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Everything posted by jengjohnson

  1. Thanks for all the suggestions and encouragement. I have also looked at Biblioplan and am keeping that in mind, but I just love all the SL literature. I think I would like to also add in MOH, I remember seeing schedules combining MOH and SOTW, so perhaps I could just plug those into SL to extend things. I guess I'm just worried about taking 6 weeks to read a book rather than 3, the kids are always asking for more, so I'd better be prepared to add more in rather than just stretch it out. I do like the idea of adding in more related writing assignments though. I'm going to look at the IEW Ancients. That might be just what I need. Thanks again!
  2. I want to do ancients next year and really like the looks of Sonlight 6 (we did 1 & 2 a couple of years ago). However, I would like to get back on the 4 year cycle, so I don't want to cover all that history in 1 year. Has anyone stretched this core over 2 years? If so, any suggestions on what to add in? I'm concerned that by slowing down they won't have enough reading to keep them happy. They read non-stop. I'd also like to involve my new K'er as much as possible. I think I'll get SL Core K (already have most of the books) for her and then use the SOTW activity guide to give her a bit more history on her level. She's a strong student too and enjoys listening to chapter books. Any suggestions? We've used HOD for the big girls this year and it's gone fine, but I'd rather move to something more condusive to combining. Also looking at TOG, but can't get too excited about it, LOL. I will miss the notebooking aspect of HOD though. History is always a difficult decision for me!
  3. I will have more than just a kindergartener, but we are cutting back a bit on activities next year. We'll be dropping our co-op and a club that we do. We'll keep our sports b/c that's important to us and I can count it as P.E. We swim three times a week during the day and the rest of our activities are evening and/or spread throughout the seasons (soccer, basketball, chorus). The swimming was an experiment this month but it's gone well. We swim at what would be our normal break time right before lunch. I have little trouble getting them out of the pool b/c they're hungry, LOL. On the days that we swim I'm also less drowsy in the afternoon and the girls are ready to get back to work after burning their energy.
  4. I'm planning to cheat and buy the Sonlight K guide. We already have most of the books, but I'll get the few that we don't have b/c they look really good. This is for my last kindergartener and if it isn't scheduled I know that it won't happen, LOL. I can't wait to go through the books with her! Of course, we'll still re-read all the wonderful picture books, I especially enjoy most of the FIAR titles.
  5. We used Horizons for K through 4th, did a semester of Singapore (found that we needed to return to a spiral program) and that's when I found CLE. SO I have NOT used the lower levels of CLE, my 7 yo is using 300 and my 10 yo is using 500. I think their spiraling is pretty similar. What I like so much about CLE is that their material is presented better to the student. I rarely have to help either child, they totally understand the CLE explanations and they're doing well. I think the CLE is slightly ahead of Horizons in that the problems given are a bit more complex, but I honestly haven't compared them thoroughly. Looking at the scope and sequence, I knew they would continue to move ahead and that's all that mattered to me. My kids are already a grade level ahead in math. I LOVE that the drill is built in. With Horizons I had to supplement for drill. I'm also happy to find something that goes beyond 6th grade.
  6. I have similar questions as others on the phonics. I've tried finding more samples of their choices online and haven't had much luck. My dd will not need to start at the beginning with reading. She's over half-way through 100 EZ lessons, doing well, but could use more repetition and reinforcement. Like Lynn, I'm trying to decide between HOD's Little Hearts and MP. I'd planned to use CLE for math. I just really like the look of the MP plans and the literature and other extras. It seems like just enough to make me feel like I'm doing something special for her, but not so much that I'll be overwhelmed by it. If anyone knows more specifics about the phonics, or where we can find more online samples I'd love to hear about it!
  7. I'm glad to hear that so many have had a good week. And for those who haven't, I think 4kids is right, just make one good choice to get the ball rolling. Then make a string of them. I still haven't had a soda or coffee since Christmas day, I can't believe it, I feel so much better. I lost another pound this week so that makes 9 total. It's been a long time since I've had this kind of success and it's extremely motivating. I can't even count how many times in the last 4 years I've tried to improve my diet/exercise regularly and the scale didn't move which discouraged me. I think I've finally accepted that I can't eat like I'm 23 anymore. Even when I get to my goal I'll have to keep the healthy eating up or it will return. I'm still really excited that I also haven't been feeling hungry. After dd#2 was born I went on weight watchers and did have success losing weight, but I was hungry all the time. I was eating the right number of points, but they weren't really healthy choices, lacking in fiber and probably vitamins too, so I was just tired and hungry all the time. Now I'm making good choices and feel great.
  8. We've been using a BJU level in addition to covering an Exploring Creation book each year. It works out to about two BJU lessons and two Apologia lessons per week. This year I skipped BJU's lessons about the moon and insects b/c we're doing astronomy this year and we did flying creatures last year. I got tired of sticking to one topic (Apologia) each year and BJU covers a lot of physical science that you don't get from Apologia. However, we love the Apologia books and the girls attend a co-op on Friday that also does experiments and activities from the text. I was worried that doing two sciences would be too much, but it really hasn't been.
  9. I'm planning to use CLE 100 for my kindergartener and just go slow if we need to. We're using MCP K right now and she's learning to write and recognize the numbers. She'll be my third K'er, so covering those concepts comes pretty naturally to me now.
  10. My 7 yo is doing third grade work, we're happy with: CLE Math 300 BJU English 3 (Grammar and Writing) Spelling Workout B & C CLE Reading 300 Handwriting Without Tears Cursive HOD's Bigger Hearts for history, poetry, some science, Bible, Read-alouds, and geography BJU Science 4 Apologia Astronomy HOD's suggested literature but without Draw into the Heart of Reading Next year, when she's truly third grade age, I'm adding Latin and probably Writing Tales or something else to get her writing more.
  11. I'm still doing well. We've had a lot of ice since Saturday so I've been on the exercise bike rather than running, but I should be able to run again tomorrow. I like the bike, but not three days in a row. I'm eating fairly well, although last night was bad, we ate at the neighbors'. I'm down 8 pounds since I started! My pants are getting quite loose. I'm sorry many of you are having trouble with eating too much. I don't know WHY I've finally seemed to get my eating under control. I think cutting out the sodas and sugar and focusing on getting a lot of fiber through fruits and veggies just keeps me feeling pretty satisfied. When I occasionally want something sweet after dinner (when everyone else is having dessert) I'll make a chocolate soy milk. I know I don't get enough calcium anyway.
  12. I haven't posted since the beginning, but am doing pretty well. Dh had some health problems and then we went on vacation so I haven't been on the boards. I'm so excited to find that I actually lost weight on vacation (ski trip). I knew I was getting plenty of exercise and tried to make good choices in the restaurants and limit my beer to one with dinner, LOL. It's such a relief to get on the scale and see improvement. Vacation was fun, but I'm happy to be back home where it's easier to eat better. Dh even found that his cholesterol is up so he's more eager to eat healthy. Now we start back to our full activity schedule (co-op, clubs, etc.) so we'll see if I'm able to keep up the exercise. I'm setting a goal to do a sprint triathlon this spring (I did a couple 12 years ago-before children). Getting in shape for the ski trip was so motivating that I hope having a new goal will keep me going.
  13. My second grade dd will finish: CLE Math 300 BJU English 3(Grammar & Writing) CLE Reading 300 Spelling Workout B & C Handwriting Without Tears Cursive Bigger Hearts for His Glory BJU Science 4 Apologia Astronomy tons of fun reading too!
  14. I'm 36, have three dd's 4, 7, and 10. Dh sprung a ski trip on me for my Christmas gift so I'm finally motivated to do what I need to so I'll have more fun on the slopes. I'd like to lose 20 pounds and tone up. Since the day after Christmas I've been running 30 minutes in the morning and riding the exercise bike for 30 min. in the afternoon. Hoping to increase but cautious b/c of my bad knees. Also doing push-ups and crunches, increasing the number as my soreness decreases. I take a day off from the cardio every 4 days to rest my knees. Should probably walk or swim on those off days, but it hasn't worked out yet. I like to exercise, but my diet can be bad. I have a serious sweet tooth so it's better for me to avoid sweets altogether. I don't stop at just a little. I had a lapse on New Year's Eve, but have done fine since then. The week of Christmas I decided to give up caffeine b/c I was having a lot of headaches. Got through a couple of rough days and have done really well since then. No more headaches! Now I'm sticking strictly to water and herbal tea. I've increased fruits and veggies and find that I'm not hungry even though I'm eating much less than I used to. I think some of that is due to cutting out all the sugar.
  15. Getting polyester long underwear will help. We get ours from Target. The reason the cotton long underwear will get wet is that the kids really will sweat! Skiing is hard work. Once the cotton is wet it will get cold and will not dry. I've always been told only one wool layer on the feet and we ski out west where it gets pretty cold. Too much will reduce circulation to the feet. Also, an instuctor told me that keeping the core warm will help everything else stay warm, so a fleece vest can add warmth without too much bulk. A fleece neck gator is also a must. Do you know anyone else who skis? Could you borrow goggles from them? If you use hand warmers, put them on the top(back) of the hand, it warms the blood as it moves out to the fingers and doesn't get in the way. Have fun! 16 days until we head to Steamboat! Woo hoo!!!!!
  16. We have a programmable thermostat. From 6-8 am it's 68, from 8 am-6 pm it's 62 (brrrr), from 6-10 pm it's 68, and from 10 pm - 6 am it's 62. I generally bump it up around noon so I don't shiver through lunch but the afternoon sun heats our school area so I turn it back down. Dh is always hot and I'm always cold so I dress in layers.
  17. Something I learned about winter camping is NOT to wear too much inside your sleeping bag. If it's rated for the weather you're camping in, one layer inside and a hat on the head should be enough. I froze for 4 nights, wearing every bit of clothing inside my bag until someone filled me in. I was amazed at the difference of wearing just one layer and a hat. Hope that helps!
  18. I like the idea of using CLE 1 at half speed, thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to keep that in mind.
  19. I had the same question. We're currently using MCP K for my 4yo, I've always found it very good for preK. With my other girls I followed up with Horizons K and then on to Saxon 2. However, I'm switching the older two to CLE and am giving some thought to starting my youngest there. I know we couldn't go straight to CLE 1 though. I'm thinking about looking at Saxon 1 for K and then going to CLE 1 for first. I look forward to hearing more ideas. I've never used R&S for math.
  20. I've had to cut my 4 year old off recently because she was addicted to screens. My older two are busy with school and then often choose to read, draw, do crafts or imaginative play. They seem to self-regulate and would choose to turn it off. The youngest had too much time to herself so now I'm doing more school with her and getting her started on crafts and projects while the others are still schooling. She's fine when given something to do, but if I don't give her something she begs for PBS or computer time. Sometimes she asks before she's even eaten breakfast! In the past, I didn't limit her and she obviously played/watched too much. Now I'm thinking no tv or computer unless it's a movie we're watching as a family or maybe 30 minutes of computer time once she stops begging for it. I cut her off last Wednesday and she's still begging, we'll see how long her withdrawal symptoms last, LOL. Jen
  21. We had to learn it and I still remember it! My kids think it's really cool. We learned it from a cassette recording.
  22. 9 yr old fortune teller, 7 yr old jellyfish, and 4 yr old Cleopatra.
  23. We put names on most things and dates on at least one thing a day. My second grader was the only one in her Sunday School class that knew how to spell October!
  24. My daughter found an empty blown-down bird's nest that she'd like to keep. I'm concerned about the germs or bugs that might be present. Any idea on how to kill the bugs without destroying the nest? I wondered about "baking" it for a while. Thanks!
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