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Everything posted by Nicholas_mom

  1. Hi, We finished Grammar Island, while I am going to start Sentence Island soon, I wanted to begin Building Vocabulary. The BV book doesn't have good ideas for how to use the book like Sentence Island. So I am wondering how you are using it? I read the introduction on arches and then we went to look at real stone arches for train bridges and then drew the arch. But I am wondering how to use it when we do stems like PRE. Do we look up words, write some definitions of PRE and then write a sentence using the new PRE word??? How are you using it? Thanks for helping....
  2. Thank you, Thank you! I rememeber my brother reading Martian Chronocles when I was young. In my childhood, I liked E'ngle books but I think I read them around 11 yrs old. We listened to "I, Robot" recently and I really loved that book but we didn't realize the language was something less desirable but as an adult listening to this book it was facinating. I was on my toes wanting to know how are they going to solve this problem.:D Martian Chronocles might be good choice for next reading since he has been watching Curiosity landing on Mars and all the publicity Mars is having. I will pre-read the book just to be sure. Thank you! :)
  3. Thank you! You make some execellent points. I am hesitant to continue with any more of Isaac Asimov books --- thinking it would be better a year or 2 later :confused: Maybe not, since you liked them at 9 yrs old, too. Do you think it would be necessary to read the other books suggested(H.G. Wells, Clark, etc) before giving it to my son to read? I guess I would read Jules Verne out loud to him but I never thought of having him read it himself. Thank you again for your suggestions!
  4. Hi, I am looking for book suggestions. Things he read that he likes: George and the Big Bang Series Kane Chronicles --- Rick Riordan (He doesn't want to do Percy Jackson) Recently he has loved: Norbie Chronicles and I, Robot from Isaac Asimov He is a voracious reader and I am having trouble keeping up with it. I just have no clue what to suggest next. Thanks.
  5. Goodness gracious, I think I got it! Thank you Llolly!!!!!!! Geez, that is one tough problem for me :tongue_smilie:
  6. Thank you Llolly ----- after staring at it for 15 mins, I think I got,:lol: except---> I can see 3 sections but I do not get the 3 sections because I thought it would be: [Nickels---------------------------] twice as many: nickels = 2x [Dimes ---------]<-17-><-- 43 --^ Then I see only 2 sections. Why do I need the middle section of dimes, is what I now stuck on. I really appreciate your help!
  7. You had me to the very end.... Somehow, I get the beginning and then get lost putting in the equations. Can you break it down some more? To Tammy---- you are not alone. Sometimes I am very confused about it and sometimes it feels straight forward. I am glad to hear that you can find other ways to work these word problems without using the bar models. Thanks for this thread:)
  8. The All About Series. There are atleast 32 books like All ABout Weather, All About Insects, All About Biology, etc. :) Here is a link to one of them http://www.amazon.com/About-Insect-World-Allabout-Books/dp/B0007E1DUK/ref=sr_1_46?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1347886989&sr=1-46&keywords=all+about+insects They were written in the 1950's and alot of the information is still revelant. Also, they are easy to spot at Thrift Stores, Used Books for cheap. I found 10 books over the weekend at an Antique Mall for $2-3.00 a piece. I just read some of the "All About Electricity" this weekend and thought what a great book that explains the concepts so well and chronologically. All About Electricity -- http://www.amazon.com/Electricity-Illustrated-Evelyn-Urbanowich-Freeman/dp/B000OGFEAG/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1347887300&sr=1-4&keywords=all+about+electricity
  9. What great ideas. We did a treasure hunt once before but I like this one that was suggested here on this thread. I like the idea of finding letters and see what it spells to find the treasure! Thanks for starting this thread! :)
  10. Cool! I JUST picked this up at the library TODAY. My 9 yrs old son seems to like robots and we love Isaac Asimov. Thanks for the heads up about the book! :)
  11. My ds does this too!! This year I was going to get a drawing book with blank pages. He can draw AND to the math on it. I never thought of notebook pages! Gardengal I love your notebook pages but we are at Ellwood (or whatever E is). Did you go beyond Dogs?
  12. Wow, Deerforest -- that's wonderful!!! I like to change things up for my ds, too. He seems to like it better than doing the worksheets over and over again. I am going to try Singapore Math and I have MUS Delta and Epsilon and LOF books and some MM and Living Books! I, too am concern because everyone here says stick to a program and use supplements. It is so nice to hear you have a confirmation from your dd that she is getting and liking math! The problem is ---- I can't figure out WHICH math program to use as my main program. So, we are starting with Singapore Math this year. :tongue_smilie: To the OP--- my ds is similair to your dd and I am all ears to learn more!
  13. Great thread...... George's Key to the Universe by Stephen Hawkins George's cosmic Treasure Hunt by Stephen Hawkins George's Big Bang by Stephen Hawkins My son loves space! Also, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet by Eleanor Cameron Stowaway to the Mushroom Plant by Eleanor Cameron Mr Bass's Planetoid by Eleanor Cameron A Mystery for Mr. Bass by Eleanor Cameron Time and Mr. Bass by Eleanor Cameron He is now into Ancient Egypt and is reading "The Red Pyramid" by Rick Riordon I am checking out what others listed now :) Thanks.
  14. This sounds awesome! Too bad I already planned Grade 4 :lol: Ds has been reading only for a year but loves it. But reading this thread has me re-thinking what I planned for Grade 4 might kill his joy of reaading. Need to think this thru some more..........
  15. If I could do it again, I would do Sentence Family and then do MCT Island. But since I bought MCT Island, my ds is going into 4th Grade this year, I really like the look of it AND I would do MCt Island with the way Sentence island OR Lively Language does it for exercises. I would incorporate those exercies if I was teaching MCT Island and parts of speech, taking breaks and drawing the parts of speech. So, you could skip Sentence Family and just draw the parts of speech like Lively Langauge Lessons as you go along MCT Island OR just do Sentence Family and then go straight to MCT Island.
  16. Sorry, no, but THANk YOU! This looks awesome. I hope you get another! :)
  17. Just followed the link to "The Power of Pictures"! Thank you! It's in my Amazon cart :lol:
  18. I highly recommend "Teaching Writing to Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learners" http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1412925207/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i01 I have a VSL, too and I am struggling how to implement writing. Also, the "No More, I am done" book looks promising for me, too. Also, when teaching grammer, check out MCT http://www.rfwp.com/pages/michael-clay-thompson/ . I am going to use this with doing things like this --Language Lively Lessons http://ebeth.typepad.com/serendipity/lively_language_lessons/index.html All wonderful stuff to be used with VSl learners, gathered from infinite sources around here :D
  19. Thank you to the OP and to others who painstakingly wrote out their plans AND Ideas. This is a great thread!
  20. O My goodness this IS awesome. I JUST bought Spelling Wisdom from Simply Charlotte, but I would love these lesson plans! My only question is do I tell what the parable means or do ask questions to get him to see to get him to see the meaning of the parable or do I just let it be and have him figure it out himself? :confused: I just went and checked out Lulu...Here is the link to buy Copywork Book and Spelling Book http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/engquistacademy
  21. Thanks but that's where I found it. It just says to use for character study but I just can't get me head wrap around how to use it as character study or bible study. :blush:
  22. This sounds awesome! I hope someone knows. :lurk5:
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