast. It is about 45 minutes or so with long, dance like moves where they add weights. I find it to be pleasant to do and it really works all the muscle groups along your middle and back. Netflix Instant has several different ones by Self and Crunch studios. I use them to supplement spinning classes now that the weather is so hot in Southwest FL. Good luck, ReneeR
  14. You know we did these books when my graduating senior was 1st grade - so 12 years ago - and that was the problem with Book 4 back then. Luckily, I found the same support and recommendation - skip book 4 and do book 5 and book 6 and then come back to book 4. Funny, how everyone seems to have the same issue. It is probably a developmental thing. If book 4 is still challenging, go through it with him and do book 4 1/2 for mastery. Gook luck, ReneeR
  15. I always order it now, at the end of the school year, so I have it when we are ready to start school in the fall. I waited one year until late July, and I had to wait to start school in some subjects cuz it was out of stock. Plus, it gives us something to look forward to - looking at the curriculum and getting excited about the next year! If the money is available, I would order it now - have a great summer, ReneeR
  16. We started home schooling 13 years ago because my son was reading at 4 yr old and my husband thought that it was an idea. Once I started, it just seemed natural. My husband had odd working hours with large stretches of time off so we could travel together, visit family, hike, etc, By the time we were into elementary with two children, it just seemed like what we were meant to do. I had a wonderful support group by this time, and as my kids were getting older, I was constantly amazed at how well adjusted they were - people would assume they were home schooled on trips, etc simply by their manners, ease speaking with adults, constant reading (and lack of electronic games), etc. My middle child was incredibly shy, but she was well adjusted enough to always be open to new adventures and friends. They were involved in dance, orchestra, art, science competitions, swimming, church groups, volunteering, etc. Several times we looked at the private schools, we could afford them, but the kids never seemed eager to go nor did my husband or I. That all being said, two years ago when we moved to south Florida my older two decided to go to public high school. After being homeschooled their whole lives, they were dropped off at a 1800 student body public high school and have risen to the top. My ds graduates next week with large scholarships and will start an accelerated med program in the fall. I have found that parents home school their kids for a variety of reasons. I think that if it works for your family, it is an AWESOME experience and wonderful journey and everyone in the family benefits - enjoy the ride! ReneeR
  17. Advil or Aleve to start with, and then a cream with glycerin and dimethicone. Aloe, also, feels good but I am not sure that it does anything for moistening the skin like CerVe, Gold Bond Ultimate Restoring Lotion, etc Good luck, ReneeR
  18. Thanks to "MyTwoBlessings!" for starting this. I have so enjoyed it, especially since I don't have time for a "book club" and you guys have recommended some great books. I somehow ended up with all your suggestions on request at the library so I checked out "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." I finished reading "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" last week early and picked up "The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie". What a delight it was, and yes, I adore Flavia - she reminds me of my youngest child. Anyway, I read through it pretty quickly (I was avoiding a knitting project) and started "Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" which I find interesting. It is a good thing that I am ahead of reading this week since my son graduates from high school on Fri night, and we have family coming in town - no reading for me. Well, I'll use this quiet time on Memorial Day to do some more reading. Thanks ladies again for all your suggestions. ReneeR P.S. My daughter and I are finishing "Masterpiece" by Elsie Broach. It has lead to a unit study on Albrecht Durer and drawing, which dd loves!
  19. If he did ETC 1 and did well, but he is having a slow start, you could have him do 1 1/2. My middle daughter needed much more repetition to read than the other children. I discovered the ETC 1/2 books, and she did them after each of the regular books. We used Alphaphonics with all the kids, and they all read well just at very different ages. Good luck, ReneeR
  20. I think this is completely normal. My first ds read at 4 yrs of age - very quickly and seemed to move along at a fast rate. My last one read early, 5 yrs old, but she had little interest in moving to new stories and would stray with questions and different stories, etc. It really wore my patience since I knew that she knew the words and sounds! But I just kept reminding myself that ALL of them are different. Once she got to 1st grade, I really worked with keeping her on task more. I would make it a rule that she had to wait until the end of a page or chapter, and THEN she could asks questions or make comments. To this day at 11 yrs old, she can still talk your ear off about cooking, animals, history, etc, etc. Of course, she might get that from me! Hope this helps, Have a blessed weekend, ReneeR
  21. We used BF Geography this past fall. I had all the Holling books and thought it might be fun since my 5th grader was the last time I would read the books. We really liked it. We did tons of geography/mapping, and I requested many of the supplemental recommendations in the guide from the library through inter-library loan. We learned a lot about whaling!! We were not using a history curriculum so this was our main spine. It took us through mid-Jan, one semester, to do it. My daughter loved the books and researched different things that interested her and drew a lot of pictures from the Holling books and other books from the libraries. We went in depth with some of the geography things - for instance, when we learned about Mississippi River, we, also, studied all the other major rivers in the USA, etc. You can really add whatever you want to it and get as much out of it as you want. It is a nice guide to a unit study jumping off point. Hope this helps, ReneeR
  22. If you were starting Rod and Staff with a 6th grader, would you start with 5 or 6? I used Rod and Staff with my older kids, but I never started it with my younger child and I want to start next year. Thanks ReneeR
  23. Well, first of all we have NEVER had a virus in all the years that we have owned Mac's - now going on 14 yrs. Secondly, they rarely ever freeze up or crash and they can open any file and do everything that we need. Lastly, they will last forever with minor repairs and the apple people are great at helping with any problem! ReneeR
  24. Ladies, We are planning a short trip through SF before we go on to Yosemite. We definitely want to tour Alcatraz. When I looked up tours, there was one that combined a tour with Muir Woods and Alcatraz. Would this be something that we might enjoy? Muir Woods looks so beautiful. Is it very far north of SF. It says that it is an all day tour with Muir Woods in the A.M. and Alcatraz in the afternoon. Thanks ReneeR
  25. Sounds like our dd, now 11 yrs old, when she was 16 months old. The hospital got her hooked on sucking on popsicles and a wash cloth soaked with water. We bought those ice pops when we got home. I would freeze them and cut them in 1/2 for her. I would give her anything that she could drink - lemonade, ginger ale, gatorade, diluted apple juice, etc in very small quantities throughout the day. Sometime we would even do it through this huge eye dropper we had to make it a game. I just looked for wet diapers. I know that it has been 10 years, but I don't remember her eating for weeks really. I would not push food on her - maybe, apple sauce or mashed banana or cracker is all she can take now. If you are still concerned, I would just call her Ped and have a chat with the nurse or bring her in. Good luck, ReneeR
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