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Just Kate

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Everything posted by Just Kate

  1. Wow...so three levels in the first year! That could get expensive!!! Is the program really worth it? I know we need to really work on spelling, but I want to make sure that this program is "the one" ;) before I shell out all of that money.
  2. Ds8 reads on a second grade level, but has terrible spelling. We have never done a formal spelling program, so I was looking at AAS for next year. I know that we will likely go through level 1 quickly, but how many levels should I anticipate that we will complete in the first year (his third grade year)? Just trying to budget! Thanks :)
  3. I just recently signed up for mvelopes and it is free. Maybe there is some aspect of the program that I don't have access to? I don't know... So for those of you who use budgeting systems, do you still keep actual cash envelopes on you or do you just use the system to keep your money separated into the evelopes? I still think I probably spend less at the grocery, Target, etc. when I am using real cash. Can I still do this with these systems?
  4. We are in desperate need of some budgeting software. We love Dave Ramsey and his envelope system. We just need something to help us manage it! I have signed up for Mvelopes.com and am trying to figure it out (there is a bit of a learning curve, I think). It looks pretty good and it is FREE! However, I keep hearing about YNAB, and while it is not free, I am still interested. Has anyone used both? Anyone with pros/cons to either? I would love to hear your thoughts.
  5. Yes, and I have read that Z did not have any of T's blood on him. How do you shoot someone at close range and not be covered in their blood?
  6. I totally agree. I am sure that I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much, nor would I have "gotten" the whole story, if I hadn't read the book.
  7. I actually really loved the movie, and I normally dislike movies based on books that I love. I went into this movie with fairly low expectations, as I didn't want it to ruin the books for me. Also, I think I have just come to realize that it is impossible to do in a film what can be done with a book. A film just can't show the complexities of different personalities and relationships, ya know? So, I guess I enjoyed this movie because I already read the book (many times) and I had a good understanding of what was going on. My normal pet peeve is when so many things are changed from book to movie. I just didn't feel like this happened here. The few differences seemed necessary to be able to tell the same story that the book told. Also, it was obvious that they are gearing up for the next movie. That didn't bother me though!
  8. No...I don't. However, where I'm living right now is where I grew up, so I just used my high school transcripts (I got them from the county board of education). I'm actually kind of glad you mentioned this because I will need to get another copy for next year (silly me forgot to make a copy!). I do have a copy of college degree. I wonder if that would work?
  9. You must send a letter of intent (I actually download this form) and send it to the county superintendent before the school year starts (I think two weeks before). At the end of the school year, you are required to do testing or have a portfolio reviewed. I have never done the testing, but I see many groups on FB talk about it, so I think it should be fairly easy to get in on a test. For the portfolio review, I found someone (also through a FB group) who reviews for a few weeks in May/early June. I paid her $30 for her time and after reviewing ds's portfolio, she gave me a letter to send into the county superintendent. Easy! Please let me know if you have other questions. Also (if you don't care to share) what area are you looking at? I live in the Charleston area now, but getting ready to relocate up north.
  10. I should probably add that ds is obsessed with all things animals and already knows about "mating". As a matter of fact, he used the term "mating" once before when talking about people. :lol: While I know that he understands the mechanics (well, he sort of understands), I think it is important that I start the dialogue about how people are not like animals. I am afraid that if I don't start talking now, he may bring up the subject in an innocent way and get more feedback than he is ready for. Thanks for the suggestions so far. I would love to hear others!
  11. s3x to an 8 year old boy? We are Christian, by the way (if it matters). Thanks!
  12. For level A, I didn't purchase the appendices and really wished that I had. I did order them for level B. I never used the games book, but thinking about getting it now (we moved onto Math Mammoth after two years of RS).
  13. We just finished watching it too! I really enjoyed it, as I remember loving the show as a child. Afterward, both of my kids kept talking about the music, so I am thinking of downloading the album from iTunes tonight and burning them each a CD.
  14. Yup, the movie is just the first book. Enjoy your read...I have read it twice already and am so excited to see the movie tomorrow night.
  15. We love Liberty's Kids! Ds wasn't into history at all this year (my friend was actually teaching him) and when they started studying the Revolutionary War, I introduced Liberty's Kids. Wow...what a transformation! Ds now not only has a passion for the Revolutionary War but he is also enjoying history. Did I mention we love that show? :D
  16. :iagree: If I were you, I would probably try to get the dishes back from the family. Beyond that, I would NOT purchase new ones to replace them for this lady. Wow...what a piece of work!
  17. Has anyone purchased one of the Apologia science kits found here? I am looking specifically at the ones for the zoology book. Thanks!
  18. Lucky you!!! I think this would be a fun movie to watch on IMAX. Unfortunately, while we do have an IMAX theater closeby, it is not showing the hunger games. :glare: My best friend and I are going on Saturday night. I already purchased our tickets...just in case.
  19. We used RightStart math for K and 1st grade, and then moved onto to Math Mammoth for ds8. I think I will do the same for dd4.
  20. Not the OP, but THANK YOU!!! I looked through all of these and found some that both my ds and dd would love. We live in a rental now and we can't paint the walls, which makes the kids sad. This is EXACTLY what they need. :D
  21. I'd like the book to be somewhat of a classic (or at least, one of those books that I hope that he grows to love and will have fond memories of). I probably should have stated that in my initial question! Yes, I was thinking of The Wind in the Willows. Thanks so much for sharing that version with me! Any others?
  22. a nice, hardcover book for your 8 year old ds, which one would it be? Links to your favorite edition would be appreciated! I am going to purchase this Beatrix Potter The Complete Tales book for dd and would like to get something for ds as well.
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