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Just Kate

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Everything posted by Just Kate

  1. Thanks so much for all of your suggestions! I was going to quote the ones that were most meaningful to me, but there were just too many. I have actually lost weight in the past by using SparkPeople and doing Couch to 5K. But...life got in the way and I gained it all back (with interest, as someone said!). I know it works...but I actually have to DO it to make it work. I think my biggest problem is that I tend to be an all or nothing type of person. What I mean is...if I come up with an eating plan, I go full-force at the beginning. I have to do everything perfect, but if I mess up, I tend to just give up. I kept track of my eating on SparkPeople, but if I had a day of not-so-great-eating, I wouldn't write it down. If I had a bad lunch, I would just think "What the heck!" and have a bad dinner as well. I think that the PP who suggested writing down what I am eating NOW rather than waiting to write it down when I have a "perfect" diet. Perhaps seeing what my current food intake looks like on paper would give me some motivation to make changes. My desire is to make life-long changes...not just "go on a diet". I have been there, done that with dieting and obviously, it doesn't work. So, I think I will spend some time writing down what I am eating now and then make some smaller changes - eating more veggies, smaller portions, etc. Thanks to all of you for talking through this with me. If you have any other suggestions, I would love to hear them! ETA: I forgot to address the exercising thing. Right now, my dh is working out of town through the week and I can't really do the gym-thing. My only option right now is exercise videos, which I HATE. So I need to work on this, because while I believe that weight loss is more what you eat than exercise, I do know that in the past exercise has helped me to feel so much better and has helped me to eat right.
  2. Thanks everyone. I agree that cutting up veggies would help. So would tracking my eating and working out. My problem is that while I want to change and become healthier, I just don't want to do the work to get there. I know...I'm pathetic, right? I keep thinking about the carb thing and I wonder if cutting them out may help me. But I just don't know if I have the will power. For anyone who has been carb addicted in the past and made a significant change, can you tell me how it worked for you and what exactly you did?
  3. I need to lose weight. I need to get in better shape. And while I know that I really, really need to...I just don't want to IYKWIM. I weigh more right now than I ever have other than when pregnant (and I am 2 pounds away from where I was when I gave birth to ds), my skin looks icky and my hair is just blah. I know that my unhealthy lifestyle is causing me problems and I really want to change. I WANT to want to do this. I just can't seem to make it happen. I am totally addicted to carbs. I keep thinking that a low carb diet would be wonderful, but I just can't imagine how in the world I would make it through the first couple of weeks. I enjoy eating for the sake of eating...you know, I am a muncher and a grazer. There is nothing better than noshing on food while perusing my favorite websites or reading a book. It is my treat to me when the kids are finally in bed! I would love to be a person who eats to live rather than one who lives to eat...but it is just so darn fun. I know that I need to start taking steps in the right direction...but I'm just not sure where to start. Suggestions???
  4. Just read this article from CBS. Here is a quote: I think I'm going to be sick. Why oh why did they let those boys visit their dad???
  5. Take a look at the Bible.is app. I am pretty sure it was free. I haven't used it much, but wanted to throw it out there for you! ETA - I just tried looking this up in the app store and couldn't find it. You may want to try googling if you are interested (I found it though google).
  6. Well, she IS Madonna (who I used to love, love, love), but I honestly thought it was a bit slow and awkward. I enjoyed the songs but thought her moves were a little "off".
  7. My 7 year old son is! This is his first year to be into football and the Giants are his favorite team. I'm sure that will change next year, but for now...boy is he excited about this!
  8. I had heard of Reading Eggs before but never tried it. Dd is on Lesson 2 now and loving it. Thanks so much!
  9. I keep a few frozen lunches on hand for the days that I work, so that if I don't have time to pack a lunch I have something to fall back on rather than going out to eat (trying to save $$ and lose weight right now). My favorite is the Healthy Choice brand. While I recognize that none of the frozen meals are exactly healthy, the Healthy Choice brand seems less unhealthy than some of the others, iykwim.
  10. I actually like the new format. Maybe I am missing something, but I just don't get what is so confusing about it. It is a timeline. It starts with the most recent activity at the top and as you move down the page, it goes backward in time. It is a historical timeline of your activity on Facebook. There is really nothing new to learn.
  11. I signed. Very sad story...praying for this family.
  12. Seriously...I have super picky kids and I just can't figure out what to feed them. The problem started when my family started doing lots of back and forth traveling from our old state to our new state (dh was taking on a new job). Then we lived with my parents and my mom catered to my kiddos big time. Now we are living on our own again, but my dh is working out of town through the week. For a while, it was easier on me to just fix "whatever" for dinner. But now, I am committed to fixing healthy, real meals for my kids and me. I just have no idea what to make! My kids' favorites include: spaghetti (but they won't eat lasagna, baked ziti, etc.), hot dogs (yuk), chicken nuggets, tacos prepared in a very specific way, PB&J sandwiches and pancakes. I have always liked the "everyone eats whatever mom cooks for dinner" philosophy, but the problem is with my dh gone, if the kids don't eat the food I cook I am stuck eating it alone. Any suggestions for me?
  13. Me too! Right now my kiddos are going through a heavy whining stage. Hopefully this will help!
  14. I am happy to share my thoughts/experience, as I have experienced at-home childcare from the other perspective (my kids have been cared for in other people's homes). I have had to work, both full-time and then part-time, since my children have been around, so having others care for my children has always been a part of my reality. When my ds was born, I knew that since I wasn't able to stay home with him, I definitely wanted him to be part of another family, rather than daycare. His first sitter had middle school age kids and provided babysitting to several little ones (infants/toddlers). That babysitter did not leave the house at all and we signed a contract. We only stayed there for 6 months, as I didn't really care for the structured nature (it didn't feel like the in-home childcare that I envisioned). After that, we found a person from our church (who ended up being a good friend) who wanted to babysit. She had two kids close in age to ds and it felt way more like what I was looking for. We did not sign a formal contract, but we did have some rules. For instance, if ds missed a day that she was supposed to watch him (he was sick, we went on vacation, I took the day off of work), I paid her half of her rate. Also, we followed pretty structured rules about illness (I kept him home if he had a fever/vomiting but if he just had a cold, he went to her house). Ds truly became a part of her family. He went grocery shopping with them, to the zoo and even to the pool once (although I must admit that I was a teensy bit uncomfortable about the pool, but I did trust his babysitter's judgement). This friend ended up homeschooling her kids, so she put together a very gentle preschool program that she did with the kids that my ds really enjoyed. It was a good situation. However, my friend got pregnant and when the baby came, she stopped babysitting my ds. We have had two different babysitters since that time. The first was a good friend whose kids were in elementary school. Things were really laid back with her and she refused to take any payment when she wasn't watching my kids (the first time I tried to pay her, she later gave the money back saying that she and her dh weren't comfortable taking money that she didn't earn). Right now my ds goes to a homeschooling friend's house two days per week and she does school with him. This is also very laid back and I only pay her on the days that ds is there (so if he is sick and stays home, I don't pay him). Both of these sitters took my kids out and about with them and that has been fine with me (actually, I prefer it!). Some things you may want to consider: How will you handle payment on the days that the child is supposed to come to your house, but doesn't (i.e. child is sick)? How do you handle payment on planned absences (ie vacation)? What if the parent is late in picking child up from your house? (due to traffic, ect.) Is there a back up person you could call if you have an emergency while caring for the child? You will need to plan your vacations, doctor's visits, days "off" in advance so that the mother can find alternate childcare. I have considered doing in-home childcare myself, as I would love, love, love to be a SAHM. I think that if you and the other mother spend some time talking about expectations and make sure you are on the same page, it can work very well. I will say that other than the first sitter, I have been friends with all of the sitters and it is a little awkward discussing money with friends. But I always try to be very considerate of them and they do the same for me, so it has always worked out. Good luck!
  15. Not sure if this is supposed to be funny or serious...but as I was lying in bed worrying about a current (biggie) problem, I hopped onto the forums and opened this thread. After reading, I have to say: Thanks! I think I will be able to sleep now. :)
  16. Either cheese and banana pepper or buffalo chicken pizza is my favorite. I will say that I recently tried potato pizza and it was yuuuummmmmyyyy. :)
  17. I almost always tip 20% (unless there is an obvious service issue).
  18. Wow...thanks do much for all of your suggestions. I am so happy to have a starting point now! Off to start researching :)
  19. Well, I am no cake decorator, so last year when my ds requested a cardinal cake, I had to get creative. So I printed off small pics of cardinals, cut them out and taped them to long toothpicks. I then stuck the toothpicks into the cake and it became a cardinal cake! I considered doing what you're planning to do, but my ds also requested a chocolate sheet cake, so my idea was the easiest. Good luck! Gotta love those out-of-the-box-thinking kids :) ETA - I must have been typing at the same time as Lynn. Looks like I'm not the only one with the print out the picture idea!
  20. FINALLY, dh and I are planning to take the kids to the beach this summer. All of my beach experience has been at Myrtle Beach, SC and we are looking to go a bit of a different direction (maybe a little less commercial?). I was thinking about the Outerbanks or even the gulf side of Florida. The problem is, I don't know a thing about any of these beaches and I don't even know where to begin! If anyone has suggestions, I would love to hear them. Also, since we homeschool, we have the ability to go during the off-season. Would we want to do this (for instance, would the NC beaches be warm enough?). Of course if we could save some money, we would love to. I just feel so overwhelmed and would love some advice. Thanks!
  21. No way! Not crazy at all. As a matter of fact, your post makes me wish I could go back and do the same for my oldest (I was so excited to start homescooling...now I just wish I had enjoyed him being little more). As for the speech (I am in no way an expert, but...) reading to him may be one of the best things you can do for him at this age! If he has been checked out and deemed to need speech therapy, then great, do that too. But reading to him lots and lots will probably help as well. ETA: I see that you also have a 7yo. So you already know all too well about enjoying them when they are little. :)
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