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Everything posted by LND1218

  1. I read her blog, and at first it sounded like her. But when I reread it she did say it was an exchange with her children. I am not sure if that was clearly stated or not, but she did say it or at least that was how I read it. So I think if you concerned about her that you should be concerned more about the kids. I allow my children to play with children who don't have the same belief system. But I noticed that it's the kids who tend to push/say more than adults. Go back and reread it to make sure. But if that's the case the problem may be the kids.
  2. It really depends more on the children and your situation than anything. I haven't found it hard to add kids at all. None of the transitions were that tough - #2 was a very difficult child, but I didn't find having 2 kids hard other than dealing with her if that makes sense. But going to 4 has been challenging in some ways that are situation specific - I realized that 4 children don't comfortably fit in our home. 3 was fine, but 4 really made a big difference. That only because my house is small, and I can't bear to move from our land. I have found that one load a day in the dish washer isn't enough anymore which does through off my nice schedule. And since I don't wash by hand it has been an issue - we always have dishes waiting. Laundry isn't as easy to keep up with but I think that's due to reflux and the insane amount of clothes that get spit up on!! And of course the siblings must change their clothes when baby spits up - can't say that I blame them. But I don't think that's because he was #4. I have more I am homeschooling so that is hard - it's harder to get everything done with the little one than if I just had the 3. But that is a baby thing more than a number of kids. So all that to say it depends. I didn't find adding #4 hard, but we faced some challenges specific to our situation. The house being the biggest one - darn thing is NEVER clean anymore mostly because I lack the room for everything. If I had a bigger laundry area I wouldn't care that laundry was waiting - but I have to look at it and trip over it. If I had a bigger house, I bet I would have barely noticed #4.
  3. I would put vinegar in her mouth. The apple cider kind works well and is good for them too! That's what I do with my kids - for anything involving the mouth - lying, back talk, etc. It works like a charm. I think I only did it once with dd 1 - a handful of times with dd 2 and maybe 3 times with ds 1. We will see how long it ds 2 when we get there. You can do a spray bottle for good coverage or an eye dropper. Or anything really.
  4. Huh! Who knew...not me. I have never had a ticket, but now I know... :auto: Glad it's worked out for you!
  5. My dd does this too, but generally it is more common with boys. I was able to hear the most amazing study on this. Boys hearing is less sensitive (generally) than girls, so they aren't hearing those sounds like we are. They seem so much louder to us moms than to the boys because we are female and older. My ds's noises are louder and more annoying than dd's.
  6. Those root cellars stay cold in the summer too - my mom's farms had one growing up. It they only had one sack of it it was likely in the kitchen, but any more than that was likely stored underground - if not by them then the store.
  7. Eventhough they bought flour from the store, it would have been milled locally. At least close if not in town. It would have been pretty fresh to begin with. I imagine during a winter like that it was kept pretty darn cold - just like freezing it. If they had a root cellar, it would have been like an ice box! Flour keeps if frozen. They didn't have the same standards we do. Our food in very clean and sanitized - bugs, mold etc weren't uncommon back then. I mean sometimes I can't believe the stuff they ate. So I imagine that they often ate flour that had "gone bad." It was that or starve.
  8. They may be able to take a credit card, but I wouldn't give my cc # to anyone on ebay.
  9. CC Foundations is supplemental. Essentials covers LA and writing. Challenge is a full program. Here are the basics - For our 1st grader: we do CC Foundations Saxon VP Phonics Museum Bible For our 5th grader: Foundations Essentials (EE and IEW) Latin for Children MUS VP History Lit - VP suggested Bible We do family science experiments and such to follow CC. We do read alouds and projects as a family.
  10. I have to agree with this! I would love to know what's really going on, but that's not what's on the news these days! I watch every am, and I feel like I never know what's really going on in the world.
  11. Not me, but I know someone who has hired someone for her kids. But for her "teacher" it's a full time position. She only works for them. This family only seeks out well educated teachers. This is also a live in position so it has some nanny aspects to it. I honestly can't figure out how one person would make a decent living at this though unless they were working for more than one family. She would probably be better off looking to tutor or teach a class here or there unless she's looking for a live in position.
  12. This is what I do - I don't dip them in enchilada sauce cause that does get mess. It works great!
  13. Scrape off any wax that you can first then do the iron bag/rag thing. It works great!
  14. Personally, I do think the Asian languages will carry them farther later. Since they have a strong background there, I would focus on those as much as possible.
  15. The guide should be shipping tomorrow, and it's one sale this month!
  16. And I agree that we are trying to do better for our kids, and that is important. And I thought I did fine not knowing certain things, but now that I have this knowledge I realized what I have missed. I didn't know enough to know what I was missing. I was blissfully ignorant that I could even benefit from certain things. Now that I have learned some of these things, I see what I was missing, and I don't want that for my kids.
  17. :iagree: I have to agree - this is well said! It's okay to have missed something - I know we all have gaps. I have gaps that I know about and ones I haven't seen yet. But I want to be encouraged to fill them not ignore them. I value knowing geography of everywhere. It's not hard at all to get in. I am not sure I would stop what I was doing and do a whole US thing right now. What I would probably do is get some maps - laminated of course - and stick them on the kitchen table. You can do placemat maps, large maps - whatever! You can put a clear plastic table cloth over them and just do them. I would also get a geo CD and listen to it in the car. And there are great geo games!! I would get one or two of those. This is how we reinforce our geo, and it's not hard at all. We also like to just play some games in the car when we travel or see out of state plates. And I LOVE that my 3 yr old knows where Florida is - it's the only state he knows! But he knows it, and he gets so excited when he see it on another map. :D
  18. It sounds like you are doing fine! I also wonder lesson 55 in what? How many lessons are left? If it were me and I felt the need to finish before next year, I would keep going in the summer with a half load. Say do half a weeks work in a week. I would either do just a bit of time every day or I would do 2 long or 3 short days. Just to keep moving where ever you felt like you needed to. Otherwise, I would just carry it over to next year.
  19. Yep this comes up a lot, but I have to answer too... Love it and plan to do it all the way through!! My kids absolutely love CC - they can't wait to go. My 5th grade dd LOVES Essentials! It is her favorite class next to Latin. (Of course, she's not such a fan of the math games!) I love that it helps me get what I am not good at doing at home - science, art and presentations. The grammar memory work is good and it's great for my kids to have other kids to do it with. My kids have learned a lot. But what I love the most is being connected to a community of classical homeschoolers. These are the families I was looking for and could only find in my area in CC!
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