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Everything posted by jengjohnson

  1. My youngest will be 2nd grade in the fall! Math: finish Saxon 3 then CLE 3 Grammar: FLL2 Reading: Sonlight & Pathways Writing: WWE 2 Cursive: New American Cursive Spelling: SWO B & C History: SOTW 3 w/ Time Travelers now and then Science: A Child's Geography and an Apologia book, not sure which one yet. Bible: probably Explorer's Map Skills Not sure what else she'll take at co-op. Art: Atelier Music: choir Year-round soccer, summer swim team.
  2. We're planning to use Time Travelers units from Homeschool in the Woods when we get to those sections in SOTW. We'll start the Explorers CD next week b/c we're getting to them in SOTW 2.
  3. My rising 7th grader is pretty solid on grammar, she used 4 years of R&S and now a year of CLE. She's fine with another year of CLE, she doesn't like it, just wants to get it done, but I wonder if it's overkill for her now. I'm looking for something that might appeal to her love of reading & writing. She really enjoyed reading Eats, Shoots and Leaves with me. I think she would like something like Killgallon Sentence Composing, but I don't want her basic grammar skills to get rusty either. What are you using?
  4. I'm talking about the product from Homeschool in the Woods and wondering about the copyright law. Has anyone used this in a co-op setting? I've tried emailing Mrs. Pak, but haven't heard anything. Perhaps they're on spring break.
  5. All her best friends have slowly moved away over the past three years. She's a natural introvert, but does really crave a connection with someone. Over the past several months she's repeatedly mentioned that she's different from all the other girls and wonders if she'd be "normal" if she went to regular school. I try to reassure her with stories of how few good friends I had during middle school, but it doesn't matter to her. Today she went to a science program at a college, didn't have a friend to invite. She ended up grouped with some girls her age and talked about how they acted and what they talked about and thought they were so boring and immature(spitting drinks on each other). Of course, I think she's pretty great- excellent student and athlete, caring, considerate, respectful, etc. I just think she's probably not good at the small talk that's needed to even begin a friendship. She doesn't even seem to connect with the girls on her soccer team whom she's with at least 6 hours a week. I don't think she knows what to say to them. I've thought about inviting one over, but I worry about what they'd do. In the neighborhood she plays outside with boys (the few girls don't want to "play" anymore). In the house she mostly reads, writes, and plays piano. We have definitely discussed the, "You have to be friendly to make a friend." She seems to be making an effort, being much more chatty and smiling during something like soccer practice, but once it's over I don't think she knows how to continue the conversation. How can I help her? Start a book club? Join a co-op? PLEASE give me some ideas!
  6. I've done several, all sprints. It sounds like you're doing well. Just wanted to reiterate preparing for the transitions. Even practice them. I was really frustrated with myself after my first race b/c I compared my transitions to others and was so slow in that area. I think I even watched something on you tube that shows how to speed up transitions. It helped and I improved. Also, remember to hydrate throughout the race. I'm bad about not drinking, especially on the bike where I just like to hammer. I'm much better on the run if I've hydrated on the bike. Have fun and good luck!
  7. Thanks, everyone! I was a science teacher in my past life so I'm comfortable teaching this. I'm glad to hear the investigations DVDs aren't critical. They're so expensive and this dd typically despises screen-based learning. I'll likely add it when the next dd is ready for the course though b/c she learns quite well that way.
  8. NO! I'm still making decisions. One week I think I'm done, the next week I change and need to look at other things. There's no way I could order yet, but our new year begins in July so I can't wait forever. I did finally make a decision on algebra though b/c dd will start it in 2 weeks. Can't wait to be done with the searching!
  9. My dd12 is using the HO MA2 and IEW history-based middle ages writing combo now. I've had her skip a few of the HO writing assignments especially when the same topic is going to be covered with more guidance in IEW. She is also behind in HO, mostly because of our busy schedule. She really enjoys it though and wants to finish it over the summer if necessary. She also wants to continue on with early modern next year. She does NOT want to use the next history-based IEW course. She says she's tired of writing exclusively about history. I'm torn b/c she does so well with the assignments. I'm considering using HO w/out writing assignments and adding in the IEW history-based writing if she'll go for that. I'm sure I wasn't much help there, just wanted to let you know how we're managing.
  10. Tara, I'm considering this for next year. Can you tell me how the different books work together. It's my understanding that there is a student "text" and workbook. From the online samples I can't tell the difference between the two. Also, how long does a typical lesson take for your student? What do you think of the vocabulary component? TIA!
  11. I'll try to address all your questions, but my 1st grader is my youngest student, so she often tags along on stuff for the olders. Read-alouds: Most come from suggestions in the SOTW AG. When I tire of reading about history, I'll pick a book from WWE that dd didn't want to end. Our longer books generally come from WWE. Knowing what to purchase. I wonder if you can see the list of books used in WWE somewhere on the PHP site. I know what you mean about placing extra orders, but if there's any way you could perhaps get the SOTW AG right now, you could plan accordingly and place your book order with everything else. We too do some gardening, so I don't go too much into it beyond looking at/dissecting a plant and learning the basics. I'm sure you could find a simple book about this at the library. We like Plant Parts. Be sure to do the celery and carnation in colored water if you haven't before. We don't do much memory stuff for history. We're more into memorizing poetry, parts of speech and math facts. ;) I don't notebook like she says, it just bugs me to have so many, but we always run out of room in them, so I should probably think of a better way. We have 9 weeks to go and they're really bursting. Dd has a 2" binder separated into writing, history, science, math, nature journal, and art. Like I said, it's full. As far as following WTM, I think I'm fairly close. We use FLL, WWE, and SWO. SOTW w/ narrating for history, Saxon for math (used a year or more ahead), I need more of a plan for science so I usually end up finding a curriculum that covers what I need. HTH!
  12. If you've used this, what do I need to cover this course well? Text, TM, tests, investigations DVDs, student activity manual? We have a good microscope and a bunch of slides.
  13. My dd12 is using the HO middle ages level 2 also. She really likes it and wants to continue with it next year for early modern. I'm not crazy about the spine, but she's fine with it. She's really proud of the work she's done this year. I LOVE how it's written to the student.
  14. I started my 2 oldest early, but then regretted it and held back for my youngest. Though my girls are very strong in L/A, being a year ahead in R&S became a little much. I ended up switching them to CLE this year ON level. Also, WWE 4 would be very intense for a 3rd grader. It's even tough on level.
  15. Thank you all SO much. I took my high school math in high school and finished with trig my senior year, so I didn't have a clue how to proceed. Thanks!!!
  16. What's your long-term math plan? My dd is strong in math, but doesn't love it. She wants to be a vet, so I've planned for her to take plenty of math to get her through the science that she'll need. The college requirements around here are minimum 3 high school math credits and a suggestion of another math taken during the senior year. So, this is as far as I get: 7th algebra 8th geometry 9th algebra 2 10th calc? 11th ? 12th ? Should I do another year of pre-algebra? Or spread out algebra, or do 2 years? help!
  17. I've had the same experience as others. We participated in co-ops 6 different semesters. As my oldest approached middle school I didn't see the offerings getting anymore academically challenging. I just couldn't continue to give up a day each week for fluff. I'm currently looking into a co-op that may meet my criteria. I could actually go for a less challenging co-op if they met in the afternoon rather than the morning. My kids must get their hard stuff done in the morning.
  18. My current first grader is using: Saxon 2 WWE 1 FLL 1 SWO A Pathway Readers grade 2 SOTW & AG Elemental Bio We're having such a great year with these resources. She didn't start SWO until 2nd semester and is flying through it an retaining well. You have so many great things listed, but I know I could never get through all that. We have several outside activities too.
  19. We have difficulty making time for it, we've only completed three projects, but we've enjoyed the variety. I think it helps that I really like doing this sort of thing. We've pretty much resorted to doing art on less busy weekends. I'm glad I bought it (cheaper at HS buyer's co-op) and plan to finish it.
  20. This is what I've done too. Using the workbooks for more than one makes things pretty economical.
  21. I'm using GSWS for a 4th and 6th grader this year. We're going to use SfC next year. We all the like the simplicity of it this year, it allows us to do quite a bit of conversational stuff on the side. I took Spanish in college so it comes back pretty easily. Dh is fluent and also gives us ideas of what to learn outside of the curriculum, though he has no desire to teach it himself. :glare:
  22. An old friend of my dh's is living in the Czech Republic. She'd like to supplement her son's schooling with American history and English language arts. I think he's first or second grade. She'd prefer something she could download rather than pay a bunch for shipping. I was going to suggest FLL/WWE for the L/A, but don't have a clue on what to suggest for American history. I'll definitely tell her about SOTW, but if she really wants to concentrate on just America, what's out there? Obviously a full-blown program like HOD isn't needed. I don't know their religious affiliation or lack there of, so please just send me any and all ideas. Thanks!
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