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Everything posted by jengjohnson

  1. I used FLL with my older two and really enjoyed it, but my current k'er is just not an auditory learner. Well, she's doing fine with it, but it's a struggle where it was sooo easy and enjoyable with the others. She really needs to DO something for her work to be pleasant. That said, I might combine them. I LOVE that my 3rd and 5th graders have all the parts of speech definitions and prepositions, state of being verbs, etc. memorized. It has been so helpful and useful to them. I just can't skip that for this child. In addition, she likes to write much more than the other two did at the same age.
  2. School takes us so much longer than I ever imagined it would, LOL. We school Mon-Wed 8-3 or 4 with an hour off for lunch. On Thursdays, the time is about the same, but there's a longer lunch break that includes piano lessons. Fridays we're done by lunch time. My big kids work during most of this time either independently, with me individually, or as a group. My k'er is really done with work in less that two hours. This is becoming a problem b/c she has too much free time on her hands and she usually ends up getting in trouble. My 3rd grader does a bit of day dreaming, so I know she could work faster, but doesn't. My 5th grader works efficiently, but just has more to do.
  3. I require everyone to be dressed because we usually have to go out every day of the week. On the rare day that we're going to be in and I don't expect anyone to drop by I declare a "pajama day." We probably have one every other month.
  4. Yes, last year I used BJU science 4 with my 2nd and 4th graders. I just gave my 2nd grader a break on the writing sometimes. They both enjoyed the class.
  5. I think you've got the right idea. We haven't accumulated a lot of Latin vocab, but my kids are really into memorizing poetry and know a ton. Let's say they have 30 poems memorized, plus one they're working on. They'll practice the new one daily, perhaps another recently memorized one daily, and the others are split equally through the week. So those they know well are only reviewed once a week. You might look at: http://simplycharlottemason.com/timesavers/memorysys/ This website has a scripture verse memory system that is set up really nicely and would work very well for old vocabulary.
  6. For many things my 1st grader will join in with the others. math: Saxon 2 handwriting: copywork phonics/spelling: continue ETC and OPGTR reading: Sonlight 2 readers writing: WWE 1 grammar: FLL 1 For history I'm planning MFW RtR and will bring her in at her level for history and science, etc.
  7. I really appreciate this thread. My daughter loves CLE math, but I told her she'd have to use something different next year. I really felt we needed to change to a more well-known text for pre-algebra, Saxon or BJU. I'm relieved to hear that CLE will prepare her for algebra and she will be so happy to stay with CLE. Thanks!
  8. Mine really wants the Harry Potter lego sets (her b-day is also the 23rd). Before she knew they existed she was very stressed about what to ask for.
  9. I'm actually starting a new schedule tomorrow, we'll see how it goes. My plan is to work a solid hour with my k'er (she's capable of this and might even finish all her work in that time) while my olders are working. Next I'll work an hour with my 3rd grader. We'll go over math, do grammar and writing (might not need an hour for all that). Then I'll do the same with my 5th grader. My older two have plenty that they can do independently, but now, instead of waiting until they're finished with math, cle reading, spelling, poetry memorization, logic, and piano to work with them one on one, I'm going to pull them as soon as I'm ready for them. That may mean that my 3rd grader has to put reading aside while we work together for an hour and then go back to finish it when we're done. We'll see how it works. Today I was trying to teach Saxon math to k'er while the other two were asking me questions. :tongue_smilie: After lunch we do history, Bible, science, and read-aloud together. I may have to move Latin to after lunch too with this new schedule, not sure yet.
  10. I think you've got a lot of great advice, not sure that I have more to add. I also have a 5th grader who is academically ahead. We're using Mind Benders for Logic, but she'll finish the 4 books before the year is out. Will probably try Red Herrings after that. We're using MOH this year, but she's also outlining from Kingfisher and the Christian Liberty Nature Reader. Having her do some outlining is the only way to slow her down. We're using CLE for math and R&S for grammar, but she's a year ahead in both. I've talked to her about slowing down for grammar, but she likes it and wants to stay ahead. We're using Latin for Children, but if you feel done with Latin for now, I'd consider adding Spanish or French. Are you comfortable with either language? We also use CLE Reading a year ahead and I thought about dropping it, but she wants to keep it too. She'll be finished with that soon and will have even less on her plate. She finishes her work very quickly so this worries me. She's really into the Greek myths so she's decided to study for the National Mythology Exam. We're beta testing SWB's grade 5 writing this year, doing other writing per her lectures, and using IEW Ancient History based writing assignments.
  11. I think being honest is the best thing. My kids lost their grandma (my MIL) 2 years ago after a 7 year battle with cancer. As we saw her losing her battle we prepared them during the last year by telling them that the medicines weren't helping, the cancer was too strong, etc. They've known people who have also recovered from cancer, so they understand that it's not a death sentence. Currently, my mother has terminal lung cancer and has moved in with us b/c she can't be alone anymore. They know that she won't get better this time and that she won't live much longer. Even with all our honesty, they were surprised when my MIL passed away. But I can't imagine how it would have been if they hadn't known it was coming. I think it's easier for them to talk thru it when it's an event in the future too.
  12. Yes, switching from MOH 1 to MFW RtR. Not planning to switch mid-year or anything.
  13. Another vote for CLE. My kids are so independent with it, though I do grade and go through corrections with them which is probably 5 min. a day.
  14. We're planning the same switch for the same reasons. Hope you get an answer!
  15. It takes a lot for my active k'er to sit through her three R's, I need to give her many play breaks which works well since I have two older kids to work with. Even though she rarely listens to a bit of history, she will gladly join in on a coloring sheet, chemistry experiment or history project. We traced her body to make our Egyptian sarcophagus, which she loved. I do a special read-aloud just with her each evening, we're currently reading Beverly Cleary's Ralph Mouse books. She loves them. Next year I'm planning to use MFW Rome to Reformation which will have a bunch of age appropriate projects and I think she'll love the science that's included. She'll have no problem listening in to SOTW 2 with a sheet to color. My plans for her specifically include: FLL 2 WWE 1 Spelling Workout (or maybe continue w/ ETC) Saxon 2 Sonlight 2 readers
  16. 5 days a week - math, CLE reading, history reading, phonics(k), Latin, writing, Bible 4 days a week - spelling, grammar, read-aloud, history 3 days a week - science 2 days a week - logic (5th) That's basically it. Often, the girls automatically do the 4x subjects daily and then realize they didn't have to. They would love to do science daily, but we have too many extra-curriculars. This is the first year in a while that we haven't belonged to a co-op, so we actually have 5 days to work. In the past I've squeezed 5 days' work into 4. I knew I couldn't do that with a new K'er this year. I plan for 36 weeks, but it usually comes closer to 40 b/c of days needed here and there for appointments, field trips, etc.
  17. I exercise in the morning so I try to be finished and at the table by 7:30. The girls' alarms go off at 7 and they must be dressed and combed before eating. They get their own quick breakfast (cold cereal/oatmeal/bagels/ grits and fruit), but if the 5yo wants something hot someone will make it for her. I eat quickly and then dash off for a shower while they finish eating and empty the dishwasher. Dh normally doesn't wake until 8:30 so we don't see him for breakfast. We start school at 8 am. Weekends are completely different. They wake according to need (early soccer game?). We work together to make a hot breakfast, all the girls love to help. I feel a little guilty about not spending more time on weekday breakfasts with them, but morning is really the only time I have to exercise, our evenings are filled with their activities.
  18. This is our second year with CLE math and my big girls and I love it. They do it very independently and learn really well. They also tested very well at the end of last year. I plan to switch for pre-algebra on, but dd10 really wanted another year with CLE. I'm using Saxon 1 for my k'er and will probably use Saxon with her for one more year before switching her to CLE. I enjoy the time we spend together with Saxon, but I couldn't teach Saxon to multiple kids.
  19. I voted other b/c we used it in the past. I really liked it, but just couldn't continue combining my two oldest and could not possibly teach 3 programs. It would be wonderful for an only child or two kids very close in ability. It really was a great year.
  20. My opinion is that they are capable of learning a ton at that age, but I imagine it's quite a difficult environment to teach in. I know that I taught a co-op class for 3 hours with an age range of 1 to young 5's. It was supposed to be 4's and 5's, but the teacher for the younger group fell through. I had plenty of adult help, but that age range is just really distracting to each other. I had one of those C-shaped tables during the second semester which helped immensley. The kids sat around the outside and I sat in the middle. I could usually keep their attention long enough for a Bible Story and quick craft. The little girls might also stay and color, but that was it. Do you have enough help? It's so hard to teach a lesson and discipline toddlers at the same time, LOL.
  21. I'm excited about adding in my k'er, trying the filing system, using MOH, Latin and French. Taking at least a semester off of our co-op.
  22. My kindergarteners have always been advanced readers too. I continue to use ETC for spelling (skipping book 4) and use FLL for grammar. When they're tired of ETC we move onto Spelling workout and just fly through the first few books. It's more for extra handwriting practice than anything else. Even though they've always read well, it's taken them a long time to catch onto writing properly. Not the letters, but spacing between words, capitalization, punctuation, etc. And they just didn't have the stamina for writing very much at a time. My current k'er will write several sentences to her sister when it's her own idea, but she doesn't want to write much when I ask her to do copywork. I've looked at CLE 1 and just thought it looked like overkill on some things that dd already knows well. I like to use FLL1 in K, FLL2 in 1st, R&S 3 in 2nd and so on. If one of my older kids suddenly balked at R&S, CLE would be my back-up plan, but I just like FLL better for K and 1st.
  23. Phonics: OPGTR, ETC Reading: Sonlight 1 readers (she started OPGTR last year) Writing: HWT and copywork Math: Saxon 1 Grammar: FLL 1 Science: nothing formal, butterfly and praying mantis kits, gardening, will likely join in on the big kids' chemistry experiments Art: classes through the city Music: ? kids' choir at church P.E.: soccer, swimming, skiing Tagging along for: Bible: VP Genesis through Joshua (though I also have an age appropriate devotional) History: MOH 1, read-alouds on her level from Biblioplan, coloring and projects That's all I can think of!
  24. Here's what I have for dd8 who will combine several subjects with dd10: Math - CLE 400 Grammar - R&S 3 Writing - IEW Ancients based history writing Spelling - SWO D Reading - CLE 400 & Biblioplan recommendations Bible - VP Genesis to Joshua History/Geography - MOH Ancients w/ Biblioplan Science - The Elements and REAL Science Odyssey Chemistry French - MP First Start French Latin - LfC A Poetry - IEW poetry memorization Typing - continue Dance Mat Music - choir & piano Art - ??? Phys. Ed. - soccer, tennis, swimming, skiing That's all I can think of!
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