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Status Replies posted by GailV

  1. Finished my first term in nursing school. I am 1/5 a nurse! On vacay until term 2 begins in August. Margarita time!!

  2. Just realized we didn't make it to watch any of the Nat'l Fencing Championships this week.  My excuse will be that it was too hot to think.

    1. GailV


      No, but it seemed like we should go since it was right here in town.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I am hanging in there. Mourning the death of my oldest son. 

  4. We are DONE, people! Graduated the youngest on Saturday. 

    1. GailV


      Congratulations!  Just graduated our younger -- end of an era!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. What a lovely way to wake up. DH screaming GS4's name because he can't find him in the house. Fortunately we found him in some cabinets before calling the police. Later today I think we'll be making sure he can

    1. GailV


      Wow, what a way to start your day! Glad it all worked out okay!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. My girl broke her arm yesterday and is in a cast for 3 weeks., so no violin or basketball.

    1. GailV


      Aw, that's a shame. Hope it goes by quickly!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. I got so much nothing done today, it's ridiculous. Nothing FTW!!!

    1. GailV


      This is me most days.

  8. I can't believe my daughter is getting married today!

  9. Dd just left for DC for an 8 week internship at the Smithsonian, and I'm a weeping mess. Gah, having adult children is so hard!

    1. GailV


      She's at the American Art Museum doing lighting for the exhibits for the entire time. And, yes, excited for her, but pity party for me that she's totally independent these days.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. My book is FINALLY available to purchase!!! It's been two years since I was contacted by the publisher and now it's finally here.

  11. Interpersonal relationships can be so challenging!

    1. GailV


      Yes, they are challenging. Maybe that's what makes them so rewarding.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Just because a packet of seasoning says taco seasoning, don't assume it's regular in any way. It might be the flavor of Dante's Inferno!

    1. GailV


      Love the phrase "the flavor of Dante's Inferno"! I might be borrowing that. Good luck with your mouth's recovery.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Got the new edition of the WTM for Christmas!

  14. Why can't high school biology be enjoyable and not quite so technical?

    1. GailV


      Then there are the kids who think the technical bits ARE the fun stuff.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. If you ever need me but can't remember my name just start a thread titled "Chocolate" and I will find you.

  16. Successfully stayed up to midnight+ last night to score a waterfront campsite at one of our favorite campgrounds this coming Feb! Now... how to stay awake during church on 4 hours of sleep... Hope the sermon is terrific!

  17. Middle Girl just recited: "Th' Assyrian came down like a wolf in a Ford..." #notbyron #homeschoolfail

    1. GailV


      Now I want to know what she did with the next line -- rhyme Ford with ... gourd? Make the Ford purple and gold?


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  18. dd came home smelling just a bit LOL. Those are her hands in the black gloves. She's an expert skunk handler. https://www.instagram.com/p/BIIn8Cygp-R/

  19. I've come up with the title for my first book: "Parenting--Expect the Unexpected" :P

  20. My DD is arguing with me that pi is not an unending nonrepeating number. Because, you know, her 6th grade brain and reasoning skills are obviously superior to centuries of mathematical geniuses and thought.

    1. GailV


      Ugh, "scifi" not "scuff" short story. Autocorrect strikes again!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  21. My DD is arguing with me that pi is not an unending nonrepeating number. Because, you know, her 6th grade brain and reasoning skills are obviously superior to centuries of mathematical geniuses and thought.

    1. GailV


      I remember a scuff short story about a group of kids who were stuck on a space ship and were supposed to work on figuring out things like that -- the highest number. Since they were going to be in space for the rest of their lives they had nothing else to do but work on this type of thing hour after hour, day after day.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  22. My DD is arguing with me that pi is not an unending nonrepeating number. Because, you know, her 6th grade brain and reasoning skills are obviously superior to centuries of mathematical geniuses and thought.

    1. GailV


      I understand. When older dd was 5 she threw a tantrum about the indefinite article "an", which she was sure did not and should not exist. She eventually went on to excellent scores in English on the ACT, so she apparently got over it.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  23. Dd: I want to start an interior decorating line that's called "The Well Trained Mind Palace"

  24. I hate unwrapping Nestle Crunch eggs. But apparently not enough to stop eating them!

    1. GailV


      I'm reading a book (fiction) where one character talks about slicing chocolate eggs with an egg slicer. Now I wish we had some around to try it out.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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