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[email protected]

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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Although this has been useful and interesting, it has devolved into personal commentary and the giving and taking of unnecessary offense. Move on. Moderator
  2. Reminder: Stick to the issues. Ask and answer real questions. Don't discuss the board. And don't post personally-directed snark. Moderator
  3. Discuss the issues. Not each other. Or I'll have to delete a whole bunch of posts. You have been warned. Moderator
  4. Why don't we have a Swan Song Emoticon? Moderator
  5. Hmm. Is it a full moon soon? OP, I hope you got SOME useful suggestions before the thread jumped the shark. Moderator
  6. One of the limitations of the new software is that we can't leave "post deleted" notes without individually editing *each* post. When many posts are removed, it just isn't possible to take the time. Sorry, Tibbie. :-) And now many of you have no idea what I'm talking about. Ah, well. Moderator
  7. The discussion will stay up, but I think it's time to move on now.
  8. This thread can stay open as long as you're discussing the issues and avoiding sarcasm and calling each other names. So far so good. Moderator
  9. The site *is* still under attack, which is why it's moving slowly. OtherJohn is taking additional steps to solve the problem. Hang in there! Moderator
  10. A reminder to steer away from partisan politics while discussing curricula. Moderator
  11. Just a reminder to maintain the board standards of civility. Which, so far, you are all doing wonderfully well. Moderator
  12. Social groups are working again! We'll be closing all still-running "social group" threads on the boards by the end of today. Moderator
  13. See OtherJohn's posts in this thread: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/440629-social-groups/page__st__100#entry4868304 OtherJohn(IP: Private ) Homonyms Hate Me Administrators 256 posts Posted Today, 10:47 AM If the owner of the group does not set the "Manage Forums" settings under the "GroupCP" button. Then the default allows guests to view the forums. They will need to change the settings for their group to only show to members. Because there is always another John. Like us on facebook! https://www.facebook.../peacehillpress
  14. John the IT guru has just cleared up the problem, so orders should be able to be placed without any trouble. Customer service is important to us. We apologize for the difficulty. Moderator
  15. Please PM me with your contact info and we will do our best to help you out ASAP. Moderator
  16. Because we can't take any more REPORTS. Go eat cupcakes. Moderator
  17. All the SUDDEN activity in the social groups (which is great, by the way--we're glad you're enjoying them!) sparked some major security attacks by spambots...we should be back up very shortly. Hang in there.... Moderator
  18. The social groups are now up and functioning. Click on the Social Groups tab at the top to find yours. Social Group threads on the Chat board will now be locked. Enjoy your social groups! Moderator
  19. Click on the Social Groups tab at the top to find yours! Social Group threads will now be locked...please take your discussions to the groups. Thanks, OtherJohn! Moderator
  20. Click on the Social Groups tab at the top to find yours! Social Group threads will now be locked...please take your discussions to the groups. Thanks, OtherJohn! Moderator
  21. Click on the Social Groups tab at the top to find yours! Social Group threads will now be locked...please take your discussions to the groups. Thanks, OtherJohn! Moderator
  22. Click on the Social Groups tab at the top to find yours! Social Group threads will now be locked...please take your discussions to the groups. Thanks, OtherJohn! Moderator
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