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Everything posted by thewaka

  1. AngieW, thank you so much for that post! I needed the ISBN to get a solutions manual for my Intro Alg book and now I finally have one ordered.
  2. My 14yo is doing great on her own with Lial's Basic College Math, and I am working through Introductory Algebra for review since I have yet to find a solutions manual :( It has the same layout as BCM with good explanations.
  3. I had a high school English teacher once who made a point of saying she thought being the first to turn in a test was terrible, no one was smart enough to finish HER tests so fast. I was always the first (we had to walk up to her desk so everyone knew) and I always got an A. :p to her My band director wouldn't let me play the sousaphone because I was a girl, so I played the trombone instead but the boys didn't think I should have played that either. I quit band because after telling the band director one of the trombone players was sexually harassing me and telling the other boys "stuff we did," he said "boys will be boys." My best teacher was my HS biology teacher. She loved teaching and her subject. Most memorable class was her talking about what kind of funeral she wanted: a big celebration and parade like she said they had in New Orleans. My older brother remembered her too and thought she was terrific. The weirdest thing had to be the sub in grade school. One day her hair was green. She said it was because of the pollen. I couldn't think of why unless she slept outside. Reading these other stories, I think I had a pretty good set of teachers.
  4. We read the entire quartet this year. My dd14 and dd12 liked all of them, and I enjoyed them, too. However, I think because "The Giver" is so good, the others lose by comparison. "Gathering Blue" can also be read alone, but I think if you read "Messenger" you should also read "Son." I had read somewhere that "Son" made up for the weakness of books 2 and 3, but I disagree. I was very disappointed with the ending. They aren't bad books, just not on par with "The Giver." HTH.
  5. Since you want it to look different from GA, I think Nashville should be out. Based on your love of AZ, I think TX, CO, or OK are good choices. We moved to Tulsa, OK almost 3 years ago from PA and love it here. He could commute from Tulsa if you would prefer the green part of the state, too :) There are tornadoes, but not too bad. You are already used to hot summers and the winters are short with little snow. Absolutely beautiful spring and fall weather to enjoy. And the homeschooling laws can't be beat because there aren't any! I have never heard anything bad about homeschooling (we are rarely asked during the day why the kids aren't in school and I always see other kids out) and there are many groups and homeschool activities in Tulsa. OKC is bigger so should have even more opportunities. COL is good and I know there are wonderful cities all around OKC, though I have no idea what the housing market is like. We moved from one of the worst states for homeschooling and were not going to miss 5+ months of snow (it almost always snowed into May *sigh*) so our move was exciting and we looked forward to the new adventure. My children grew up in PA and were used to wearing long sleeves and pants even in summer (we were in the coldest part of PA on a windy hilltop with lots of trees lol) so it took some getting used to for them, but they love how much there is to do. I hope this move ends the same way for your family.
  6. I use Springpad, which is free and has an online interface so you can use it on your computer as well. You can also share springs with others. In addition, I also use Notability for pdfs.
  7. What about this one? http://www.amazon.com/Universe-Martin-Rees/dp/0756698413/ref=pd_sim_sbs_b_1 Shows Martin Rees as author, is it a reissue with new title and Smithsonian name?
  8. First, I must say that I am *so glad* I'm not the only one who thinks this! My children think I am nuts whenever I say I need a fork lol OP, I am with you, but agree it doesn't have to be used if it was rejected for good reasons. I had already been thinking about it this week so now I feel I must get to it! I know I have some great things I can use (especially downloads tend to be forgotten). Thanks for the thread to get me in gear!
  9. That sounds awesome! I'm allergic to wasps and pretty sure that should I get stung, I will be in danger of hyperventilating from the pain requiring someone else to dose me. Also, sounds like this would take less space. It would be nice to have the option of a small purse but many I like are too small to hold two epi-pens. Thanks for posting this. I'll have to ask my doctor about it. So glad my scrip is up!
  10. If the 5yo will still be 5 on Sept 1, she won't have to be registered. The way I read the summary at hslda.org, these are not legal requirements. There must be a yearly evaluation, but the parents are free to choose the method (which could be a standardized test of your choosing). No mention of quarterly reports or report cards or that the Superintendant may require anything outside of what the law itself requires. Definitely read the actual law for yourself and check with a local or state group.
  11. I have started using paperbackswap.com for books like that. It is great! I have gotten a few things we need for school for the price of postage for sending a book to someone else who wants it. Of course, this only works if you want different books and aren't looking to get rid of them altogether. For that, I would first offer them to other homeschool families, then drop the rest at Goodwill or another thrift store.
  12. I think I am looking for the same thing the OP is. I keep going back to the TOG site, but that is just too expensive and still isn't what I want. Biblioplan looks like it would work for me, but I really want to use SWB's adult history books. Does anyone have enough experience with the high school level to know if those would work together?
  13. Do you have a wi-fi or 3g connection? Does the book require a physical USB connection to the computer (it will say so on the book's kindle page at amazon.com)?
  14. DH and I both wondered about the truck. Expected the Governor to live and really hope he got bit. When they showed the table of tools, I asked if that was a speculum and DH agreed it was. I find him so despicable, I'm not sure I could ever watch that actor in another role and not feel creeped out. Is Merle subtle/patient/intelligent enough to be a spy? I expect him to try to be on the winning side, even leaving Darryl behind if necessary. Andrea has been irritating since the lab in season 1. She also seems to be not nearly as smart as I thought she was. She has known the Gov is a psycho for quite a while, and has had opportunity before now. I think she would have killed him in his torture room had Milton not stopped her. Milton gets more interesting with each episode and I also think he set the fire. However, I can imagine it being the woman (wife? sister?) with the man the Gov asked about the gas. I hope the next episode tells us about Milton and the Gov's relationship prezombies.
  15. I use this all the time too and have since the first was old enough to understand it! They hear it more often for interrupting though, and I'm sure I said it yesterday. "Are you bleeding? On fire? Then you can wait." Sometimes, I like to throw in "Has an arm fallen off?" just to mix it up a little.
  16. I recommend setting a timer for math. When the timer goes off, the math book gets closed. This way you both know it won't go on forever (and I know it feels that way sometimes :001_smile:). I have recently started using my timer again, and even for my "old" children, it relieves so much stress to know that the lesson ends after a set amount of time. They are working better, so even if we spend less time, they are still moving through the material at a good pace. For a 7yo, I suggest 15 minutes a day for a few weeks, then increase to 20. Evaluate, change as needed. :grouphug:
  17. I do. I use the app. Sorry, I assumed you were talking about the app, but perhaps you were trying from your library's web site. My only problem with it is that some screens won't rotate to a landscape orientation. Between the two programs, we have nice coverage of common Euro languages. We also use Mango for Latin.
  18. Mango works on my iPad. Also trying out DuoLingo for Spanish which I have never studied but wanted to try something different from Mango. It is good to hear so many positive reviews.
  19. I am so glad someone asked this because I had forgotten I wanted to! lol My 14 yo would be 8th grade in a public school and that is what I have considered her. Her birthday is in February, not a usual month for delaying school entry. What would be the possible consequences of having her "repeat" the 8th grade and have her graduate at 19 (she would be 18 when starting her 12th grade year) instead of taking a gap year? She is very uncertain about going to college and could use another year of school work to be ready and have time to decide. Since 8th grade wouldn't be on her transcript (she isn't doing any high school coursework right now), does anyone think this would raise eyebrows about her age? Thanks for any and all advice.
  20. I didn't have to deal with a doctor telling me I was wrong, but this was exactly DD14 after I stopped dairy. DD12 threw up--not a little baby spit up, this covered us both :(. For DD9 and DS4, I was simply dairy-free from the start as I figured it wouldn't hurt them and seemed likely to be a problem. I cut all milk and cheese as well anything prepared that had dairy or dairy-derived on the label (like whey). The more you make from scratch, the less likely you'll eat something you didn't notice had something in it. Although it takes weeks to fully clear the system, after about a week, there was improvement as the levels dropped.
  21. At the bottom of the page, it says Animation by David Scharf, www.huesforalice.com I went there and the animation shown in the Gatto video is actually from Scharf's final thesis for university called "The Forest." It wasn't intended to illustrate Gatto's talk. It was a poor choice. And I'd rather read than listen to Gatto.
  22. My DD14 and DD12 also are lacking in writing. My plan is to do some WWE 3 and 4 (they already narrate beautifully), then IEW (SWI-C), then WWS 1. This should take us up to around Aug 2014, when they'll be starting 10th grade. Then I want to do WWS 2, the creative writing program from PHP, and possibly more IEW. I hope WWS 3 is available in time for both of them to do it. Although I need to read all of WTM for rhetoric years for other recommendations, I have just read these boards extensively for writing recs and put this together after reviewing samples and figuring out what I want them to accomplish by graduation. We have unschooled except for math until this year when I realized this wasn't working for us with them entering high school next year (they are 18 months apart and DD12 clearly needed more challenge in everything but math).
  23. Has anyone asked SWB or Peacehill Press about the change to the availability of the kindle version? I got my 3rd edition kindle version last March and have no idea when the change occurred.
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