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Everything posted by awisha.

  1. Some people have this disease where they think that their opinion is the most important and correct and don't you dare try telling them otherwise. A man might think being a homophobe is the best thing ever and a woman might think being racist is the best thing ever. Some people think this is normal, but it really isn't, because it doesn't matter what you are like on the outside, it's the inside of you that's important.
  2. :grouphug: Want me to hop a plane and kick their worthless butts Aussie style?? I am so sorry you have to deal with that sort of crappiness.
  3. I wonder if this will be the new Gangnam Style?!?! :lol:
  4. :lol: I wonder how many takes they had to do for it to be this serious.
  5. The original blogger did a post before the FYI one andit includes pics of her kids at the beach. Why would she need to post more beach pics in a post thathas nothing to do with the beach??
  6. I died at the Easy A reference.This was perfect and hilarious and perfect :D (I'm talking about the blog btw)
  7. Crazy Eyes is 'like' bombing you from the grave :D
  8. I found a makeup youtuber who has the crazy eyes symbol at the end of their name!!! :lol: wonders will never cease :lol:
  9. I would bet a whole $5 that this will happen. If not already happened. Did anyone else get the impression that Crazy Eyes used a homeschooling cheat sheet to make his intro thread?!?! Anyone, anyone?? Bueller... Bueller... Bueller...
  10. Cats with mustaches :lol: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleybaccam/mustache-cats
  11. I found this one too... http://www.buzzfeed.com/donnad/35-breathtaking-aerial-photographs
  12. These are amazing and the artists are insanely talented. http://www.buzzfeed.com/hnigatu/works-of-art-you-wont-believe-arent-photographs
  13. You might be better off asking on a craft forum or even check if there are any forums for the silhouette machines. :)
  14. Yes I did keep my wedding dress. It is a red evening gown type dress and I've also kept the suit DS wore and the white dress DD wore.
  15. The only time I leave the kids in the car is when I am paying for petrol. I lock the car and keep watching the whole time. Of course, this only happens at 2 maybe 3 certain petrol stations and if it is not those ones the kids come inside with me to pay.
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