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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Besides labor having begun and needing to head to the hospital......RAIN!!! I was awakened by the sound of lots of rain!! For the last two nights my aunt and cousins have come home too grass fires ion the far side of a dry corn field. The fire dept has kept them controlled, but it is scary! I hope they got enough rain to wet that field.down nicely. I know our garden will be.happy! Now, we will see how much this "cold front" from Canada cools us off. They think we may be down to 100* instead of 112*! ;)
  2. Good luck!!! I hope you win! The show is amazing!
  3. I have never been involved in a theayre or day camp with scary stories; overnight camp, yes, but I was older. I would speak to the director. The director needs to know, they need to deal with their employee/volunteers, not you. As a business owner, when my teenage assistants do something, I want the parent to speak to me. It is my job to control my assistants.
  4. Yes! I am slowly doing it. I am about to place pile number three for the summer out on the curb! I put good stuff: shoes, clothes, toys, books, etc that we don't need or use on the curb and place a Craigslist add....within an hour it is all gone. It is wonderful!! I am in the middle of afile cabinet cleanup...one giant trashing so far. I am tossing and shredding like.mad!
  5. We had an excellent computer game that had him moving beans around to make numbers. He played that starting at 4.5 years old. When we got to that subject in math at 5, he had it down.
  6. My sister hates cake, too. They had a cheese cake bar. It was wine glasses of cheese cake and all the topping you could imagine to put on it. My kids loved it. They did not miss the cake one bit.
  7. My 4 year old is folding and rearranging all the clothes In her dresser. She has brought me clothes that are too small. She is doing an excellent job (and not just for a 4 year old!) DS let her play Wii without him and there was no fighting or arguing. They have been helping keep the house clean. I think my nesting has rubbed off!
  8. Yeah, I was frustrated by that thread. I only saw the first sentence and moved on quickly! I will not be on FB, internet, or watching tv until 7 pm! I am cleaning and ds is welcome to play Wii for th afternoon!
  9. My son's favorite thing to do at the gym are the rings. He has been so disappointed not to see them at all!!
  10. So, I like to start school August 1st so that we can take of the time I need for shows and holidays in the winter and still finish in early May before dance recital. I went back and forth about this year and decided to wait until the baby is a week old. I have an extra week in December because of schedule changes for our studio and I am fine with doing school the week of Thanksgiving and over Spring Break. Today....both kids have begged to start school! Who does that?!?! So at 8PM DS is doing some math and DD is practicing her letters....Not a full day, but we have started preK and 2nd grade! We will have an official first day in a few weeks :) but until then, we will just do a little bit a day if we are all in a good mood! **Edit**Forgot to mention how funny we look...I am sitting on a Pilates ball at a storage trunk with my computer. DD is sitting on the floor using the end of the trunk as a table and DS is all over the place ;)
  11. My six year old asked "Are those swimsuits?!?" With this face: :glare:
  12. We are starting in McGuffey's Eclectic reader two, it is supposed to be 3rd and 4th grade level. I want to be sure his comprehension skills are on par with his decoding skills. He will read aloud to me daily, we will move to the third reader around January. He is currently reading Harry Potter 1. He is a young second grader (would be first in any school). I try to remember that. He has very little Interest in just reading. He.loves HP and Star Wars so we are reading those for his silent reading. Read alouds are more classic children's lit, I usually have him read a page to me of each chapter.
  13. After a day of rest, I took a quick trip to Walmart to pick up a few things, including a bp monitor....115/74 after the shopping trip.
  14. My DD watched it around 2. She is not easily scared by movies. But she probably lost interest before the really scary parts.
  15. My 4 year old learned how to beat the levels without learning anything :glare: we did the free trial but did not buy it. There are.plenty of free sites to keep your young one busy while you work with other kids.
  16. I don't think I will make it to the health food store today, but I looked at a few lists of foods and most of today's menu items are high on the list. I have some almonds to snack on and I will have a spinach salad. I may head to walgreens to check by bp in the morning.
  17. Women's team finals are tonight. They did not shoe men's until 9 pm central last night. I hope they show the women a little earlier tonight! I am so tired!
  18. I have entered reading and grammar in my planner....we start school tomorrow....
  19. I piece mine together. It is not as hard as it sounds. I gave my son placement tests where available and bought separate math, grammar, history, spelling, language, and lit programs. I looked at boxed curricula and could not see how It would work for us.
  20. She said she would not break my water if he is still high. If the BPdoes not improve, then she said it might take a little pitocin, which I really don't want. I would rather just wait. She will pretty much let me do whatever I want as long as I rest and get the BP back down. We ate horribly over the weekend!! So far today I have had a lot of water, black beans and rice mixed with garden fresh veggies and a little grilled chicken! Tight we are having chicken burgers. I am feeling much better after my yummy lunch - not shaky or tired. I did have to take my dog back to the vet and we were told he might not last the week :( not helping me relax, but we expected it. I am going to snuggle up with my kids and watch the Olympics! I have had a few really good contractions with some pressure and the wrapping around from the back feeling, not just tightening of the belly....swelling was minimal after being in the heat and has gone down now. Thanks for the advice.
  21. Two of my high school friends have divorced, both within a year or two of getting married. One just remarried (2 years after the divorce). One college friend and two family members (cousins/siblings) have divorced. That is it for the people I am closest to.
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